Here you can preview songs and buy downloads of some of our songs as singles off our new album called "One World Love" coming soon. Enjoy!
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When we first met each other, music was the key to our reunion. It was the very first thing that we spoke of to each other and it triggered a feeling that we had never had before with anyone else. We were both wanting to have music that spoke of the love and joy of life and reflected our deeper spiritual feelings. From that first moment we felt linked through our music and it continued to call us together as if it had a mission of its own until we became inseparable, living as one being in love and light creating the music we had always dreamed of. Music that fills you with an eternal joy, music that awakens the inner feelings of knowing yourself as the lover of life and all it gives. Music that takes you floating through new dimensional feelings of peace, inner ecstasy, that makes you shiver inside from the mere vibration of the music, voices and meaning of the words.
As we have allowed our music to flow from our creative inspiration we have developed an amazing sound which we call Love-Rock. It comes from our heart's desire to give music to the world that can change a person's life just by listening to it because of its frequency of love, compassionate understanding and transformational quality. We give our music a strong, vibrant, living sound as well as depth and passion. We love so much to sing from the depths of our heart and just let the feelings of love, compassion, understanding and spiritual richness flow through us.
We are both so passionate about our music and we wish for it to touch each and every soul on this planet with the vibration that transforms lives into beauty, joy, love, happiness. We also share our love for each other as Twin Flames throughout many of our songs and we know that this can help others to have their own blissful Twin Flame Reunion. Your Twin Flame is your divine male or female counterpart.
THE TRUE PURPOSE OF MUSICWe feel that music's true purpose is to be able to hear the very sound of love upon sound waves and this can remind us of who we truly are, Beings of Love and Light. We can all use music to resonate with the vibration of love in our world. We can use it to remind us that we are amazing beings and create our entire reality with the love that we are. Music can take us beyond our personal identities and unite us all consciously as one in our heart.