'Locked' is now available on DVD! www.filmbaby.com/films/2593
'Locked' from Mandorla Pictures is the courageous, personal journey of Anna; who is locked in her history, her memories, and her silence due to the incest she suffered as a child. 'The Big Chill' meets 'The Celebration', in this evocative story of one woman’s struggle to tell the truth about her childhood and live freely in the present.
A call of hope to abuse survivors, 'Locked' brings a European sensibility and a fresh approach to this difficult subject matter.
"Juli C. Lasselle is a master of subtlety and detail. LOCKED explores dynamic human interaction as a refreshing departure from even most independent film projects and invites the viewer, with a softened heart and healing intention, into contemplation few projects would dare take you. LOCKED is a courageous venture of great significance."
-- Matthew Love, RScP Prayer Counselor, Life Coach
"...impressionistic style is focused on creating feeling and mood. Both that style and her commitment to feminism are evident."
-- Molly Gilmore, The Olympian
"LOCKED is a thought provoking movie that examines the residual damage of childhood sexual abuse. It will hopefully inspire much needed dialogue in our culture about why some people just can't "get over" their sexual abuse histories."
-- Marc Gilmartin, MA, Licensed Mental Health Counselor
"Juli C. Lasselle's LOCKED explores the devastation wrought by incest long after it appears to be over. Two sisters, the one relying on aggressive denial, the other still vulnerable to re-victimization, struggle to unburden themselves of their abusive past as it resurfaces in their adult relationships. In the end, the strength to live through unresolved pain, without just submitting to it or re-inflicting it, holds out hope for healing that is lost to those who force their demons onto others or back into the shadows. LOCKED is an engaging, compelling, and ultimately hopeful film about a dire legacy."
-- Bill Burmester, MFT, president of BAATTD (Bay Area Association for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation)
"Writer/director/producer Juli C. Lasselle has assembled a talented cast and company to bring LOCKED to fruition. Gradually building to a wrenching conclusion, LOCKED reveals a wounded Brynn Horrocks as Anna, and a relentlessly cruel, almost demonic Hope Allen as her sister, Mia. A standout is Eugenia Yuan who brings an understated clarity to the role of Kate. The excellent photography by David Doko enhances Lasselle's rich sense of time and place, adding much to the story of a conflicted woman's unhappiness."
--Richard Evans, filmmaker
"I found the energy, depth of understanding and awareness that Juli
Lasselle expressed through the medium of film about sexual assault was
powerful, deeply moving and yet, hopeful. I strongly encourage people
to see this film--aware that while Juli has seemingly been impacted by
her years in Europe as it's definitely got a distinct flavor to it,
LOCKED is a film worth taking the time and energy to BE with, to find
what one can learn and how one can grow through the experiences
portrayed there."
-- Brenda Gordon, Women's Center Director and feminist advocate
"...a film worth seeing."
---Jerry Wennstrom, artist
"Juli Lasselle speaks to the uncomfortable reality of childhood sexual abuse, its devastating impact on family relationships, and the courageous struggle to heal. LOCKED accurately portrays the devastating and lasting ripple effect of incest to the victim, the family system, and to relationships well into adulthood. Lasselle's courageous and truthful telling of a painful and all too familiar story brings hope to those who seek relief from the secret shame and suffering of sexual violation in childhood. This film dispels the notion that abuse survivors can simply 'get over' the abuse, It does show, however, that the confusion and despair of abuse can come to have meaning and that out of the struggle to heal, wisdom, strength, and hope can emerge."
--Janice Palm, MA, LMHC, Director, Shepherd's Counseling Services
"I learned a lot about myself through the film. I understood the main character, Anna, and was awed by the beautiful colors, and photography of the film. Thank you to the filmmaker for her courage to tell this very moving story.
Also thank you for having the panel discussion. I enjoyed the filmmakers responses to her work and her honesty in why telling this story was so important to her. Please tell her thank you for having the courage to tell her truth and to share it with others in hopes of encouraging them. I was very encouraged and inspired by her strength!"
--Brianca Delaney, producer, Divine Light Enterprises
"Juli C. Lasselle's film LOCKED skillfully surrounds the audience, embeds the audience, and cloaks the audience in the lives of the characters in this drama of redemption. From the scene early on when the cars arrive at Anna's home, the viewer of this film feels the same discomfort that the characters feel. The characters' behavior is ever-so-slightly off kilter; with wonderful shot composition and spare dialog, Juli lets the audience also feel slightly off kilter. She lets us feel, rather than manipulating us to feel. We are gently taken for a ride which begins in discomfort, travels through pain and finally emerges into the pale light of hope.
Juli's cinematographic choices reinforce the feelings. The town of Locke was a superb place to represent isolation and deterioration in the beginning of the film. The canal and open spaces surrounding the town represent, in contrast, the possibilities of a more open life in the end of the film.
Fans of character-driven dramas will love these all-too-real women and their men, alternately smiling and cringing as the sisters replay family battles. Perhaps, as I did, you will have a hard time stopping yourself from shouting at Anna, 'Stop it, already!' But, just wait a few minutes her sister Mia will do the shouting for you."
-- Michelle Shyman, filmmaker, actress
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