Please be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the (Wo)Men Speak Out blog, as we will post Video entries and promote dialogue surrounding issues of rape, sexual assault and gender violence. The time for change is now. Get involved!
Click Here to sign up to our monthly mailing list.
Speaking Engagement Information:
Are you a school or social service organization interested in having (Wo)Men Speak Out at a future event? Click Here
(Wo)Men Speak Out Merchandise is now available through Cafe Press. $3.00 from each purchase will go towards (Wo)Men Speak Out Outreach:
Survivors, Loved Ones of Survivors, Community Members.
Thank you for adding (Wo)Men Speak Out to your top friends list and enabling us to reach more people.
Our message is an important one and working together is key!
Thank you for all that you do.
Stay Connected, join WSOutreach
Make A Donation
WSO relies on donations from individuals to drive their programs. You will not only impact survivors of violence, but their families, their schools and our community. Contact us.
Donors can choose to have their names/business listed in the (Wo)Men Speak Out Monthly Minizine as a "Thank you" for their support.
Donation $ of your choice, for 1 installment
$5.00 USD for each month, for 12 installments:
WSO Minizine Yearly Subscription
$1.00 per month x 12 months
**This subscription is not mandatory however subscriptions are appreciated as the Minizine is volunteer based.
Are you an organization interested in having your logo in the Minizine? Click below to purchase a one month inclusion.
Other ways to give:
Facebook Sponsor-WSO