Hello I'm Coretta..Tis the season for giving.. profile picture

Hello I'm Coretta..Tis the season for giving..

Say what you like. Hope it's positive!!!!img src=http://dl3.glitter-graphics.net/pub/106/106952uc0y0

About Me

Not much to tell. I have a wonderful husband that spoils me rotten. Two kids that drive us crazy. But we love them. I am a personal fitness trainer. Currently headquartered in Ortley Beach N.J. I travel all over the world with my clients training. Sometimes my family gets to go with me. So need less to say my job is FUN. I have battled eating disorders so it is important to me to project the right view on body image. I teach everything out there in fitness. When I have to. NEVER SPINNING!!! That class is of the Devil! I love training people. I sometimes think it was the only thing I was good at, I have been a trainer for 15 years.I started in HIGH SCHOOL. Thank God a person can make a living from it. If the world ever starts motivating itself, I am out of a job. Working on a pageantry comeback. I hurt myself 2 years ago and took some time off. That is the beauty in pageantry. You can always come back. Often I am ask about the reason I enjoy pageants. I love the networking. I love the hardwork of the pageant year. And let's face it you never get to play dress up that much when you are an adult.

My Interests

Women's issues and health. I don't think we take it seriously enough. Our country is in a bad way where health is concerned. I don't want to come off all preachy, but....COME AMERICA STEP IT UP. Pageantry!!! It has a way of crossing boundries. Allowing a person to travel and meet new people. Get different look at the world. I have a very big goal. It is to give a larger voice to those suffering with abuse, whatever it may be. We can become very comfortable turning a blind eye to abuse. But it is there It doesn't take that much to get involved. Every little bit helps.

I'd like to meet:

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I want to meet Hugh Hefner. I think he's GREAT. But from a "Can happen" stand point. I would like to meet anyone who feels they have no hope of getting in shape.I believe everyone can be in shape. The right shape for them. Not what the media would have you think everyone should look like. That's why I have always wanted to meet Hugh Hefner. In his magazine he has all body types looking healthy. Beauty has become very one sided. I'd like to be part of the change that is happening.


PimpingYourSpace.com Rules! I am sappy. I love anything that will make you cry. I hold concerts in my car. You'll know me if you're ever behind me in traffic.


ANYTHING IN BLACK AND WHITE. It was the Golden age of Hollywood. Great costumes, hair, cars, scripts...EVERYTHING.


Still not seeing enough beautiful women of colour on T.V. Other then ya know Jerry Springer or COPS. Can we PLEASE stop this trend.
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My Blog


Sometimes it is just one of those days. Ya all know that I am a trainer. And though it may look glamtastic on the outside.....sometimes it is pure HELL!!! Making you wonder why you chose such a mess u...
Posted by Hello I'm Coretta..Tis the season for giving.. on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 08:19:00 PST

Because it makes me feel good!

Sometimes I am asked why I get myself involved in certain groups. Why I am so out spoken....I call it being a loud mouth. Why I back an issue wholeheartedly. Why shouldn't you. If it makes you feel go...
Posted by Hello I'm Coretta..Tis the season for giving.. on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 09:13:00 PST