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Join the movement to stop legalized violence towards children!

About Me

The organization PARENTS AND TEACHERS AGAINST VIOLENCE IN EDUCATION takes the position that children should no longer be excluded from the legal protections against assault and battery that apply to adults. Moreover, the defense of children should be more vigorous because they are more vulnerable; because the consequences of their early mistreatment are difficult to reverse; because damaged children tend to grow into damaged adults who are likely to avenge themselves in one way or another. If they will not harm others, then they will likely harm themselves, and they may passively support the mistreatment of children perpetrated by others. Current research in the field of child development overwhelmingly confirms the theory that the earlier and the worse the mistreatment of children, the worse the outcome.We believe that the information we offer to professionals in the healthcare and educational fields and to parents and other childcare providers by means of our Web site and printed literature can lead the way to a healthier and more peaceful society governed by the principles of nonviolence-based interactions for all.Board of Directors, 2002
Spanking does for children's upbringing what fistfights between spouses do for a marriage.
Click image at left to learn more!FREE COPIES OF OUR BOOKLET, "PLAIN TALK ABOUT SPANKING," ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. If you know of a parent who could benefit from reading this material, please let us know and we will ship you a copy immediately.

My Interests

If you trust your pediatrician to tell you which medicines are healthy or harmful for your children to take, why would you not take their advice, similarly, on which styles of discipline are healthy and effective for them? Would you give your child a pill that listed as many possible side-effects on its label as spanking does? If you had two children and the doctor told you that giving them this little blue pill would produce temporary good behavior in both of them, but would result, for one of the children (he does not know which one), in a host of more severe adult problems including but not limited to depression, anxiety, alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual derailment, sadism, masochism, low self-esteem, criminal behavior and suicidal tendencies, would you proceed to give that little blue pill to your children? At what point does the risk outweigh the potential benefit?

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who believes raising children is best done with patience and love and not through intimidation and fear. Please spread the word by adding this page to your TOP 8, so that as many people as possible can be alerted to this movement and its important message. Thank you for your help.*****All of the information, quotes, and images on this page were borrowed in their original context from Jordan Riak and all of the contributors at To learn more, please visit their very comprehensive site on the web.


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My Blog

Alternatives to Spanking

Written by Aletha Solter, PhD   1. LOOK FOR UNDERLYING NEEDS. Example: Give your child something to play with while waiting in line. 2. GIVE INFORMATION AND REASONS. Example: If your child color...
Posted by NO SPANKING on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 08:39:00 PST

What should I do when I see someone hitting their child?

Written by Debra L. Stang   Unfortunately, there aren't any easy answers to that question. Each situation is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. The following ideas...
Posted by NO SPANKING on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 06:00:00 PST

Spare the rod, spoil the child? (think again)

A letter written by Jordan Riak   11/11/04   You say that you were raised with spanking and that you are a better person for it. Are you sure your declaration isn't tainted by just a...
Posted by NO SPANKING on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 05:57:00 PST

Spanking, Lead Based Paint, and Other Familiar Household Toxins

Written by Jordan Riak, Evansville Courier, Feb 1998   You'll never hear spanking defended by someone who was raised without it. It seems to me that in order to strike a child, even to consider s...
Posted by NO SPANKING on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 05:54:00 PST

Spanking the buttocks and sexual development

Written by Jordan Riak   Medical science has long recognized and documented in great detail how being struck on the buttocks can stimulate sexual feelings. Children are especially susceptible. Th...
Posted by NO SPANKING on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 12:43:00 PST

Spanking and Brain Development

Written by Jordan Riak   In early childhood, the brain develops faster than any other organ in the body. By age 5, the brain reaches about 90 percent of its adult weight, and by 7, it is fully gr...
Posted by NO SPANKING on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 12:18:00 PST