Hello! Welcome to S.U.R.P.A.S.S. Survival by Unity, Renewal, Perseverance, Ambition, Security, & Strength I am constantly updating this site, so please check back from time to time for more information and resources. *********************************A SAFE PLACE TO FALL, REBUILD, AND HEAL FOR ALL RAPE AND SEXUAL ABUSE SURVIVORS :IT HAS BEEN MY SAVING GRACE. PLEASE JOIN ME BY CLICKING ON THE LOGO ABOVE OR HERE: Pandy's********************************* To begin with, let me introduce myself. My name is Carrie, and I have chosen to name this site SURPASS for its simple, yet powerful, definition:* To go beyond the limit, powers, or capacity of; to transcend * To become better, greater, or stronger than; to exceed * To distinguish oneself; to excel or standout * To be greater in scope or size than some standard; to move pastI have finally come to believe that although life may have dealt you a difficult, if not unbearable, hand and a history filled with events you would rather not remember or even go on dealing with, it is engraved upon each of our souls to find the courage and strength to SURPASS all of the pain and reclaim our lives and our happiness. I am a Survivor of 9 years of childhood sexual abuse, from the ages of 3-12, at the hands of two "family" members. During many of those years, I was also severely emotionally, verbally, and physically abused at the hands of my stepfather. Then, years later, at age 27, I was raped. I have spent the majority of my existence dwelling and fixated upon the past, and it has only caused me to fall behind in life.I have grown weary of allowing the actions of the pathetic cowards of my past define who I am and hold back the person I know I can become. It may have taken me 30 years to finally make a move in the right direction and choose to LIVE rather than to suffer, but as they say, better late than never, and there is no time like the present.I began tweaking my own personal MySpace page some time ago to become more aware of issues concerning rape and sexual abuse, but I eventually felt it was necessary to branch out and create a separate page for this purpose. I realize that because rape and sexual abuse are still such sensitive subjects in today's society and so many people are still very uncomfortable dealing with these epidemics, it is important for me to have a site focused specifically for this particular cause. My personal page is there for me to relax, be silly, and reconnect with old friends. This page is here for me to get down to business and try and make a difference. I like having a balance of both worlds.The second I starting using MySpace to search for support groups in order to further along my healing process, I realized how much I would enjoy creating my own Survivor Site so that I may reach out to others. I have learned so much from the friends I have made here on MySpace and on other online support groups, and I hope that I am able to give back in return through this page.This site is forever changing and is still in its initial stages, and I am so excited to see where it goes. Bless all of you, and please feel free to ask me anything you like!Staying Strong...Carrie