Maria DiGiovanni FoRe!Ending Domestic Sexual Abuse profile picture

Maria DiGiovanni FoRe!Ending Domestic Sexual Abuse

Maria[Brame]DiGiovanni UFL Ambassador

About Me

Best viewed in Internet Explorer----------------Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says: "Oh shit...She's awake!!!----------------If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain - Emily Dickinson--------------------------------------------------- FoRe! Beyond the Green Ministries, Inc.--- A FoRce To Promote Action - Changing The Face Of Abuse 'The only way to find the limits of the possible is by going Beyond them to the impossible' ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------I AM comfortable in my own skin, Loving the Life that I Live, Living the Life that I Love! It's a scary thing when the reality of your life, the one that you have been trying to run from, you finally run into, and. . . you really really like Her! . . . I survived! I AM a "VICTOR" - not a victim! I AM an OVERCOMER who speaks FoRe! those who can't. Those who have been touched by Child Sexual Abuse, Law Enforcement/Officer Involved Domestic Violence, and Date Rape! I AM a Woman Raising the Volume! I believe everything happens FoRe! A Purpose. And I am learning that if you get a chance. . . Take It! - If it happens to change your life. . . Let It!-------------------------------------------
..I started on a healing journey Jan'00, from Law Enforcement/Officer Involved Domestic Violence, eventually teaching others how to heal their self-esteem. Even though I was working through my own DV issues, the door to my child sexual abuse, I chose to remain closed. In April'05, the door opened as the first man I started dating didn’t take my NO for an answer, yet with the rape, came a freedom to be able to speak up for all who have been silenced by abuse; especially the child within. Now a National Speaker for RAINN - Rape Abuse Incest National Network, Founder/CEO of ‘FoRe! Beyond the Green’: A Force To Promote Action Changing The Face Of Abuse, and as a single mother, I‘m passionate about people healing. I am not a therapist nor want to be, but just a simple woman, daring everyday to walk in my healing as an example FoRe! ‘1’. Did You Know? ‘1’ in 3 girls & ‘1’ in 6 boys will be sexually abused, and go silent? Silence Is Deadly! Did You Know? We can be our own biggest abuser simply because removing a victim from the abuse does not end the issues? The ‘misuse’ must be removed from the soul = all you think, want, & feel. FoRe! is dedicated to locking arms and joining voices for children of all ages silenced by abuse. As a survivor, I often wondered what other survivors looked like, since perpetrators and shame, use our silence to keep us from talking to ‘1’ another. My dreams and purpose are being birthed as I'm finally able to see my own reflection moving from being a survivor, to overcoming the effects of ‘Domestic-Sexual’ abuse. Hi! My name is Maria. Welcome to My Space. Please take the time to checkout the information here. Everything is FoRe! A Purpose! If you are in crisis: Please call RAINN @ 1 800 656 HOPE. Take good care and know you are not alone.
A FoRce To Promote Action - Changing The Face Of Abuse

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My Interests

I love the KEEGAN songs and the boys that made them come to life! Regarding Law Enforcement/Officer Involved Domestic Violence: "BRAME TRAGEDY SPURS FEDERAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAM" *Because It's Business - Not Personal*"We coincidentally, that's if you believe in coincidences, once shared a name and story that was the same. However, my voice made it through while thier's were silenced. I now choose to speak up for those who can't. Having been married to two Law Enforcement Officers(LEO), my perspective is unique as I continue to hold the utmost respect, for those in uniform. For those who have survived and are strong enough to overcome, it is not about how we died that will be remembered, but how we chose to live. And, it is not about our story, but what we do because of it. May God continue to bless, protect & strengthen us all, and bring peace into the lives of those still suffering in silence." ~Maria[Brame]DiGiovanni "We all know what obstacles domestic violence victims face but imagine the choices a victim faces when their abuser is in the very profession that is charged to protect her." Rep. Jay Inslee ___________________
__________________Life and death rest in the power of a gun and the tongue!Domestic violence is abuse one person uses to maintain power and control over another in a relationship. Abuse can include physical harm, sexual demands, insults, threats, isolation, emotional control and financial control._________________________________Regarding Child Sexual Abuse: Research conducted with large samples of women estimate that, using a broad definition of sexual abuse, 30 to 45% of women (1 in 2, to 1 in 3) and 13-16% of men (1 in 6) reported an experience of sexual abuse in childhood (Becker and Reilly, 1999; MMWR, 1997). _________________________________Regarding Rape: _________________________________ Regarding Spiritual Abuse: The worse form! _________________________________ SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: _______ Abuse Is Color Blind! __________________ _________________________________TODAY:9/22 God gave me Fireworks! WOW = "Jesus turned around and, seeing her, He said, Take courage, daughter! Your faith has made you well. And at once the woman was restored to health."(Matt 9:22)

I'd like to meet:

Cloud Writer! * * * It's all about healing and moving forward, in order to end the cycle of abuse, FoRe! our children! After watching the documentary, 'Searching For Angela Shelton', I went home and Googled my legal last name = BRAME. What I found was no coincidence. Thank you to both, Angela and Cloud, for being so brave and courageous. The tragic case of a Tacoma woman murdered by her Police Chief husband in April 2003, was the impetus behind a ground-breaking domestic violence grant program that was approved by the Senate and House. It's the first time the federal government specifically has addressed the sensitive issue of domestic violence committed by law-enforcement officials. I'd Like to Meet: ALL THOSE DEDICATED TO ENDING THE SILENCE OF ABUSE, WORLDWIDE.WOMEN who want to lock arms and join voices, as there is power in numbers. Women who understand the value of strong safe female relationships. Women who are compassionate to the needs of those affected by Domestic-Sexual abuse.GENTLEMEN, who love women hurt by Domestic-Sexual abuse and are strong enough to see them through, learning more about themselves in the process. Gentlemen who are safe. Gentlemen, strong enough to know how to be a friend always. Gentlemen, with the depth to appreciate complex women.
Hello, my name is Bella. And, I represent N F A's Ambassadors, from the US. I am pleased to announce, we Crowned our 1st FoRe International Ambassador, Ms Annastasia Anderson, CEO of Butterfly Kisses, FoRe's Makeover Program of Choice; right here on the beautiful Island of Crete, in Greece. This event, is by invitation only, and sponsored by Drossos Corporation. Along side our UFL Ambassador, Annastasia promoted awareness for abuse victims, worldwide, thanks to KritiTV. FoRe! Ambassador Program information, log-on to Thank you, and Bye FoRe! NOW
Hello my name is Miss Zenia Drosou, FoRe! Beyond the Green Ministries', International Ambassador Candidate from Greece. ‎ FoRe! Crete, welcomes Mary Pahiadaki and the Iraklion Women and Children's Shelter to our family. FoRe! is A FoRce To Promote Action - Changing The Face Of Abuse, Worldwide. Very many kisses to Maria, Lauren, Annastasia, and all of our FoRe! Family in America. We know, you miss us very much. We miss you too! My English is not so bad, yes? Until next time, kisses. Bye. FoRe! NOW www.internationalambassador.comFoRe! Beyond the Green A FoRce To Promote Action - Changing The Face Of Abuse 'The only way to find the limits of the possible is by going Beyond them to the impossible' _______________________________________________U F L = Universal FoRe! League (Programs focusing Universally) Ambassadors who relate & extend to, or make an affect - worldwide ________________________________________________I F A = International FoRe! Association (Programs focusing Internationally) Ambassadors assigned to work in a foreign country or countries_______________________________________________N F A = National FoRe! Association (Programs focusing within a country) Ambassadors devoted to one's own nation's interests _______________________________________________Raise Awareness! Promote Education! Seek Justice!
Focused FoRe! Working with diamonds is such an amazing balance in my life. I am so blessed to be able to witness new hope in the lives of those "In Love", working at the "World's Biggest Engagement Ring Store", As in the creation of a diamond; there is a lot of pressure while walking in your healing. However, look at the possibilities, the pressure can bring! A jewel in His Crown! . . . is just another way to say I Love You! TY FoRe! You ___________________________________________________________A LWAYS REMEMBER. . . ____________To Love Again Is Healing!God's Light shines FoRe! ALL and is everlasting!What year is it? 2008! From what? An interesting question. Whether or not you believe He is the Son of Man, there comes a time when you must ask youself: Who is this Man, that ALL of mankind, rest time on? Listen to His introduction. . .

Violence Against Women - Is a Universal Issue!

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Check out the video below: B.A.C.A. = Bikers Against Child Abuse


AMP Bible, "God On A Harley" & "What About Me?" Read about both, above, in My Pics.Rev3:7-22 Heb12:22 1Tim4:16 Rom8:28 Isaiah61:3 1Cor1:24 John3:16 Rev6-7 Heb11:33


Christ Jesus and all those who travel on this very narrow path!!!
Sarah Palin = "Beauty FoRe! A Purpose"Feed on Christ, and then go and live your life, and it is Christ in you that lives your life, that helps the poor, that tells the truth, that fights the battle, and that wins the crown. -Philips Brooks ..Get in touch with who you are. Lead with your own unique style. Be yourself and let God use you.- Rick WarrenIf my life is broken when given to Jesus, it is because pieces will feed a multitude, while a loaf will satisfy only a little lad.-Ruth StullLet’s not be afraid to look at everything that has brought us to where we are now and trust that we will soon see in it the guiding hand of a loving God.-Henri NouwenHer shadow in the corner Brought peace to my life As I struggled to find Her, Alone every night. But faithfully she watched over, In the shadows of my life. My Angel in the corner, Who reflects Our Father's Light A documentary from filmmaker, Angela Shelton, who journeys across the United States meeting other Angela Sheltons in an effort to survey women in America. She discovers that 28 out of the 40 Angela Sheltons she spoke to had been raped, beaten or molested. You can now watch the film online right from Angela's new website:Just hanging with "Joe" "Hotties FoRe! Heaven" Stay tuned FoRe! more information on this event!

My Blog


Please watch video on my page under Who I Would Like To Meet: "Law Enforcement Domestic Violence/Abuse IS an issue - Thus the reason for Congress' support of LANE & PATTY JUDSON after the Chief o...
Posted by Maria DiGiovanni FoRe!Ending Domestic Sexual Abuse on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 07:12:00 PST

FoRe! Beyond the Green Ministries WEBSITE A FoRce To Promote Action - Changing The Face Of Abuse Charity * Outreach * Auxillary * Ambassadors * Volunteers * Advocates ..............Important: This web site ...
Posted by Maria DiGiovanni FoRe!Ending Domestic Sexual Abuse on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 12:18:00 PST


I pledge allegiance to the lamb Add to My Profile | More Videos Crowd out all inferior thoughts by superior thoughts, evil thoughts by good thoughts, ugly thoughts by beautiful thoughts, d...
Posted by Maria DiGiovanni FoRe!Ending Domestic Sexual Abuse on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:24:00 PST


Angela Shelton'sSurvivor Manual Intro Please meet Angela Shelton,as she answers the question;"HOW DO I GET A MAN TO LOVE ME?". Warning very straight FoReward!  Could not have said this better...
Posted by Maria DiGiovanni FoRe!Ending Domestic Sexual Abuse on Thu, 31 May 2007 09:18:00 PST


How much time is a child worth? Please, I beg of you, take the time and read this. FoRe! every child within me is screaming, I am worth it! Thank you,MDFoRe!    Sexual Abuse Prevention&...
Posted by Maria DiGiovanni FoRe!Ending Domestic Sexual Abuse on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 09:27:00 PST