I had a stroke Feb. 2008.It affected the right side of my brain.At first I lost about 50% of my eye site, mostly my left eye. It is now October 2008. I have a lot of my site back, not fully. Things are still at times hard to see clearly. Yes I get frightened about strokes now. My stroke came from Hormones and smoking, to much caffeine coffee and high blood pressure. I am on medications,I exercise every morning.I stop smoking about nine months ago. I am on a low sodium diet. I am under Doctors care. I do all I can do to survive and put my full life in my Heavenly Fathers hands. Yes I still get worried and scared. Yes I may have to take medications for life, for now all I can do is count my blessings and take each day one day at a time.
Come visit my site at. Private Creations! And sign my guest book... blessings and prayers go out to all the children.My heart breaks every time I hear or see any abuse on children.I want to help each one It takes over my every thoughts and then I have to send it to God and the angles. should look for one or more of these warning signs of abuse: The child withdraws* Arms, legs and body are always covered* Drop in grades* Missing school a lot* Begging for or stealing money or food* Lacking needed medical and dental care* Frequently dirty* Using alcohol and/or drugs
* Saying no one is home to take care of him or her.
Others that want to help innocent spirits.Others that wants it to stop the pain of ABUSE.Thank You.Linda Laticia West***artist I can also be reached at [email protected] I would love to hear from you and Thank You so very much. Linda Laticia West***artist