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Love Work Knowledge

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Strange Man
Love, Work and Knowledge are the wellsprings of life and they should also govern it.
When I was nineteen I read the book "Children's Rights".
It changed my life and introduced to me the work of A.S. Neill who ran the school "Summerhill".
Click Here to Find out more about Summerhill School.
This lead me to Dr Wilhelm Reich a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
and scientist few people have heard of today.
Click here to Find out more about Wilhelm Reich.
These books set me on a path of studying Children's Rights and Sexuality.
To say that it has given me a different opinion to most I meet is an understatement.
I am not here to persuade you to my point of view. That would be a waste of time. Either your life will allow you to understand what I say or it will not.
LOVE in contrast to sex.
WORK in contrast to politics.
Knowledge in contrast to ignorance.
Don't wait for God.
Don't wait for your Government.
Don't wait for someone else.
Do it yourself.
I am a SNAM - Sensitive Not Average Mongrel . So I am likely to be the most difficult man you will ever meet.
But, maybe not.
To see a Pic's Message position the CURSOR over the PIC. Works with IE. CHILDREN'S RIGHTS
freedom of speech and thought
freedom from fear and want
freedom to form relationships

BABIES don't kill, they LOVE.
If WE LOVE all the babies, children and teenagers
of the world and look after their needs
and not the economic, cultural and religious needs
of the adults in their lives.....
How peaceful the world would be.
Let the world rejoice.
Racism is only an intellectual invention of people filled with HATE.
So SAD so much of the adult world is filled with HATE.
Which of these children?
by Craig Jensen
The Human Genome Project
has proven there is only
one human race
biologically speaking,
in spite of our differences
in colours,
shapes and
In fact your DNA
more closely matches
people from so called
other races than
your own so called race.
So remember
there is no such thing as Race
only Culture imposed on Babies . The old notion that people
can "keep themselves to themselves"
and not be touched by
what is happening to their neighbors,
or even to people who live a hundred miles off,
is a dangerous mistake.

The saying that we are members
one of another is not a mere pious formula...
It is a literal truth;
for though the rich end of town
can avoid living with the poor end,
it cannot avoid dying with it
when the plague comes.

People will be able to keep to themselves
as much as they please when they have made
an end to poverty; but until then
they will not be able to shut out the sights
and sounds and smells of poverty from their daily walks,
nor feel sure from day to day that its most violent
and fatal evils will not reach them through
their strongest police guards.

George Bernard Shaw.
Love a baby. Save the world.
Sound Of Silence
by Simon & Garfunkel
Give LOVE nothing else works.
Stop killing OUR babies, children and teenagers
no matter where they are in the world.

For they are OUR babies
OUR responsibility
and the future.

Children of the future age,
Reading this indignant page,
Know that in a former time,
Love, sweet love,
was thought a crime.

William Blake
You know you gotta do it.
Be Silent No More. .
Faces Of Violence
Abraham Lincoln once said
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery,
I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.
Well I would put it a little differently
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for
hitting children or older family members
to make them behave,
I feel a strong impulse
to see it tried on them personally.
I would add
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for
medicating children or older family members
to make them behave, to make them normal.
I feel a strong impulse
to see it tried on them personally.
Especially the Psychiatrists
& Drug Company Bosses.


Psychiatry the fraud
Antidepressants exposed
Freud's Early Work,
& subsequent Betrayal Of Truth.

Click the Link above to go read the Blog
Sex Ed 101 [S4C]

Teen Relationships
Teens helping Teens
Get the Facts

Society for Women's
Health Research

Not Pretty Enough
by Kasey Chambers
Brigitte Handley
& The Dark Shadows

Sober Teens Online
Click the link above to go read the complete article.
...Finally, I should like to point out to you
how this view of the living is reflected in clinical
work. So much of the living quality of a patient
goes unrecognized in evaluating him. The mechanistic
evaluation may be ever so detailed while the patient
himself is ignored. The functionalist can see
dysfunction that the mechanist who is only
interested in structural change, overlooks or
minimizes. This oversight is not merely a matter
of a lack of training. The character structure of
the observer plays a large part in determining what
he sees and how important he considers it to be.
The greater the rigidity of the observer, the more
limited is his capacity for direct observation. He
quickly compensates for this by resorting to tests
that are readily available and upon which he prefers
to rely. In this era of specialization, this
indifference to the living quality of the patient
is more striking than it has ever been.....
The range of what we think and do
is limited by what we fail to notice.
And because we fail to notice
that we fail to notice,
there is little we can do to change;
until we notice how failing to notice
shapes our thoughts and deeds.

R. D. Laing
Children of the world unanimously agree on the following
to make the world a peaceful place.

1 - We hate WAR and demand that All Wars are Stopped immediately.
2 - We want all production of weapons to cease immediately.
3 - There will no longer be any Armies. There will only be Peace Corps
which will Help Out wherever required in the world in times of disaster.
Note: No Guns Required only Hearts and Hands and Minds.
4 - We want all land mines removed from our playgrounds, homes and
countryside. The Adult World put them there and they can now taketh
them away.
5 - All Nation States to be Abolished. Nationalism is the result of a belief
that there are different Races with different characteristics. Science has PROVEN
there is only One Race, The Human Race. The only difference is where we are born in the
world and how parents, society and the environment mold Children born in that place.
6 - Straight up we have had enough of being hit. We demand that the Adult world learn
better ways of communicating with us. Try listening to us for a change.
We know how the world should be.
7 - Children love their Grandparents and so their happiness is of great importance.
Grandparents are not to be hit either or abused or neglected.
8 - And lastly, Children KNOW adults have the resources.
So when are we going to see

From my voice on poverty
Tell Me Why
by Declan Galbraith
Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then you will find that Money cannot be eaten.

Cree Indian Prophecy.
We do not inherit the earth
from our ancestors,
we borrow it
from our children.

Native American Proverb.
The use of might doesn't make you right.
It just proves your a bully.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent; I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent; I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

Written by Nazi concentration camp survivor - Niemoller in 1946.
The following videos are very powerful so BE WARNED they are likely to tear
your heart apart. I cried throughout them all.

Please if you do not feel strong today do not watch them. Thank all that you
cherish that you are not featured in these videos.

Why do I highlight them? For the little ones. For the hope that they bring change.
For the hope that no more children die or suffer for the MAD BELIEFS of the adults
of the world.

Remember Governments can never wage war
if you and I refuse point blank
to pick up that gun.

The world will never change while we ignore the cost of War on Children.
I see children dying
while we wage war.
Fighting for our just causes
and their dead for sure.

Wars are not Justice.
Wars never bring Peace.
Wars only bring death and suffering.

The Killing of Children,
That's What War Is.
When the children cry.
And the band played
Waltzing Mathilda

The war on children
Youth Peace Coalition
War Made Easy. This is Islam
JFK on Government Spying. We..World's Poor-Arundhati Roy
*we make it together: ONE.ORG*


"ICAN - the International Campaign
To Abolish Nuclear weapons
Bomb The World
by Michael Franti
Learn from yesterday,
live for today,
hope for tomorrow.
Peace Train
by Yusuf
get up stand up!
by Bob Marley
The first step in ending
the Violence/Wars of the world
is to stop all Violence/Wars
against children in their homes.

Parents do not own
their children's lives.

UNICEF TV: Nonviolence workshops
protect Palestinian children
Knock Knock
Daniel Beaty
Daniel Beaty
Do you know your Human Right's?
Do you know Children's Human Right's?
They are the Same Right's!
Justice for Children

Mokin Sea Gyspies lived on the ocean
so they have no LAND RIGHTS.

Network for
Love, Work, Knowledge, Peace and Children's Rights
for we are a part of the problem or a part of the solution .
From Little Things

Environmental Action
and Resource Center

Dr. James DeMeo
Make visible what, without you,
might perhaps never have been seen.
Robert Bresson

You might be able to make me
look at the blackboard,
but you can't make me
take it in or remember it.

I am always doing that which I can not do,
in order that I may learn how to do it.
Pablo Picasso

Oooh yeah. Right.
Well I've been busy to.
Waiting for you to come home
and PLAY with me.

Individual water droplets of a fog highlighted by the camera's flash.
The white dot in the middle is the moon.

Hail Storm In Australia on 9 October 2007.
A gift for all who pass this way.
FREEDOM by Kev Carmondy off the Bloodlines Album .
Human freedom's fundamental....and justice a right
Equality's that thin line between wrong and right
When the Earth is denuded, her creatures oppressed
Then justice and freedom are put to the test
We say freedom, freedom will come....welcome freedom
Justice, justice will come....welcome justice
Freedom equality and justice are one
If we resist then justice and freedom will come
Freedom will come
The womanchild....the Motherearth
The land, the law, the human birth
The spirit child within my womb
The cycle of the autumn moon
My being's my spirit the land is my law
The industrial savages
Keep the oppressed so poor
Resistance will break the stealth eagle' claw
Peace is much more that the absence of war
The manchild....the Motherearth
the land, the law, the livin sun
the creatures and the living plants
all cry out as one....they chant freedom
reach out for peace
embrace human love
our global brothers and sisters
shed generations of blood
freedom will triumph....justice endure
when we struggle united, against every war
Some of the words of a beautiful song.
Kev Carmody's Website
Born in a particular place in time.
Born by the gift of life.
With no knowledge of before.
No knowledge of what is right.
I do not own anything.
For how could that be.
How could I buy things in life.
Really I don't see.
Can I put a price on life?
Well with what worth would I pay?
For what could life want from me?
But to live my life today.

Pretty Young Women who just want me to join their Sex site.
Pretty Women who are in trouble and need a White Night to save them.
Business People on the other side of the world who want me to be their Business Partner.
Musicians not interested in the above who just want me to push their music/products.
Do Not Contact Me I Will Not Add you or Respond!

My Interests

Love, Work, Knowledge, Peace, Childrens' Rights, The Function of Orgasm & Natural Work-Democracy , Video, Music, Web and the Power of Video+Music+Art+Web for Justice.

I'd like to meet:

People interested in Childrens' Rights, Love, Work, Knowledge, Peace, Sexuality & Natural Work-Democracy.


by Kev Carmondy
from the Bloodlines album.

Five for Fighting
Lots of other Music.


Only if you go with me.




Little Old Man Who Could Not Read
by Irma Simonton Black
& Seymour Fleishman..
Wilhelm Riech's work..
All of it.
by A.S.Neill ..
Children's Rights
published by Panther..
the lives of children
The Story of the
First Street School

by George Dennison..
A Natural History Of Peace
Edited by Thomas Gregor..
Toxic Psychiarty
By P. R. Breggin..
Fact Book

by R. Breggin..
Your Amazing Newborn
By M & P Klaus..
When Your Kids Push
Your Buttons And What
To Do About It

by Bonnie Harris..
Adventure Playgrounds
by Jack Lambert & Jenny Pearson..
by Alexander Lowen..
Heretic's Notebook
Edited by James DeMeo..
The 4000 BCE Origins of Child-Abuse,
Sex-Repression, Warfare & Social Violence,
In the Deserts of the Old World"
by James DeMeo..


The babies, children and teenagers of the world.
Be Silent No More
WOW! Work of Women
Make Poverty History
Fight Hunger
youth against poverty
food water shelter
World Neighbors
EarthOne Music
Las Vegas

"International Campaign
Against Honour Killings"


Child Abuse Awareness
Emotional Abuse
Don't Be Silenced
Killing Us Softly 2
Self Injury Awareness
Teen Suicide
One More Chance
Mental Health Forum

Depression Support
The Joy Project
Gurze Books
Beyond War

End Poverty
World Peace
Give Peace a Chance!
Women's Rights
= Human Rights

Universal Peace Association
by John Lennon
Choose Tolerance
Choose Love

Darfur Chad Emergency NEWS
Just Foreign Policy
ICAN - the International Campaign
To Abolish Nuclear weapons

End Torture Campaign
Media Education Foundation
Challenging Media

Make Art Not War
Make Music 4

Amnesty International

Anti-Human Trafficking
Human trafficking awarness
American Anti-Slavery Group
Painters for Human Rights®
Artivist Network
Islamic Relief
Denko Foundation
Los Angeles
Homeless Services Coalition

World Vision MPH Concert
July 28 Brisbane

Music 4 Peace
The Gandhi Tour
BeyondBorders.TV ,,
Peace TV,,
"Reach Out, Speak Up
Ignite Change Now!"

Citizens for Global Solutions
The C4 Group
Peer Abuse Know More!

D-Girls, INC
-18 Movement
GAGI Australia
I aint no Ghaalmaghaal-back Girl
Images of Peace
Share Your Soles
Children's Organization

Drop In The Bucket
Will Play For Food Campaign
The Peacemakers
Ms. Appalshop
Didjeridoo is Peace
Caama Music
The Spirit of the Land Foundation
books to prisoners
To Donate
Food for Free

My Blog

There is only one Race - The Human Race.

RACISM IS DEAD!There is no such thing as different Races.Racism is only an intellectual invention.It is important that this idea of Race be replaced with the knowledge that there is only one Race, The...
Posted by Love Work Knowledge on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 01:52:00 PST

Fascism is a State Of Mind

Fascism is a State Of MindSong by The AddictionsI might be madbut I'm not as crazyas the worldyou say is realI might be madbut I'm not as crazyas the wayyou say you feelYou beat your kidsand you say y...
Posted by Love Work Knowledge on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 05:23:00 PST

Freud's Early Work, and subsequent Betrayal Of Truth.

"Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child-Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare & Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World"by James DeMeoExert from the sectionFreud's Early Work, and subsequent B...
Posted by Love Work Knowledge on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 01:49:00 PST

How do You Handle Aggression In Your Face?

Raised in a bottle and stayed there too.You know there's lots of other things you can do.We were raised in a bottle yeah but we jumped out.Come on all you people why don't you come out. Open your ar...
Posted by Love Work Knowledge on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 01:36:00 PST

What is 'Work-Democracy'?

What is 'Work-Democracy'? A place I would like to grow up in. Work-democracy is the natural process of love, work and knowledge that governed, governs and will continue to govern economy and man's so...
Posted by Love Work Knowledge on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 01:29:00 PST

It is exciting to realize our young, like other baby mammals, know how to find mother's breast.

  Your Amazing NewbornMarshall H Klaus, M.D.Phyllis H. Klaus, C.S.W,M.F.C.C. In stunning photographs, all of babies less than two weeks old, this unique book illustrates the incredible new find...
Posted by Love Work Knowledge on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:38:00 PST

Children are the seeds of freedom

Children have the right to; self-determinationfreedom of speech and thoughtfreedom from fear and want freedom to form relationshipsUntil Children receive their right'sthe sick state of the world will...
Posted by Love Work Knowledge on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 02:25:00 PST

Child Care of the future. To ensure your child's place, book earily.

Child Care of the future. To ensure your child's place, book earily....
Posted by Love Work Knowledge on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:10:00 PST

Adventure Playgrounds. A place to play.

The following is from the Adventure Playgrounds Website nbsp; Adventure playgrounds provide a space for children to play freely. Play is a ...
Posted by Love Work Knowledge on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 12:10:00 PST

To allow a child the freedom to be themselves is the real cure for criminality.

Some words from A.S.Neill of Summerhill School To allow a child the freedom to be themselves is the real cure for criminality.  I learned that years ago when I went to see Homer Lane's Littl...
Posted by Love Work Knowledge on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 11:47:00 PST