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Mind Trainer


About Me

I am always asked questions and find that generally people are curious and open to the topic of my profession. Ask questions and I'll see what kind of answers I can help you with........................................................ ................................... ..........This site is really all about you.What are your DREAMS? Think about all you want to achieve in this life time. Manifest your wishes and bring them into your life NOW.You have the power to achieve your DREAMS, after all that is why the desires were put there........ Take a journey into automatically acting in the ways that get you closer and closer to what you desire for yourself.................................................... .....You will get solutions that are concrete and permanent. You will get past fears and go beyond your current limits and begin to see yourself as free and that will change your life. the most popular areas I work in are: abundance mind training, weight loss, smoking cessation, creativity blocks, and stage fright, improving sports performance, and hypnobirthing. Keep in mind the added benefits of stress reduction and relaxation will improve with repeated listening and go hand in hand with improving all areas of ones life. Thanks for stopping by and MAKE a great day!

My Interests

Getting you the changes you desire.I am available to help facilitate the changes you are seeking. Seeing those around me happy.

I'd like to meet:

Any one Interested in personal empowerment. Those that want to take thier talent and skill to the next level. See yourself as a doer and a winner. Those who are always reaching for the HAPPINESS they deserve. Those who like to feel, GOOD and RELAXED and FREE. Anybody who needs help getting what they are working for.


Soothing and Relaxing sometimes. Loud at other times. Relentlessly motivating me to move other times. It just depends on my moods. Since music stimulates our moods and a variety of states, it just depends on what I feel like creating in my day or moment. I think that it's so important to feed your mind lots of positive stuff. so I strongly support my friends who are hypnotists and I suggest that every one check out thier stuff. I think the more you expose your mind to hypnotic relaxation expiences the better.


Movies have always been an area of contention for alot of hypnotherapists. The very nature of entertainment has within it the capacity to take you out of reality and into your imagination. It's fine, great, and dandy if it's done right. Good theater should bring about an awareness of oneself in relation to all that exists , most notably, it should bring about a sense of hope, humility and unity. In this way it has a curative effect on most people. If, on the other hand, it is used selfishly, it has the power to hurt others. I like the movie 'Thank You For Smoking' because it relates this. Such as in the scene when ever the ciggarette companies go to the movie producer and propose to pay them to make smoking cool again. It demonstrates how easliy we are emotionally persuaded into doing things that are not in our best interest because of the selfishness of those selling products that hurt others. Another area of consideration that is a contention for hypnotherapists is how the hypnosis is portrayed in media. It's confusing to those who are unaware of the power of the mind. Hypnotherapy is a healing modality. It is to be used to help others get what they want, not to be used by a hypnotherapist to get what he or she wants. I saw alot of questionable stuff in school. There was one guy who truly wanted to build a practise helping women achieve better sexual experiences. I felt it was unethical becasue it was clear he was deriving his own sexual pleasure from these clients while he had them under. That is abusive. I got a masters degree as a result of seeing unethical uses of hypnosis. My thinking was along the lines of - anyone who is truly commited to helping others will at least show up with some credentials to back there passionate pursuits. I make no bones about the fact that there are some practioners who are great, and don't want to use people for thier own gain, and may not have an advanced degree. There are some that have gone to medical school and have more credentials then myself and without knowing it, have produced work that is clearly unethical and detrimental to the clients well being ( See www.real-hypnosis.com). The movie to the side, put together by Lamp is another example of how hypnosis is abused by a therapist. I always reccomend that you get a tape of your session in order to be sure that the suggestions are what you want to be feeding your mind. A general rule of thumb to ask yourself is does this person seem to be about selfish gains or unselfish gains...like those who tell you how you can learn to secretly learn how to control others though hypnosis...How is that person presenting ?...SELFISHLY. Ask yourself, Will this person probably use me ? Certainly! they are not at all opposed to people using people. There are also endless abuses of mind control currently going on through the mass media today, that is true. Study after study validates this. Many just refuse to listen to the professionals when it comes to the connection between viewing violence and taking action on it. It's like going to a car mechanic and refusing to believe his opinion about how your car runs. All I know is how to change a tire and gas up. The rest I leave to them. Just as when I drive accross a bridge, I trust that the engineers know more then I do about how to make it sturdy. How , how do they know? Through testing results in a lab. Yet when it comes to my everyday well being and saftey I have control over what I allow my mind to see. How do I know that? Through test results in a lab. It's easy for the unconscious mind to buy into suggestions and act on them. It is an art to put it in such a way as to get the desired results, be they selfish or unselfish. I STONGLY reccomend that you shield you mind from various forms of diversions that are negative. It can be any form of suggestions. If a song brings me down, I listen to its content. If it's all about the artists' ego and there own self gratification at the expense of someone else, I choose not to expose myself to it. That's what the hypnotherapists mean when they say "you can't hypnotise someone without their consent". If I agree to listen to, or watch something, I am 'agreeing' to be effected by it. If it is getting me upset in some way or causing alot of confusion, I choose to simply let it go. I just find something that is more uplifting and feels good. Follow your gut reaction if you are uncertian. More often then not, your true natural reactions will guide you when you face confusion. You really DO want to be as aware as possible, because the truth is that you ARE consenting to what you expose yourself to. You can and will begin to see clearly for yourself each time you make a decision to tune into your little voice that wispers to you in quiet moments. Finding peace that has lead many to happiness is what my sessions are all about. Movies that generate clarity , which lead to peace of mind, are my favorites.


Og Mandino: The Greatest Secret In the World


Those willing to let thier butterfly out for a little while!take a journey with real-hypnosis.com and let your butterfly free ! ..Everyone who walk this world in peace and willingness to get past fears and self centeredness in order to be a reciever and live life for others. Save The World - One Click At A Time!

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My Blog


My 13 year old will be 14 in a couple of weeks and her sociability just popped to a higher level over the holiday break, as she got out with new friends. One of our old neighbors (her longest friend) ...
Posted by Mind Trainer on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 02:29:00 PST


Mind candy soul candy heart candy ....but instead of causing trips to the dentist it actually helps you stay in tip top condition. It just taste soo good and you want to have more...thats good hypn...
Posted by Mind Trainer on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 06:54:00 PST

your mind... risks

Today is your day for positive action and you are now ready to take new risks ...always remember taking risks is a lesson in tuning in to your intuitive self and often times like a baby learning how t...
Posted by Mind Trainer on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 08:01:00 PST