Mission Statement
To improve and provide outreach and services to victims of Human Trafficking throughout the State of Florida; by developing support programs, networking, coalition building, training, service delivery, and referrals to victims in need.
What is the Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking?
The Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking (FCAHT) is an entity within The Immigrant Rights Advocacy Center, Inc. (IRAC) a non-for-profit corporation, 501(c)(3) since May 17, 2004. The organization was created in 2004 by Anna Rodriguez, who has extensive experience in how to identify victims, provide advocacy, and understand how to pursue justice for victims based on her experience in law enforcement, assistance for prosecution, and active participation delivering the human trafficking case law.
About Anna Rodriguez
As a law enforcement victim advocate, Anna discovered a victim of human trafficking and provided services and assistance to the victim. This case became a major case study and was instrumental for the creation of the T Visa. This is the US vs. Tecum case. Following that case, she was able to identify a victim of domestic servitude, and another seven potential victims in a sex trafficking case. Anna has been working human trafficking case victims since 1999.
Thanks to the knowledge and hands on experience Anna has developed on these issues, She has been recognized by federal, state and local agencies for the effectiveness of the efforts and commitment to eradicate human trafficking in SW Florida.
Anna's experience developed through cases like the US vs. Tecum, Domestic Servitude, Sex trafficking, Labor force, kidnapping, and other current cases have been referred through my office to Federal and Local Law enforcement agencies. All these referrals are a direct result of her outreach in the community.