Dear All
Thank you for the friendship - Respect to you.
If you wish to help further please:-
- sign the petition.
- add us to your top friends.
- send bulletins.
- add a comment.
- add Sarah's World song to your profile.
- add Sarah's Law banner to your profile.
- cover or remix Sarah World.
- Please if you can vote for Sarah's World on our band site under general Info on left hand side of this site - we need to break the song in to the mainstream - you can list as a member for free.
Primarily this is because the law in nearly all countries around the world is failing our children.
We owe it to our next generation.
Please read about Sarah's law.
Sarah's Law would give parents the right to controlled information about the whereabouts of predatory child sex offenders living in their area. It would enable parents to safeguard their children by contacting police in order to obtain details of high risk paedophiles who are known to reside within their local community. This information would be strictly controlled by police and there would be strong penalties for anyone who abuses the information. Sarah's Law is NOT a call for unrestricted open access to the Sex Offender's Register. In June 2006, Home Secretary John Reid announced plans to formally investigate the introduction of Sarah's Law, saying: "I start from the position that information should no longer remain the exclusive preserve of officialdom. "I believe the public have the right to protection and they have the right to information"
"Its all about a parent's right to protect their child, a child's right to be safe.
"If it just saves one child from sex abuse, and the lifetime of nightmares that often follow, then I'm afraid its worth all the inconvenience in the world for the paedophile."
We have to keep this cause in everyone's mind as these terrible crimes against children happen far too often.
We need vigilance not vigilantism.
We Can't Change the Past - But We Can Definitely Shape the Future.
This is strictly a non profit making campaign.
Thanks and Respect.
rupert & maz Please add me as a freind if you us Myspace and help fight for Justice and help find Maddie.
1: Sarah's Law web site Pleases sign Geust book and read comments
2: Sarah's Law Petition at number 10
3: Sarah's Law Petition world wide
4: Sarah's World song Please surpport sarah's Law and spend £1.50 to buy this great song.
A song for Sarah's Law 'Sarah's World' . . .
Well hi friends
Rupert & Maz here
We are both apporled by the news that Sarah's Law is to be scrapped.
But ask you all in the UK how many of you know, how many registers there are for sex offenders here in the UK.There are several registers.
1. THE NATIONAL REGISTER : All sex offenders convicted by CPS
are entered to this register.
2. THE LOCAL REGISTER: If a sex offender manages to get
round the justice system here in
the UK then one has to go for a
FINDING OF FACT in a civil court.
been made the civil court then
places the sex offender on the
OK: The local register is what it says local.So if someone is placeed on the Local register in say Cambridgeshire as a known sex offender , they then move to say Greater Manchester and apply for a job working in a school or with children the Police cheque is made, the National Register is searched and the Local Register for Greater Manchester is searched not the Cambridgeshire register.The sex offender is only know as an offender in Cambridgeshire.
OK then the above means as we had to do (Maz & I) to protect our children you have to try and keep an eye on were the sex offender moves to and report to each authority in the new areas they move to that they are on the local register in Cambridgeshire because the Local registers are NOT LINKED.
This is not an end to it we are sorry to say next trick the sex offender does is to change their name.This allows them to move back to cambridgeshire with no trace of their past what so ever.Why I hear you ask? Because all police cheques are done by NAME and not by your NATIONAL INSURANCE NUMBER AND NAME . For those not in the UK reading this your National Insurance Number does not change no matter how many times you change your name.
None of the above is admitted to anyone by the Government ,Social Services or the Police. If you find yourself in this position we both strongly advice you, through our own expiriance make sure you put things in writting to Social Services and The Police other wise they will say you have said nothing.
At the end of the day after getting a finding of fact you get a peace of paper which still does not protect your children unless you make then carry a video camera 24/7 the sex offender gets off scott free because he or she is not recharged by the CPS even though it has now been proven in a court of law the offences they have commited.
The last thing that the authoritys do not tell you is this effects your childrens children.Maz would have to report her own children if they in the future allow there father to see Maz's grandchildren.But if the CPS would recharge the sex offender then this would not happen the children would be protected.
OK we have a Question can anyone tell us in the USA if you have 2 registers like over here in the UK or anyone in any other country reading this .We would be interseted.
For all domestic violence vicitms
I suffered 14 years of domestic violances from my exhusband. The video below if you to have suffered this will ring home as it did with me.As some of you already know my kids were also sexually abused by my exhusband as well.
There is many forms of surport for those who have suffered domestic violance and were children are involved there is surport for them as well.But there is no surport that I have found in the UK for those that have suffered both Domestic violance and sexual abuse,even the authorities have admited this to me.
I am thinking of starting a group here on myspace to see if I can help anyone who has been in this situation I have,and to pass on knowlege I have got through my hard and trying times.If anyone is interested in this please contact me.If there is enough intrest I will start a group here on Myspace for anyone anywhere in the world to join.
A song for Sarah's Law 'Sarah's World' . . .
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A soldier writes:
Found something that might get the word out on April's law.
Red Book magazine has an artical called "What do you want?" Pg. 116 July issue. You can write in about Aprils law. Go to
[email protected].. If they get letters from a few of us they are bound to put one in.
Can someone handle this??
(a new banner too)