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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

The Hub Productions in association with OzChicksUnite proudly presents:
All Hell Breaks Loose Supernatural Convention Australia
Special Guests Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki - Dean and Sam Winchester from Supernatural
Newest Special Guest is Misha Collins who plays the Angel Castiel.
Saturday 18 - Sunday 19 April 2009 Sydney
Venue - Sir John Clancy Auditorium
UNSW Campus High St Kensington NSW
Parking through Gate 11, Botany St. Park in multi-level parking station.
On foot through Gate 9, High St. The Sir John Clancy Auditorium is located on the right.
The Boys Are Back In Town Together - Let The Squealing Begin.
More details to come stay tuned at
All ticket prices, details and scheduling for convention are announced at:
The Hub Production
Photo Ops & Autograph Ops For Misha Collins are available:
Photo Ops $40 - Purchase on the day
Autograph Ops $30 - Purchase on the day
Platinum ticket holders receive Photo/Autograph Ops in their packet deal.
Platinum Tickets - SOLD OUT!
Photo Ops - SOLD OUT
VIP Tickets - SOLD OUT!
Autograph Tickets & Day Passes are still available.
All Tickets Must Be Sold
Jensen, Jared & Misha will be attending Cocktail Party
Tickets for AHBLSuperOzCon are selling fast please dont hold back or else you will miss out in this awesome once in lifetime event.
Jensen & Jared want to ease Supernatural Fans minds about AHBLSuperOzCon
A request from Carissa (The Hub Productions) If you have posted the original video from her website to please take it down and replace it with ours as permission wasnt given from her..Thank you.
Subscribe to our newsletter at [email protected]
All questions you have regarding SuperOzCon please direct to [email protected]
Let’s Raise A Little Hell!

Custom Countdowns & MySpace Layouts
The Site Is Dedicated To Campaigning and Promoting for a Supernatural Convention in Australia.
Click our banner below

Petition signatures count so far: 1778 the body count is climbing daily

Ozchicksunite will be creating a monthly newsletter for all supporters. If you wish to be on the members list, please email us at: [email protected] in subject box write "subscription" Thanks. Please add us to your email box address list so it doesnt come up as junk mail
Copyright © 2007 All Hell Breaks Loose | Ozcon 2008. All artwork which is associated with ozchicksunite and All Hell Breaks Loose Supernatural Convention Australia are under copyright.

Petition for All Hell Breaks Loose Supernatural Australia Convention 2008/09


I am Clare(swiftvixen), Sarah(deandreamin), Maritza(imnotaprincess), Kaz(Lamington), Jenna(Jenna_Jensen), Bex(bexta89)and Jodie(Jensen_Jo) we are all determine, highly motivated passionate Supernatural/Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki/Eric Kripke fans that are willing to do anyting to get our own Supernatural Oz Con.
Kaz - Convention Co-ordinator Sarah - Graphic Designer Maritza - Networking Organiser Jenna - Communications Officer Rebecca - Research Officer Jodie - Promotions Officer Clare - Convention Organiser

What is our Goal?:

*To have an Australia Convention 2009. Melbourne Vic, Sydney NSW or Brisbane QLD.(DONE) *To Promote/Campaign/Advertise.(DONE) *To Unite Aussie/Kiwi/International Supernatural Fans to spread the word about Supernatural.(DONE) *To Be Taken Seriously By The CW, Warner Bros, Channel 10 and TVNZ, the Entertainment Industy in general.(DONE) ***Warner Bros USA does not think that Australia has the populace or its cost effective for a Supernatural Convention Australia.(PROVED THEM WRONG) Its time to prove that statement wrong.*** *To Get The Attention of Kripke & CO.(DONE)
*The Most Important - "We Are Australian" find that Aussie Spirit "Aussie Aussie Aussie - OI OI OI!" We love our New Zealander neighbours and welcome all to join forces with us.
*So Are You Up For The Challenge?.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

If you havent already seen interviews with Jensen, Jared & Misha here are some to view

Channel 10 Interview with Angela Bishop

Jensen, Jared & Misha interview with C10 News Aust.

Interview with Jared & Misha on 9am

Jared & Mischa with C9 "Gm" in Australia during AHBL

Huge thank you to Supernatural Australia (Snoz), Midnight At The Crossroads & Haunted Oz Aussie Forums for their support. These 3 awesome forums have allowed the Ozchicksunite to open up brainstorming threads which allows us to interact with members. Thank you for your support and creativiness we are truly grateful. Members are busily putting their thinking caps on and have come up with some incredible ideas to campaign harder for SuperOzCon. You can still find the ozchicks on JRAUnlimited brainstorming in the Supernatural Downunder Project.

To My Very Special Friend Firesong Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this awesome background and format for my site. I couldnt have done this without you my friend. You are always in my heart and thoughts.

My Blog

Update on The Hubs AHBLSuperozcon Dvd

Hi Everyone,I am from Turncoat Studios, we are producing the DVDs of the Supernatural event for The Hub.First off, I would like to apologize for the delay in getting the DVDs out to you. This delay wa...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 17:58:00 GMT

Update for Hubs Dvd of Superozcon

Hellowee FolksSpoke to Carissa today regarding when we will be receiving our Superozcon Dvd's.Apparently there has been a big hiccup in the production department, she is hoping they will come to her t...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jun 2009 04:11:00 GMT

No hugging the boys at Superozcon

I have been watching the updates on twittered about Asylum3 09. I have noticed that fans are saying the reason there is a no hugging rules is because of Jensen and Jared's girlfriends.Folks it has not...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 19:17:00 GMT

Special Thank You To Amy

Special Thank You on behalf of the Ozchicksunite goes to Amy and partners in crime for our awesome card.Thanks folks it means alot to all of us that we were so graciously thanked by the Supernatural f...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 19:11:00 GMT

AHBLSuperOzCon DVD Is Now Availible

Hellowee FolksAHBLSuperOzCon DVD is now availible, please click the link below: hubproductions.sfFor those of you that put your name down for a dvd...
Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 20:30:00 GMT

Ozchicksunite Have Retired

Hellowee Folks,There has been alot of emails for us to review AHBLSuperozcon.The Ozchicksunite retired on Friday 17 April 2009 purely because we wanted Carissa and Rand of The Hub Productions to shine...
Posted by on Sun, 10 May 2009 18:43:00 GMT

Ozchicks Are Compiling

Hellowee FolksWow what a weekend it was one hell of ride.Just a quick note to let everyone that the reason we are being so quiet is that we are compiling antics and going ons that went on during the w...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Apr 2009 21:09:00 GMT

AHBLSuperOzCon Schedule

SATURDAY SCHEDULE9am Doors Open9:15 Welcome/housekeeping9:30 Photo session ý Jensen AcklesMisha Collins10:20 Photo session ý Supernatural Sandwiches10:40 Photo session ý Jared Padalecki11:30 Talk ý Mi...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 21:39:00 GMT

Important Information from Hub Productions

Hi FolksHub have now posted up a list of Rules/Etiquette for the convention.  Please take some time to read it before Saturday.  Its really important that everyone follows these guidelines to make the...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 22:26:00 GMT

There are only 4 days left until All Hell Breaks Loose!!!

Here are a few last minute tips and reminders to help clear a few things up. Have your ID!  You cannot pick up your tickets without photo ID or some other form of identification that you have arranged...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 18:57:00 GMT