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Pheo Rose


About Me

Drawing on a wonderful use of rhythms and instruments, this original music was composed to release the tensions of the mind, revitalize the inner energies, and soothe the soul; with the result of bringing the listener to both joy and deep peace thru Contemplative Listening.
Contemplative Listening is a quieting of all the voices of the ego and sensory perception until in a seeming nothingness, Presence itself fills one’s awareness. It is only in the quieting Presence that the deepest parts of the mind and soul may emerge into consciousness. And, if one strives to perceive the deepest parts of the mind and soul, the effort itself will be a block. Only with sustained comfort in the seeming focused nothingness will emergence be possible.
Awareness to the cacophony of inner voices, and integrating them into a single quietness can be practiced musically. Musical tracks unite into melodies and harmonies. Hearing each musical track, and then uniting them into simultaneous integration of one focus is wonderful practice for hearing and integrating all the inner voices into a quieted oneness. CL mode, means that the music has been composed and arranged to facilitate this practice. All Mystic Rose Music Label albums are created in the CL Mode.
To Get the Most from this Music and its CL mode, use headphones, or a quiet environment with good stereo of left and right speakers.
Pheo Rose' Personal Biography:Sometime between ages 10 and 11, and somewhere in the swirl of bologna and liverwurst that was brought into our house of poverty, came an upright piano. Once here, the old and cracked veneer was stripped off, but nothing ever replaced it. That was “home” then, people and things stripped of what they had, and not much could be given to produce new luster.
I buried my fingers into the piano keys as I unburied emotions through playing. Eight months of lessons almost completely undid any love for the piano. I announced that the only way I would keep with the instrument was “my way,” Without intention, the piano became my “sounding board” for life’s confusion, as well as my confessor receiving all the pain and hurt and troubling thoughts. In so many ways time at the piano was my single intimate companion to whom I could reach out with the most vulnerable of feelings.
My childhood was a life of great scarcity of everything nurturing, and my twenties bore the child of this – personal agony. My intimate companion was there for me; always taking the depth of feeling, and helping me express it musically. I added flute for those times in Nature’s Sanctuary. People who heard my music sat quietly and always seemed to comment, “Don’t Stop.” I realized then that the depth that I reached for connected with others as well. So I started paying more attention and remembering more of the “original” pieces that poured out of me.
Since 1973, I have performed solo piano, flute, and Celtic harp where its depth of feeling could most help others – weddings, church services, retreats, prayer circles, earth day events.
Since 1989, I have composed music that would express and support others in the exquisite inner journey to their soul and full self integration. The first three of these cds will be released in 2007 on my own label, Mystic Rose Music. Two more efforts will be released by 2008.
Decades of Studying and Journeying the “Way” of the mystics has merged with my music to offer the spiritual journey to full self integration using music as my primary tool.
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Member Since: 4/3/2007
Band Website:
Purchase Digital Tracks Here:

.. Purchase at CDBABY-- PHEO ROSE: Soul Bridge

Drawing on a wonderful variety of rhythms and instruments, this original music was composed to release the tensions of the mind, revitalize the inner energies, and bring deep peace and joy to the soul; this album also is the first in a series of music cds

.. Purchase at CDBABY-- PHEO ROSE: Soul Pulses

Extending in length 6 of the pieces from Soul Bridge, very soothing music opens inner energies, and then builds in tempo, energizing and integrating the listener; this is also the 2nd cd in a Journey to self integration series using music.

.. Purchase at CDBABY-- PHEO ROSE: Soul Yoga

Use this third in a series of using music and program notes to lead you into self, body/mind/soul integration and a sense of Blissful Peace; or just enjoy the ever deepening music.

Sounds Like: Soul Bridge:
Soul Pulses:
Soul Yoga:

Record Label: Mystic Rose Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Final Two Pieces of Inner Universe

New Star     I could not blog about this piece of music while creating it.  The still presence required could not be simultaneously observed.  This is the most sacred piece on...
Posted by Pheo Rose on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 06:47:00 PST

The Musical Piece Twinkles - A lullaby for Rest

Twinkles            Once in the "Reach of Love" we find the Peace that is beyond what earthly life can engender.  This Peace is not an escape fro...
Posted by Pheo Rose on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 09:49:00 PST

The Next Musical Piece - High Lights

Love Sparkles.  When we set aside pride and replace it with humility, when we set aside jaded-ness and replace it with awe; when we set aside "what can this do for me" and replace it with "How c...
Posted by Pheo Rose on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 10:40:00 PST

The Next Piece "Star Gazing"

Love's Reach and Star Gazing   I found myself "swinging" back around to Love's Reach.  Even though this piece was finished, I went back to add the new level of "Coherence." Like life, i...
Posted by Pheo Rose on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 07:43:00 PST

The Musical Piece Coherence

Coherence  Only one other time in my life have I awakened with musical phrases remembered.  Usually I play the most incredibly beautiful music on a variety of surfaces  rarely a key board, ...
Posted by Pheo Rose on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:02:00 PST

The Musical Piece "Lost One"

LOST ONE    The title of this piece has two intended meanings.  The first has to do with a person being lost, a "lost one."  The second meaning has do to with losing the Prese...
Posted by Pheo Rose on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:11:00 PST

Want Some Inspiration -- View "The Shift"

  A friend introduced me to The Shift.  Its url:    ...
Posted by Pheo Rose on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 05:55:00 PST

The Deep Grounding Resonances of Muka Depths

MUKA DEPTHS     The experience of expressing the vastness of our inner universe led me back to a musical piece from the "Soul Yoga" album.   The chakra at the base of the...
Posted by Pheo Rose on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 06:24:00 PST

The "Vast"ness of the Inner Universe

THE VAST       Phoeone's Poem, "Into the Stillness I Must Go" bespeaks the way into the vastness of our inner universe.   Common to all mysticism is the teaching that we...
Posted by Pheo Rose on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 06:15:00 PST

The First Piece of The Inner Universe -- Loves Reach

Here is what has come so far about the first piece:  Love's Reach:      To begin, I refer back to this July when I drank deeply a long discussion in the Spiritual Awakenings G...
Posted by Pheo Rose on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:27:00 PST