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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello..Sorry about the sunflower,it doesn't mean I'm not as lovely as that flower,I am however camera shy(I am a Pisces Lady!) and prefer to be liked for myself not what I look like!..Anyway.. Having been a businesswoman(successful-I think!) for many years I decided last year it was time for me. Spirituality has always been a big part in my life having had a "gift" since childhood so now I do my mediumship but only for those who really need it.My passion is my group of like minded people who meet at my Little Sanctuary(www.thelittlesanctuary.com) and are there to learn about different aspects of a subject which covers vast areas..My Psychic Highway(tm)which is now my lifes soul purpose takes me towards my aim which is to reach as many people as possible who have no knowledge of spirituality but want to learn,so it's starting from scratch for them and going forward learning as much or as little as they want...without being tooo deep!!My Sanctuary is my earthhome( ones' real home is where one goes back to after this life!) and is always open to my family,friends and all the wildlife who feel free to roam around the grounds( eating each other is not allowed!). My other passion is my Angels,but I do have a fascination for faeries and all nature spirits! I have been blessed with many wonderful friends, but I am a great believer in you reap what you sow,so being a giver of love myself it reflects back to me as I endeavour to make all feel special(and teach love is not supposed to hurt!),for we are all individuals and we are all special,some just don't believe in themselves as they should....oh dear better stop there or you will all think I'm the "Dippy Woman!"...just one more thing..remember..Wherever you go in this life and whatever you do...All Roads Lead Home!!!!

My Interests

www.thelittlesanctuary.com(my website)Nature@Spiritual Exploration/Paranormal.Law of Attraction.Enlightenment.Synchronicity. Exploring my garden for faeries!(I know they're there!)Northumberland..it is sooo peaceful.The Irish..they make me feel warm and happy,their music uplifts me..Dogs/Cats/My Psychic Parrot Paddy,and all my wild animals I care for.. "Being there" for those who need help with my Mediumship. Most Music.Movies.Restaurants.Being the Hostess at dinner parties!Get Togethers" with 60s'music/dancing. Writing(there's a book in me somewhere!).Reading.Poetry. Travelling...My partner and I decided this year is our year for travel!!!

I'd like to meet:

My partner and I attended a wonderful Spiritual Conference in Las Vegas in May taken by Gordon Smith,Steven Farmer,Sylvia Brown and Doreen Virtue so I was extremely happy to see them.However would still like to meet David Carradine and Ali,Colin Fry,Stuart Wilde(hopefully we will see him in Las Vegas in October when we go back again.) I do not want liars or cheats to cross my path for the hurt they can cause others is unforgiving....and... Most of the others I would love to meet are on "The Other Side!". If I could go back in time, I would want to hear Martin Luther King make his "I have a Dream" speech... Meet Mother Teresa ,and walk in my gardens with St.Francis of Assisi....but,for now... I know those who need me, find me,I'm here! and, I'd love to meet "Whoever comes may way.."


Everything!! I love most music...including jazz now!!..since my Jersey holiday where I heard it properly for the first time and took time to listen!!


All Vampire Movies.Ben Hur/All Biblical Epics!!It's a Wonderful life.The Hitcher.The Last Picture Show.My Fair Lady,Breakfast at Tiffanys. Sleepless in Seattle.The Green Mile. Pride and Prejudice.Lost Horizon. Any to do with the "Little People!"


Never watch it.


Born for Love.Power Animals(Steven Farmer).Life after Death.The Book of Truth and Knowledge.Kill Bill(it's signed!).Most poetry(except Plath).My book of art by David Shepherd.Doreen Virtue and Theolyn Cortens books on Angels/Lightworkers.The Bible.All encyclopedias... Just so Stories.Stuart Wilde is a favourite author...


My late Husband(who was Irish!) and my Father who are both now on the other side..in fact most people I looked up to are over there now!I have a lot of respect for people who try,try,and try again(life's hard!). Martin Luther King,Mother Teresa..and here and now my Family and Friends who are all so full of love..And John of course-my partner-who is also gifted and is always there to help others too..

My Blog

Travelling Light..

About 5am this morning I woke with the words Father forgive them... repeatedly going through my mind!As I lay thinking I realised I have finally reached a point in this life whereby I have no luggage ...
Posted by Helen on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 12:19:00 PST

The Biggest "UN"....

This morning I woke up with an awful thought- "I'm just a big UN!"- UNwanted,UNneeded,UNloved etc..... I dragged myself out of my bed and really for the first time in five years felt sorry for myself....
Posted by Helen on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:47:00 PST

Eight Random facts about Myself !!

If I tagged you here are the rules.. 1.Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 2.People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things-then post these...
Posted by Helen on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 05:09:00 PST

Claim your Inheritance.

Take time to look around you,there are hundreds of ways in which the Universe tells you how much you are loved..know you are loved, and are a member of a very important family,meditate ...
Posted by Helen on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 12:02:00 PST

Vessels of Love...

Knowing I have a firm Spiritual foundation allows me to see my unique plan in life emerging, and, I am  now able to demonstrate my emotions don't fluctuate greatly anymore which allows me to...
Posted by Helen on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 12:16:00 PST

The World is Made of Miracles..

The ongoing process of inventions have seen the coming together of people from all continents-people who are all like minded and linked by love and goodness.Within my circle of friends on My Space I h...
Posted by Helen on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 01:35:00 PST

The World Is My Baby.

After the death of my beloved husband five years ago I went into what seemed like a long period of meditation,I sat and sat and thought and thought!From being very young I knew I was "different" ...
Posted by Helen on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 02:48:00 PST

To You..

I have given you something so preciousmore precious than money or fame,more precious than possessions,I have given you my Time!for every second that passes me byhas gone, forever.It is my life-Time.I ...
Posted by Helen on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 03:56:00 PST

Being There..

My latest message given to me after asking my Angels and Guides "Where am I going?"...I was told..You will beWhere you will beWhen you are there.Helen.
Posted by Helen on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 11:27:00 PST


These words are not from me but from my Guides ....After a week of feeling quite down I asked for help...This is what they told me.Don't worry about "Now"It's just gone!turn it aroundand you've "Won"!...
Posted by Helen on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 02:55:00 PST