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About Me

Military Sexual Trauma and Sexual Assault Awareness: Show your support May 30th 2008 We are the nation's largest support group for survivors of military sexual trauma.
1. Stop Military Rape-To spread awareness of military sexual trauma using various media outlets.
2. Military Rape Crisis Center- The only center of it type in the country. A virtual rape crisis center to help Active duty, reserves and veterans who are survivors of military sexual assault. A boston-area office is coming in 2008!
3. SOMSA-We employ and/or help find jobs for survivors of Military Sexual Trauma and Combat Trauma. Currently positions are available in the Boston, MA area
We are here to spread the word out about Military Sexual Trauma and to assist survivors so everything on this myspace can be reproduced and/or redistribute. Which means any of our pictures, blogs and so on is for you to use unless otherwise noted just please mention us as your source. thank you!
Each year hundreds of servicemen and women are sexually assaulted by their fellow soldier, airman and shipmates while serving in the United States Military. Many are faced with constant humiliation, re-vicitimization and even loose their job simply because they reported the assault All while the assaulter continue on with their careers without any punishment.
I am a veteran of the United States Coast Guard and a survivor of Military Sexual Trauma.I was raped in May 2006 by a fellow shipmate. I followed all the necessary steps including reporting the assault and providing evidence.In August 2006 I was informed that I'll be discharged. According to the then Coast Guard Academy psychologist; surviving rape makes one inelgiable for world wide deployment and as a result I can no longer serve in the Coast Guard. What follows was a 9-month battle between the Coast Guard and I while I tried to keep my job and to change the Coast Guard's unoffical policy that Rape survivors should be allowed to serve in the Coast Guard.I was a female in my early 20s, brand new to the Coast Guard. I admit it, I did not know every Coast Guard policy or tried to do something beyond my E/3 rank. All I know was that what was happening to me was just not right. I felt powerless. I did not know how to fight the military. I was taught how to fight with them, for them but how can I fight for my rights to stay in?Out of the need to vent and needing an outlet to express the horror I was experiencing as a result of being raped I started an online blog on myspace. I was not expecting much of it. I just wanted to let out all the pain in me and share it with the public. Almost immediately I started receiving e.mails from Active duty military members and veterans. Each wanting to share their story. Everybody story was so different yet so similar. I received one email from an 18 years old female who was raped 2 hours ago by a member of her command and was scared and had no one else to turn to. I received an email from a Coast Guard veteran who was raped 10+ years ago while serving and I was the first person he ever told about the rape.
I started doing research online on Military rape. I learned about Tailhook and read the brave story of Army Specialist Suzanne Swift.
What was happening to me in the Coast Guard was very common and been going on for a long time. I knew then that I was in for the biggest battle of my life. I could not abandon my fellow men and women in uniform. Something has got to change.
Stop Military Rape and The Military Rape Crisis Center was formed while I was still on active duty at USCG-ISC BOSTON.
We are the nation's largest support group for survivors of military sexual trauma. In 2007 we assisted over 1200 men and women of Military Sexual Trauma and their famalies.
We are starting to work with the congress to change the military policy of sexual assault.
Every man and women that volunteered to serve their country should have the right to serve without fear of being sexually harassed, sexually assaulted and/or raped. In addition, no one should be reprimanded or punished for reporting a crime that was done to them.
May 30th, 2008 would be the 2nd annual Military Sexual Trauma and Sexual Assault Awareness Day. We must try to change the way the military deals with sexual assault allegation and give each and every past, present and future survivor the rights that they deserve and put each criminal behind bars.
Wear your yellow and teal ribbon on May 30th to show support for our troops serving in the United States Military. They put their lives on the line everyday to give us freedom but who would give them freedom and hope when the unthinkable happens? Remember this is happening to both men and women! Support them all.
Attention All: I receive tons of emails a day and I do respond to each and everyone of you but please understand that it will take a while for a response.
To the media: If you are interested in this cause please contact me. I wil be more than happy to share my story as well as put you in contact with females in other military branches who also been sexually assaulted while serving their country. Thank you for your interest.
Some Facts about Military Sexual Trauma
*One in three women in the military will be sexual assaulted. Up to 66% will be sexually harassed. *25% of all the homeless population are military veterans. From that 25%, over 70% are said to be suffering from Military Sexual Trauma. *At year-end 1997, sex offenders accounted for 1 in 3 prisoners held in military correctional facilities. *The DOD/Tricare currently does not pay for a rape kit. The cost to collect evidence from a sexual assault is often payed for by the survivor. Contact us if you have been forced to pay for a rape kit. We may be able to reimburse the cost.I get myspace layouts at Get this layoutPlease Sign the Petitions!

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My Blog

Is There an Army Cover Up of Rape and Murder of Women Soldiers?

Published on Monday, April 28, 2008 by CommonDreams.orgIs There an Army Cover Up of Rape and Murder of Women Soldiers?by Ann WrightThe Department of Defense statistics are alarming  one in three wome...
Posted by STOP MILITARY RAPE on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 02:34:00 PST

UPDATE: CPL. CESAR LAUREAN CAUGHT IN MEXICO! neOn thursday April 10, Cesar Laurean was arrested in the town of Tacambaro, Mexico. He is charged with first-degree murder in the death of ...
Posted by STOP MILITARY RAPE on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 06:33:00 PST

Soldier that was arrested claims she was raped.

Posted by STOP MILITARY RAPE on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 06:51:00 PST

From a brave veteran...

I received this email from a brave veteran. Thank you very much for submitting this.Since the murder of Marie Lauderback and her unborn baby, my PTSD/MST has plummeted to a new low and I feel my mind ...
Posted by STOP MILITARY RAPE on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 05:18:00 PST

Marines rape claim failed to raise red flags

Marine's rape claim failed to raise red flagsMother says slain lance corporal wanted to be sent to Iraq rather than be around alleged attackerBy Mary McCarty and Margo Rutledge KissellStaff WritersSun...
Posted by STOP MILITARY RAPE on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 03:32:00 PST

Have you seen this man?

Corporal Cesar Armando Laurean, seen below is wanted for the rape and murder of a 20 years old Marine.Police believe Corporal Laurean is driving a black Dodge pickup truck with North Carolina tag numb...
Posted by STOP MILITARY RAPE on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 07:42:00 PST

A word about military sexual assault...from a concern father

I received this as an email from a myspace user. It iss very well written and thank you so much for allowing us to post it on myspace. It was also posted in a forum on military.comAs a father of 2 dau...
Posted by STOP MILITARY RAPE on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 12:46:00 PST

Update: Pregnant rape survivor Marine

It is of great sadness to inform you that her body has been found. Cpl. Cesar Armando Lauren, the accused rapist is the chief suspect and is currently on the run.
Posted by STOP MILITARY RAPE on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 01:46:00 PST

Pregnant rape survivor Marine gone missing

20 years old Marine that claims she was raped by a superior officer is now missing. As you read the article, remember that regardless of amount of evidence (in this case she may have gotten pregnant ...
Posted by STOP MILITARY RAPE on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:48:00 PST

The Waiting Game By Sara Rich

The Waiting Game By Sara Rich t r u t h o u t | Perspective Thursday 10 August 2006 It has now been 60 traumatic days since my daughter - who signed up with the Army as an MP, and after bravely...
Posted by STOP MILITARY RAPE on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 07:34:00 PST