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James Patrick Bulger

I am here for Friends

About Me

This page is in honor of the memory of a very beautiful little boy who was killed when he was only 2 years old....It was a regular Friday morning for little Jamie Bulger who stood 2ft and 6in with blonde hair and blue eyes, when he and his mother, Denise, left their flat at Oak Towers, in Kirkby, to go to his Grandmother's house on Scoter Rd for a visit. There Denise decided to take James to the Bootle Strand Shopping Centre in Liverpool, England to do some shopping. It was a little after 1:00pm on Febuary 12th 1993 when they left....meanwhile two 10 year old boys, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson were skipping school and hanging out at the Strand. They tried to take another toddler earlier(Diane Power's son) but were unsucessful. They stole some blue model paint and some batteries among other things before they saw James. Jon took James, by the hand, and led him out of the Strand. It was between 3:30pm and 3:45pm. They took James on over a 2 mile walk around Liverpool. This had to be torture on his little legs. Many people testifed that they saw James with the two boys...and some say they even saw the boys being mean to James, pushing and kicking him along the way. Some testified that they saw James crying but this little boy would never get help. Jon and Robert led him to the canal and that's where they hurt James for the first time. There Robert picked him up and dropped him on his head because James would not look at his reflection in the water. After that, they came up from the canal, and walked around some more. They took him into a DIY shop and asked the clerk where the nearest candy shop was so they could buy James some candy. This was a little after 5:oopm. They left the shop and started walking again. By now it was getting dark and they had to get home themselves. So they took James to City Rd, into a back entry and up an embankment to an opening in a fence that led to the train tracks. There no one could see them. They began to beat this helpless little boy to death with rocks, bricks and an iron bar. They through paint in his eyes and punched him in the face. As his little boy begged for his mum and they never stopped hitting him. When asked why they didn't stop...their response was that "he kept getting up". After they beat and tortured this little boy they laid his little broken body on the train tracks. They covered him with bricks to hold him down. A train came by later and cut his little body in half. They say he was beaten to death somewhere between 5:30pm and 6:45pm. That's an hour and fifteen minutes this defensless little boy had to endure. There were a total of 42 injuries inflicked on James, 15 of them were to his face. The shoes that Jon and Robert were wearing, was stained with James's blood and matched the inprints on James's little face. Jon said that James grabbed his jacket and said "don't hurt me"...Jon said to James "alright". James's little handprint(because he had blue paint on him)was found on Jon's coat when he was arrested. James suffered many fractures to his head, that was the cause of death, multiple blunt force injuries. A group of teenage boys found his body 2 days later on Sunday....it was Valentines Day. Robert was so cold hearted that he returned to the scene and laid a rose down, after they had found James. A local news camera caught him on tape. After being arrested, they both blamed each other for the crime. Robert's mum still claims her son is innocent...and Jon is said to still have nightmares. GOOD!!! I can never forget this little boy or what they did to him. They deserve everything done to them, that they did to little James.(EYE FOR AN EYE) They only served 8 years for this crime. What a joke!! I hope that you will remember little James and other children that have been beaten, tortured, or murdered. If the government won't do the justice for us, then we need to take justice into our own hands. I'm always looking for these two boys(NOW 24 or 25)....so if anyone can help, please drop me a mail....Also if you would like to know more about the killers...go to my blog. Even though James is not my son, he will always be remembered. THANK YOU!

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My Interests

Jamie's favorite cereal was "Frosties" and he loved Micheal Jackson. He was buried on March 1, 1993 at Kirkdale Cemetery. It was the coldest day of that winter. Ralph Bulger with little James. James Patrick Bulger in happier times.

I'd like to meet:

Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com


The song "Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton was played at his funeral, along with Micheal Jackson's " Heal the World". The two hymes picked out by his mum and dad were " We Will Never forget You" and " Make Me A Channel Of your peace". Please light a candle in honor of Jamie's memory on Febuary 12th. Ralph and Denise with little James in the background.


Denise marching for justice for James and other children.


James Patrick Bulger...may you rest in the arms of Jesus forever. Take care of your little sister, Kirsty. We will keep fighting for you no matter how long it takes. Kisses and hugs to you sweet angel.


Denise(now) and Sarah Paynes mum still fighting the English government for justice for their murdered children. The look on their faces show all the frustration. It seems to be doing no good. James will forever be protected in the arms of Jesus.

My Blog

Missing Children...you can help

Help Find Missing Children,After the disappearance of Madeleine McCann 3 weeks ago,like a lot of people on Myspace,i wanted to help as much as i could as i have a young daughter myself. I decided to l...
Posted by James Patrick Bulger on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:09:00 PST

Did You Know????

Did you know.......Jon and Robert's trial was held at Preston Crown Court.   Did you know......The law to prevent the release of the killers whereabouts only applies to England and Whales, n...
Posted by James Patrick Bulger on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 07:59:00 PST

A few facts.....

These are a few facts about the case:   1) Denise found out that she was pregnant during her son's murder trial.   2) Ralph and Denise Bulger seperated in the summer of 1994, a yea...
Posted by James Patrick Bulger on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 12:59:00 PST