L Condor profile picture

L Condor

~^~L Condor Opens His Heart ~^~

About Me

My name is Lucho and I was born in Bogota, Colombia and presently living in my heart.I enjoy writing ( being a journalist and TV/Film producer), creating music, teaching Raja Yoga Meditation,www.bkwsu.org Sound Healing, Shamanistic travels, mountain climbing, humanitarian work, dolphins, lost cities, ancient cultures, quantum thought and following my visions. I have traveled the world, been to India 20 times ( many past lives here) and even lived in Cusco, Peru for a year in 2001. Now I am producing - Prophecy, The Last Message. A film about a the rainbow bridge souls uniting the tribes including the Kogi living in NE Colombia. See my web Tribal Ink News www.tribalink.orgI have been in the Corporate world --Ford, Nortel, Motorola and Magazines - learned much, but now free from slavery of working 4 others. This past July 05, I joined forces with The Womb www.thewomb.com and Krib TV www.krib.tv , was an investor in 1998. This Internet Radio/TV company is a force and anyone interested in Strategic Alliances and Sponsorships, let me know.I had a Near Death Exp in 1986 and changed my life. Now I see the world as a cosmic video in the eternal cycles of time. Don't drive while tripping on acid. Those days are over but needed to awaken fast...God has a funny way of saying change my son...When was the last time you saw yourself in your original nature? A seed of light.The magic of seeing that is worth the trip to the inner world. I am a point of light, love and peace filled with wisdom, purity and bliss. I am timeless and a time traveler. I work with dolphins and believe they have much to teach us, not to mention all animals, fire, crystals, the elements, star codes, angels and and some ETs. I am a bit mystic, part romantic, sometimes clown with a dash of a warrior, blended with the artists and teacher to heal. So light, sound, motion, love, peace, crystals, ancient memory, angelic help, eternal music and electricty ...all together = Me.In the end we are all souls, points of light, peaceful in nature, eternal, timeless and it is time to go home, Be happy. :-)I also have a couple blogs at www.youtube.com/tribalinknews, http://globaltvlive.wordpress.com , www.livevideo.com/Tribalinknews , http://tribalinknews.blogspot.com and more photos at www.people.tribe.net/lcondor . You can read more about my adventures and letters of light, maybe on day we will meet and you can be part of my moving movie or I can be part of your movie. We all are creators and artists healing the world and finding our way inside 4 true peace. Om ShantiA Film 4 life - a Touch 4 Eternity...U R Divine Light..Take time to go within, ~Om Shanti~ U R Peaceful Souls...
Cool Slideshows..
Cool Slideshows.Where is my Home? A great video produced by spirit bro Piero www.casasangam.itEnjoy the exp of a Corporate Soul going home.Love in Action ~*~Get Your Own Voice Player ManageWe R Timeless Magician...Heal the Land ~ Hear my Call...
Cool Slideshows Let the Dolphins take u away....sit back & relax

My Interests

Crystal Healing, Poetry, Music, Shaman Trips, Swimming, archeaology, working with Indigo Children, Dolphin healing, music of the angels, filming life, being a Light 4 the world, time-space travel, writing 4 future reference, Quantum stuff and codes. And most important...teaching souls to relax and find inner peace....Be a Star of Love in action.... ..
Cool Slideshows..
Cool SlideshowsAlso space, the stars and white holes. I am a vortex and a dot.CURRENT MOON moon phases

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in music, sound healing, Raja Yoga Meditation, humanitarian concerns, indigo children, eco-warriors, dolphin lovers, searchers of God, angels lost, memories found, children of light, native brothers and sisters and u reading this.If I had a chance to meet historical figures---I would and maybe in a past life have met... the prophet souls, Jesus, Buddha, Abraham and The Father of all souls, The Supreme Light.So Who R U? If we are eternal, then we have met before...meeting again....Be Happy and Smile God Loves U!!Enjoy a Demo of our Prophecy Film


New Age, Native American, ballads, classical, classic rock and Sitar.
Cool Slideshows


A Kogi Hopi Dream....Me at EarthDance Miami, Txs to Pablo... www.myspace.com/Pabloyogui


Scifi Stargate, History , Discovery and PBS. All other tv is .... Try making TV that inspires people. Images and Voice of Hope www.ivofhope.orgWhen we see the call of time, we don't waste time..2coolphoto /
Cool Slideshows


4 Agreements by Miguel Ruiz, Murli Book by Bapdada, Bhagavad Gita by Stephen Mitchell, the Bible, Koran, and The Elder Brothers by Alan EreiraEnjoy this clip of the RCN Spanish program about Spirit Payment of Kogi Mamos for Anti-mines-powerful message....The love flows....
Cool Slideshows


Dadi Prakashmani, A True Angel of Light.Prajapita Brahma & The Supreme Soul, the Greatest Heros!
Cool Slideshows God, Angels and Children, they teach us how 2 Love.In the arms of an Angel...... width="425" height="350" ....

My Blog

Miami Circle Ceremony June 20th 6pm

Dear Family of Light,Please join us for a special Solstice Ceremony at Miami Circle this Friday June 20th at 6 pm.Meeting on Brickell Bridge. We will have the Circle open for us especially to bring in...
Posted by L Condor on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 08:22:00 PST

Goddess Fire Magic -Miami 19th plus wisdom thoughts

Dear Family of Light,Many txs to all who responded to the last blog....yes we live in times of change and rearrange and things seem to be speeding up. So what is going on? A major earthquake, cyclone...
Posted by L Condor on Fri, 16 May 2008 01:23:00 PST

Miami Vortex and Condor Update

Dear Family of Light,Yes I have been quiet and in my cave or Miami vortex if u like...if you didn't see my last post..was doing an experiment in Silence....no computer, TV, radio -just being silent, s...
Posted by L Condor on Fri, 09 May 2008 01:26:00 PST

Happy PI DAY & Prophecy News

Dear Family of Light,A special blessing from the Colombia land as time is shifting and the numbers are singing. I return to Miami on the 19th and flowing like a river. I just finished a 25 min short ...
Posted by L Condor on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:38:00 PST

Mamos Message

Dear Family of Light,In time we see the sacred message...in visions we understand the mystery unfold...in dream time, we create the magic 4 all 2 see....open your eyes to a revelation in the making, l...
Posted by L Condor on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 07:16:00 PST

Cosmic Dance of Sun & Moon,

Dear Family of Light,A day of magic, mystery and wonder...moon dance and sun shadows. We live in a time when prophecies awaken.Star Light Dreaming and Birds of Passion.Nothing is forsaken the world is...
Posted by L Condor on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:39:00 PST

Special Message of Love

Dear Family Of Light,A Special Valentines Day for everyone and a warm welcome to all the new friends.Amazing the feedback and wish I could reply to all, but am on a hyper speed train and lots going on...
Posted by L Condor on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 12:35:00 PST

Doorways Open as Solar Eclipse Activates

Dear Family of Light,Can you feel the energy in the air, Tornados in the US, a master volcano awakes in Ecuador, snow in China and Doorways Open as Solar Eclipse Activates. As I write we are in the mi...
Posted by L Condor on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 02:17:00 PST

Rainbow Festival

Dear Family of Light,Today is the beginning of the New Year for the Inga & Camëntsá people of Putumayo (yage land) in S Colombia and the Festival of Rainbows. When all the colors of the rainbows (or u...
Posted by L Condor on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 07:06:00 PST

A Crystal Bowl Meditation & Fun in Colombia

Dear Family of Light,A special hello from Colombia land and blessings 4 the full moon.These days seem like thunder with a cool breeze of calmness. We just had a meditation here with some friends and l...
Posted by L Condor on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 07:46:00 PST