it's either forever... or not at all...
i love the artwork ..&.. the peaceful feelings
in all of our warm home pages... as we experience our
presence across the ondas of the woven web... may the
w a v e s of your loving energy roll on... to
the i n f i n i t e shores of the universe...
gently touching the Heart of our creator
standing... at the Ocean's edge
guiding our paths to Love
with a gentle
Solar & Wind Energy
Save the Coral Reefs
i love the artwork and the peaceful feelings
in all our warm home pages... as we experience
our presence across the ondas of the woven web...
may the waves of your loving energy roll on...
to the i n f i n i t e shores of the universe ...
gently touching the feet of our creator...
standing there at the Ocean's edge...
awaiting our safe return to home...
with a warm and loving smile...
larry --in key largo
"They say love hurts.
That's not the truth.
Betrayal hurts,
Rejection hurts,
Loneliness hurts,
Losing someone hurts.
We confuse these things... with love.
Reality is, LOVE is the only thing
in this world that makes us feel
wonderful again...
i want wonderful
please read about the fishes...
please read about the fishes...
visit my iPeace page....
Attention divers and everyone who cares about
the health of our oceans and coral reefs.
We are seeking divers for a coral restoration project in the Key Largo area.
Please join the team at the following LINK:
Link to Ken Nedimyer Video
LINK: Sign Ocean Petition
LINK: Wyland Wall Key Largo
that's me, in the bottom middle,
dark blue t-shirt and Wyland cap...
taking a picture of Wyland!
LINK: sign the Ocean Petition...
What do you think of the impact on
the immune system of coral polyps
as they continue to consume tiny
"bits" of plastic saturated with
toxic PCB.
Do The Green Thing :-)
(click here)
~~Please Sign~~
~~The Ocean~~
~~of Autism~~
"Each of us received a gift..
of 86,400 seconds of life today...
Have we used one to say "thank you" :-)
Link to Wyland in Key Largo
"I have found the paradox... that if we all love until it hurts...
there can be no more hurt... only more love...
so never give up on love... --Mother Teresa
Tons of plastic floating in the world's oceans is becoming the transport medium for left-over industrial chemicals that were actually pipe-lined by the ton into the Oceans and all marine life and finally, to us, sitting at the "apparent" top of the food chain eating seafood for out health...
Petition to Help Remove the Plastic in order to save the Oceans and future generations.
We are seeking divers and everyone who cares about the health of our Oceans for a coral reef project in the Key Largo area.
Open Door World . com / petition
Mercy, Mercy, Me...
Dalirium created by Leandro Blanco
the "Story of Stuff" dot com
This video always gets to me... i was in Europe when the movie was released... and i was missing the states... having no idea what the movie was really about... i just wanted to hear "The Boss" play some good old hometown music... and see a movie that reminded me of home... what a phenomenal story of Truth it turned out to be... winning and dying in the fight... i am proud to say that i still get misty when i see Tom Hanks in the screen shot above... and this was before i found out that i am within the Autistic spectrum... then again... so was Einstein!... but when it comes to "global warming"... i do have hope... and i feel confident that we humans are moving in a more "caring" direction, ironically... as we learn more and more about the compassion within marine life, like the way dolphins and whales care for their youngsters..... and as we feel our own inner emotions.. that touch our Souls... when we see acts of Love in nature... so i do have hope... that some brilliant young minds will solve the problems industry has left in our Oceans... toxins that are now migrating up the entire food chain and finally arriving on our dinner plates... and through mom's nurturing... arriving to a developing child... innocently arriving to life.... totally dependent on mom... to learn how to stay healthy in a toxic environment.
please GOOGLE: PCB, plastic, ocean, autism...
About Autism:
Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological development disorder that affects the developmental functioning of the brain, impacting typical development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills.
Both children and adults with autism typically show difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, understanding body language, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. Autism encompasses a wide spectrum of function and it affects each individual differently and at varying degrees.
After a long heart-to-heart conversation with my parents, i recently learned some of my early childhood history that i was unaware of... here is the short version of what i was informed of... i was not expected to make it into this world... nor to survive the early days here..
i was basically maintained in a sleep state for about the first 4 years... so... i kind of skipped over some of those early developmental classes :-) now... i can finally understand why it was so challenging to socialize... especially in the early years... and why i choose careers in electronics and photography... but my world started to expand when i found the "EST" seminars in Miami, starting in 1979, assisting in seminars and the 6-day in upstate New York. EST is now the LandMark Forum and their courses have opened my eyes to life in ways that i can not even begin to express in words. And i want to thank my beautiful daughter Jennifer for the incredible loving light she is shining in this universe.
After speaking with Jarl Jackson, founder and coordinator of TASC in Tallahassee, about my childhood history, (and the results of the tests) he was incredibly supportive, and encouraged me to start an Autism support group here in Key Largo, so if anyone is interested in our informal meetings, please send me a message, and come share your story... i promise, we will listen... and we know what it's like when even the ones close to you... can't seem to understand what it is like...
Autism Awareness -- Key Largo
Clean Ocean Petition
Coral Reef Restoration
the Recycle Truth...
About me:
I am just an ordinary easy going, eco friendly kind of a guy. I love the Ocean and want to do whatever is possible to help protect our remaining coral reefs in the Florida Keys and i am seeking my soul-mate to share the naure and waterways of the Florida Keys.
I enjoy boating, scuba, snorkeling, underwater photography and sunsets on the bay side at the Caribbean Club, here in Key Largo.
If you visit the Florida Keys and you are interested in snorkeling on the reefs, underwater photography and ocean conservation, please contact me by email, and also visit my home page:
I have posted lots of coral reef photos and info about the current conditions of the oceans, you can find it easily if you search for: "open door world" or "key largo coral restoration "
personal update: I am seeking a soul-mate, who is also interested in the ocean, nature, and photography, and who would enjoy nature in the Keys and the beautiful, calm, bayside waterways.
kind regards,
Capt Larry
home page:
Bayside Eco-Tours in Key Largo
GreenPeace PSA
Gotta love those Key Largo sunsets! :-)
I'm sure you have heard that
our Earth is about 70% water.
What is the Earth to
Ocean mass ratio?
Getting the Ocean's mass in perspective
As scientist Jim Lovelock observed, "Although the weight of the Oceans is 250 times that of the atmosphere, it is only one part in 4,000 of the weight of the Earth."
1/4000 = 0.00025
Therefore, only 0.025% of Earth's mass is Water. Yet we tend to think of our Oceans as a vast and endless resource, free to everyone.
Scientists also point out, "If the Earth were a globe 12 inches in diameter, the average depth of the ocean would be no more than the thickness of a piece of paper, and even the Deepest Ocean Trench would only be a tiny dent, one third of a millimeter deep. (0.3 mm = 0.01 in)
Since the Ocean's mass is 0.025% that of Earth's mass, our Oceans can more accurately be appreciated as the priceless public reservoirs they are, the only living Oceans in the entire universe. Mars might have some frozen mud.
Knowing the Earth's "surface" is 70.8% water, often leads a popular conclusion... there might be more Ocean than Earth.
Unfortunately, this popular "solution" is legal and leads to a global assumption... that pollution might be absorbed and simply rendered harmless... within the Ocean's vastness.
Millions of Tons of toxic chemicals are discarded into rivers worldwide, while the industry leaders "cross their fingers" in a futile false hope that the chemicals will quietly be absorbed by the living Oceans.
To compound the problem, millions of tons of plastic, also dumped 24/7, by the barge load, into our Oceans, does not "break down" for almost 1000 years, but it does break into tiny bits of plastic "dust" or "snow. Then the PCB's, that are now major contaminants in the Ocean, are attracted to the plastic bits like a magnetic sponge. Marine animals can't differentiate the plastic snow from plankton, so they eat the plastic bits, and become toxic with PCB's, causing immune system failure.
As the toxins slowly distribute worldwide by the Ocean's conveyer belt currents, the entire food chain is affected, from the tiny coral polyps that make world's largest reefs, to whales feeding on plankton and other particles suspended in the water column, including PCB laden plastic "snow".
An impairment to the immune systems of living creatures is being observed globally, from the tiny coral polyps, to the giant killer whales, and finally the humans themselves, seated at the top of the food chain, consuming industrial leftovers that will not bio-degrade in nature for thousands of years.
ATSDR points out that every child born from a mother who consumed Great Lakes fish during their pregnancies were three times (3X) more likely to have lower IQs and twice (2X) as likely to be TWO grade levels in reading comprehension behind their peers. Other studies have shown children who's mothers consumed PCB-contaminated fish had lower birth rates, reduced motor reflexes and neuromuscular function, poor short-term and long-term memory, weakened immune systems and greater susceptibility to infections, among other problems.
Now tons of the sludge from water treatment plants, containing PCB's, are being dumped onto agricultural land. Scientists are scrambling just to name the new diseases as they discover them and counting the countless number of species that just became extinct, and the oil emperors fiddle in the stock market while making world record profits.
I know this is hard to believe, it was for me also, so Google it.
As a free nation... we the people... have spent more of our own tax dollars for exploring remote space and the mud on Mars than protecting the only "Living Oceans" in the entire universe while the planet become less inhabitable for humans. Who is really steering this over-heating planet, big business persons? Is bowing to the $tock market index given a higher priority than the World's Ocean Health index in Washington?
As we awaken to the collapse of our Oceans, we begin to see the consequences of giving the "green light" to industry for dumping millions of tons of "known toxins" into the only known living Oceans in the entire universe.
At age thirteen, Jacques-Yves Cousteau's book, "The Silent World" was presented to me by my scuba instructor, when I was first certified as a scuba diver. I was thrilled with swimming and breathing underwater, enjoying a view of nature referred to as the "Silent World."
Today, Jacques-Yves Cousteau must be looking down on the Oceans, and the dying coral reefs, with salty tears in his eyes.
Your comments are welcome,
Larry (at)
Key Largo, Florida
Now What...
did they dump into Our Oceans...
The Scale of the Plastic Plague
(Charles Moore)
Will we just shop
until they all drop...
Article: Getting the Ocean's mass in perspective
I have worked in electronics and hospitals as an occupational therapist for too many years.
I have a Bachelor of Science (from FIU in Miami) and now live in Key Largo, Florida.
As a scuba diver and lover of seafood :-), I have become alarmed at the current state of our oceans health and the effects of global warming.
I want to spend the rest of my days working and learning more about ocean ecology and what we can do to prevent the destruction of our coral reefs and the domino effect that will follow.
please see my home page at:
tel: 305-509-2365
Captain Larry
PCB's .... connecting the dots ..... plastic
Here is the PCB problem.... connecting the dots ..... with plastic pollution....
( text_insert )
"Alguita, the oceanic research vessel from Algalita, just came back from one of its research expeditions in the Pacific Gyre, an area of the Pacific Ocean otherwise known as the Garbage Patch. They collected samples on the surface of the ocean and found evidence of record high concentrations of small plastic particles.
Birds and fish eat the plastic because it mimics the food they eat, zooplankton. Research data from the Algalita Foundation shows plastic particles outnumber zooplankton 6 to 1.
Especially concerning is the fact that the plastic pieces can attract and hold hydrophobic elements like PCB and DDT at up to one million times background levels. As a result, this floating plastic is a poison pill.
( /text_insert )
so... the "easy" solution would have been simply be to force industry to stop dumping millions of tons of toxins into the rivers/oceans....
( ... going back 50 years or so... :-(
... then just get the entire world to stop using plastic 'once',
and tossing it into the garbage/oceans....
then we could get back to work on that little global warming issue.... :-)
Plastic is everywhere. And the benefits of most of it's properties have resulted in it's success and proliferation.
Each of us casts a vote for it's use when we buy the products, and often there is no other choice. But like the "Kubla Ross stages", we all have to go through the steps of first becoming aware of the catastrophic severity of the problem, while most mass consumers would rather continue living in denial, we have to wake up, and get others near us to wake up, only then can we change the direction of the greatest number of consumers.
When i connected the dots between PCB's and plastic bits in the ocean, i felt a deep sense of hopelessness... how can we ever fix this... how can we ever get the plastic and the toxins out of the Oceans, that industry has put there... and asking each of us to save energy by changing a light bulb, seems like such a small drop in the bucket when compared to the millions of tons of known toxins and industrial pollution, knowingly and legally dumped into the oceans and atmosphere, clearly for industry to make greater profits... without concern for human health or the health of our Oceans.
So... i do what i can, i consume less, i use cloth shopping bags, i try to think positively and love nature, i take underwater photos of nature, and i am trying to get the word out through my website. I just got my captain's license and hope to find a soul mate who will help me to take visitors out on the water to see the nature and raise awareness through eco-tours here in the Keys.
I think raising awareness, although it sounds cliche, really is important. I talk to everyone about global warming and it amazes to me, how many people think it is not a real concern for them, since they won't be here for the worst of it.
It really seems that many people are happier living in denial, continuing on the mass consumption merry go round, than waking up to what industry is getting away with, while keeping the politicians happy, wearing stylish green blind folds.
It's getting difficult to find my sense of humor.
capt larry
key largo
my Ocean, your Ocean, their Ocean ?
i wish there was more that i / we / any of us could do...
but it really looks like "big industry" has used our beautiful Oceans as their "low cost dumping ground" for so many years.... and that coupled with global warming.... really looks to me like we are on a path to the "eve of destruction"...
sorry to sound so negative... and believe me, even with thing looking gloomy in the future... i still try my best to enjoy life, above all, loving one another and loving the planet we live on and the only living Oceans in the entire universe....
it's just so sadly ironic... that we have the only living Oceans in existence... and that "big industry" and "developers" could get away with destroying our Oceans, to save them some $... so they can make even more $... and they could care less about the cost of repairing their damage to the Oceans and to all of us living on the planet... and they call themselves "developers".
Capt larry --in key largo
N P R :
LISTEN: Extensive Damage to World's Oceans
Researchers have published a new map highlighting the human impact on oceans worldwide.
Their findings show our Oceans are in serious trouble, with disappearing fish stocks, disappearing coral reefs and changing Ocean chemistry.
"Our results show that when these and other individual impacts are summed up, the big picture looks much worse than I imagine most people expected," says Ben Halpern, lead author of the paper published in the journal Science.
In a special live broadcast from Boston, Mass. — site of the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting — top ocean experts discuss the prognosis for the world's aquatic ecosystems — and their inhabitants.
LINK: 4&sc=emaf
links to:
------------ 4&sc=emaf
Will we just shop
until they all drop...
(click here to see the video)
Bayside Eco-Tours in Key Largo
Somewhere Beyond The Sea ...
New Coral Reef Babies :-)
what cute little newbies!
Clean Ocean Petition
The EPA says public drinking water
must be under 0.0005 PPM of PCB's
The EPA classifies DIRT at higher
Clearly this PCB industrial waste was
PIPE-LINED into our once clean Oceans...
blog: Open Door World . com / blog
reef: Open Door World . com / reef
photos: Open Door World . com / photos
petition: Open Door World . com / petition
"They say love hurts.
That's not the truth.
Betrayal hurts,
Rejection hurts,
Abandonment hurts,
Losing Someone hurts.
We confuse these things with love.
Reality is, LOVE is the only thing
in this world that makes us feel
wonderful again...
I want wonderful...