Finding Angela Shelton profile picture

Finding Angela Shelton

About Me

DOWNLOAD THE CHALLENGE PDF for the Finding Angela Shelton Joy Campaign!
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Sign up for the 30 Day Finding Angela Shelton Challenge! Receive FREE daily tips, tasks, and tools for 30 days to help yourself and others shift from fear and suffering to bliss and joy! The Finding Angela Shelton Challenge is about you. Go on the 30 Day journey. Sign up today!
Check out FINDING ANGELA SHELTON dot com! and start brainstorming!
We are team members of Angela Shelton. We are teachers, students, nurses, therapists, activists, advocates, non-profits organizations, lawyers, professionals, healers, and fans of Angela Shelton. We have seen how Angela's powerful documentary, Searching for Angela Shelton has changed many lives and we want everyone to read her book!
We believe that healing yourself heals the world. Angela Shelton inspires and empowers people and we want you to Find Angela Shelton!
For those who have ordered a copy, you can read the private Finding Angela Shelton Blog for readers only!
Just email your proof of purchase or pre-order to [email protected] and you will be added as a reader. Angela just posted a letter that came from the social worker she had when she was eight!
*Angela Sheltons’ message has helped save thousands of lives - including her own!
*You can change the lives of others simply by starting a conversation.
*1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are abused in their lifetime.
*There are an estimated 39 million survivors of child sexual abuse in America today - let's get the book into their hands!!
*Abuse effects everyone in a community emotionally, financially, and spiritually. This is not a women’s issue - this involves all of us.
*Angela Sheltons’ message has moved forward through dedicated people who have healed, who care about their communities, and who have loved ones who have been victims.
*One person and one voice makes a difference - put them together and your team could save thousands of lives!
Email [email protected] and request to be a Team Leader or Volunteer in the subject.
Subscribe and receive updates on Angela Shelton.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The book is a Call to Action for all survivors to end self-abuse that is caused by trauma. The more people Find Angela Shelton, the more people heal. The more people heal - the more we heal the whole world and make life better for all of us.
DOWNLOAD A PORTION OF THE BOOK and begin a conversation.
Team up in high school, college, university, faith center, women’s center, or support group and take the challenge. DOWNLOAD THE CHALLENGE PDF

Reach as many people as possible and get them to order the book. For booking info contact [email protected] and 310-356-6808.
Finding Angela Shelton is an escape route out of pain and into joy.

START CONVERSATIONS - Talk talk talk - by staring conversations you are creating social change. Post on the blog on facebook and myspace about why you are changing your life and changing the world and how Searching for and Finding Angela Shelton affected you. Share why this book is so important to you. Share your own story and listen to the stories of others. Be an example - breathe! You will be helping a lot of people out of suffering.
CALL PEOPLE - call five friends and tell them to meet you at your local Barnes and Noble to get Finding Angela Shelton on April 1st!
TAKE ACTION! Begin to write your own story. Start a blog. Write a song and sing it! This is about you changing your own patterns and living life joyfully. The more you do that - the more of an example you are.
ENLIST PEOPLE Tell 10 people to order the book and have them enlist 10 people and so on. Get a group together to meet at Barnes and Noble on April 1st! By spreading the word about this book - we are creating a dramatic global shift and inspiring recovery and healing.
BRAINSTORM! People come up with new genius ideas everyday! Compile a list of all the ways to reach your state. Schools, orgs, crisis centers, clubs, groups, socialites, big mouths, local radio spots - whatever spreads the word! Think big - anything is possible!
USE THE INTERNET - Email, chat, post on forums, make comments everywhere you can online, telling people to order the book. Blog about it!
USE FLIERS - Make fliers that you post at your school or in and around your community. Tell people at the bookstores.
ASK QUESTIONS - If the goal is to reach the most people, how do you go about that on a grassroots budget with no Television ad? Make it a class project. DOWNLOAD THE CHALLENGE PDF
WEAR GEAR - Wear Angela gear and start a conversation when people ask you who Angela Shelton is. You will find that you meet other survivors and loved ones of survivors. You will also find that people care about other people!
CONTACT BOOKSTORES - and let them know that you want to order Finding Angela Shelton. Tell them why.


SATISFACTION! By helping this grassroots movement, you are helping people to change their lives forever which in turn helps you because you are helping the whole world.
WORK WITH ANGELA! - For those of you in Los Angeles you can intern with Angela in person. Email [email protected] and put “Volunteer” in the subject box.
YOUR SCHOOL NAME or YOUR TEAM on the new Finding Angela Shelton Website and will be mentioned in Angela’s Blog and E-Newsletters. As TEAM LEADER, you will have access to the admin section of Myspace and Facebook.
FREE ANGELA TIME and FREE MOVIES! If you classroom creates a class project with this challenge and becomes friends on myspace, facebook, and signs up for the newsletter - DOWNLOAD THE CHALLENGE PDF
FREE GEAR!- For those who sell 10 DVDs or more while you’re spreading the word - you get a T-shirt of your choice at the Angela Store! Have the customers put your name in the comments sections when they purchase the DVD at

My Blog

Angela Shelton talks about Report IT

Posted by on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 19:31:00 GMT

Anne Lee on Report IT

In this video I talk with Anne Lee from Darkness to Light about Report IT! The Report IT campaign is a press campaign to get bodies out on the streets on one day - at your ...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 16:06:00 GMT

Report IT on Angela Shelton Day - April 29th

Mark these dates down:Feb 19, 2008April 1st, 2008April 29, 2008Check out these sites: oo...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 15:56:00 GMT

Chapter of Finding Angela Shelton

Thanks for watching me read some of my booK!-- In this video I read about the Angela Shelton in Missouri who puts fake flowers in her yard!-- She also taught me not to rely...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 11:19:00 GMT

Thank You for Finding Angela Shelton!

Thank you for being a part of the Finding Angela Shelton Joy Campaign! You amaze me.-- Thank you all for ordering the book.-- I'll read some of it on here, keep coming back...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 02:46:00 GMT

You can order Finding Angela Shelton at Target!

Please order the book at Target too!
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 23:26:00 GMT

The Difference between Searching and Finding

There is a big difference between the documentary Searching for Angela Shelton and the book Finding Angela Shelton. Please order the movie at Angela's Storeand Pre-order th...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 22:17:00 GMT

Finding Angela Shelton Challenge

Finding Angela Shelton is an escape route and a call to healing - so what if it got into the hands of all survivors?-- How do you get this book to 39 million people via a grassroots movement?-- You h...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 19:27:00 GMT