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Ptsd Help

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This page PTSD HELP is here, to give information, links, books, etc for people with PTSD. Just know that if you are suffering from PTSD, there is help. And you have other people out there who know just what you are going through.This page cannot treat PTSD. But can help in finding many references to help lessen the pain!_______ _______________________________________________________Postt raumatic stress disorder or PTSD ,is a psychiatric illness that can occur following a traumatic event in which there was threat of injury or death to you or someone else.PTSD may occur soon after a major trauma, or can be delayed for more than six months after the event. It can last for months, to many years.Some symptoms of PTSD are 1. Repeated "reliving" of the event, which disturbs day-to-day activity* Recurrent distressing memories of the event * Recurrent dreams of the event * Flashback episodes, where the event seems to be recurring * Bodily reactions to situations that remind them of the traumatic event2. Avoidance* Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma * Lack of interest in normal activities * Feelings of detachment * Sense of having no future * Emotional "numbing", or feeling as though they don’t care about anything * Reduced expression of moods * Staying away from places, people, or objects that remind them of the event3. Arousal* Irritability or outbursts of anger * Sleeping difficulties * Difficulty concentrating * Exaggerated response to things that startle them * HypervigilanceAlso "survivors guilt",anxiety, stress,and tensionPTSD can be deadly. Depression can set in. Please if you feel you are suffering from PTSD, find a doctor or call 911 immedietly. Family members may be able to help, friends, you are Never alone!!

My Interests

PTSD, bipolar disorders, borderline personality disorder.

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♥Chris' One and Only♥

".. .."

34 years old
LUSBY, Maryland
United States

Last Login: 5/7/2008

Mood: accomplished

Contacting ♥Chris' One and Only♥


♥Chris' One and Only♥ Loving the Life I been given

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There are so many books, like these and others on sites like


Anyone who has overcome the suffering caused by Post traumatic Stress disorder.