brian-The Big Glow profile picture

brian-The Big Glow

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Take your time and find a spot that feels comfortable for you.
The intent of this page is to create a cyber sanctuary of inspiration and insight, love and light, peace and passion.
What I am really doing is creating a new dimension of reality.
Bringing the power of presence and love into our lives
Creating and cataloging the emergence of a new global consciousness and culture.
Co-create this page with me. Come by as often as you like and share your inspiration and insight with others and receive some from them as well.
It's changing lives. Highly anticipated and unique in it's structure, Brian Piergrossi’s The Big Glow, is a book which has the ability to awaken the consciousness and open the hearts of readers from all walks of life.
Drawing inspiration from writers such as Rumi, Hafiz and Walt Whitman,yet with a fresh, new, unique voice all his own, Brian Piergrossi presents you with an invitation to take a journey with him toward embracing the miracle of this moment in all its majesty and utter amazement and live from deepest truths of your heart. It is an invitation to uncover the brightest light, “the big glow”, shining within your own soul, to relax and open into a new dimension of living.
Through poem, prose, stories, essays, and aphorisms, with inspiration, insight, depth, raw passion, lots of humor and flowing descriptive beauty, The Big Glow is a passionate and inspiring, poetic invitation to awaken, liberate and empower the human spirit in all its divine potential and wonder. Now it’s your turn!

Big Glow Book Excerpt #1
Big Glow Book Excerpt #2
Click here for a personally signed copy
If you prefer to use click here.
Join me for the amazing Conscious Convergence retreats and check out the great new website with lots more information, pictures and registration:

East Coast: July 18-20 Mebane NC
Space is limited
Reserve Now!

West Coast: Aug 29- Sept 1 Los Gatos CA.
Space is limited
Reserve Now!
Are you going through a difficult transition in your life?
Are you inquiring deeper into life's possibilities?
I offer one-on-one life coaching sessions over the telephone, or skype, with clients from all over the world, ranging in age from teenagers to seniors citizens, with amazing results and look forward to working with YOU...
Together we begin the most exciting journey of all. The journey in to the power of now and the Authentic Self. We address the important questions for you as an individual, moving beyond the self-imposed limitations, unleashing your creative potential, innate wisdom, inner serenity, and deepest passion, creating the vision of the life you desire for the benefit of yourself and others. You will be filled with both inspiration and accountability. The place to start is right where you are at!
A limited time special offer is currently available for Myspace friends
Click here for more testimonials:
Click here for more information and to schedule a session:

A comprehensive, modern day spiritual teaching. Currently featuring "Wisdom Wednesdays" on The Big Glow Blog which I have been informed by a Glow Worm is now on Myspace's list of most popular blogs.
Join myself and others for my Sunday Circle. The first Sunday of every month, 7pm at the Carborro Yoga Company in Carborro North Carolina.
Note: Photo comments will still be graciously accepted but will no longer be posted. -BP 10/01/07

More about me?:
Who said Hollywood can't make good movies? :)... .. or

My Interests

Click here to listen to my recent guest appearance on WBZ Boston: Jordan Rich Show with Jenny Metevia (begins around the 7 min mark)

My Guest appearance on Stargate to the New Earth: Building Spiritual Community ..

Love Is The New Religion!

Reading, listening to music, making music, playing guitar, drumming, Creating the global community, ecovillages, car-free living, writing, poetry, singing, dancing, laughing -humor and silliness, day dreaming, sleeping(very underrated), crying, making love, sensuality, contemplating the stars, deep stimulating conversations that last for hours, silence and serenity, hiking, communing with the natural world, bicycling, living healthy, yoga, good quality food from the earth - vegan- preferably live/raw food, playing with children, voluntary simplicity, creating the new culture, bringing more love and presence in to the world... The time is now...

I'd like to meet:

There is nothing wrong with us
and yet there is unlimited potential inside us.

I met you in the future.
You are an incredible person!


I love music and like music from various genres depending on my mood and the necessary intent. My favorite kind of music has yet to be invented -- but it's coming soon... 2/26/07: In response to those who have asked me to elaborate on the music of the future: It sounds like it's coming from another planet and yet paradoxically, like you've been familiar with it since the beginning of time... It draws on the best rhythms and melodies from all continents and cultures through out history bringing them together in a stew yet to be tasted, and new spices are added as well... It is holistic and integral, touching you in all 7 chakras, from the crown chakra all the way to the root chakra, bringing about a profound degree of transformation and transcendence... It transports you somewhere else beyond this earthly dimension and when you return you are different then when you left... never quite the same again... It reminds you who you really are... It touches your spirit and you begin to recognize yourself in every sound, every note in the universe... Universe means one song...It's healing... Righteous...It opens you up... Seeps in to your pores... Reminds you of the importance of LOVE... The Heart... The journey of life... and the Peace of the SoulThe beginning is not really the beginning and the end is not really the end... Just ongoing chapters and verses that float through the sky like clouds....There is always a level of spontaneity and improv to this music and yet a familiar rhythm whose roots run deep in our collective tribal DNA... It reaches for the sky but is rooted in the earth...It embraces all parts of ourselves... The spiritual... And the primal...The Past... The Present... And summons in to Being the rhythms and cultural movements yet to come...You know that magic state of consciousness right before you fall asleep? Sometimes you can hear it there... I'm getting sleepy... Sing me a lullaby


Not a big part of my life


Not a big part of my life.


Some authors and individuals who have inspired me over the years in no particular order :

J. Krishnamurti U.G. Krishnamurti Eckhart Tolle (I feel Eckhart most clearly articulates, my perspective on what's important in his books Power of Now and New Earth) Henry Miller Walt Whitman Peter Russell Rumi Hafiz Basho and Issa Gangaji Tony Robbins Deepak Chopra Wayne Dyer Herman Hesse Ramana Maharishi Ken Wilber Nisardagatta Maharaj Peace Pilgrim Chuang Tzu Lao Tzu John Trudell David Deida Meister Eckhart Jesus Christ Bugs Bunny Indigenous Wisdom Eastern Spirituality Advaita Vedanta Chan Buddhism Zen etc...
MOST IMPORTANT -THE BOOK OF LIFE, The True Teacher ...And with all objectivity I must say this is a book I highly recommend...:)


I draw a lot of inspiration from children and also from Elders, in particular my wonderful and beautiful 6 year old son- Gio As well as some great friends I draw great inspiration from the natural world -- Trees - Oceans - Mountains, Stars and Moons and Planets spinning in space - Animals and insects..
I get far more inspiration from these sources than from a politician or Hollywood celebrity.

My Blog

Rev Beckwith: Serving the Emerging Paradigm

I  thought this was right  on...-Brian ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------Plug into the emerging paradigm:July 18-20 East C...
Posted by brian-The Big Glow on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 11:53:00 PST

Wisdom Wednesdays 41: The Barbell

Greetings and welcome to week 41 of Wisdom Wednesdays.  What you resist you make stronger. This was an amazing realization that fundamentally changed the way I began to use my energy and time a...
Posted by brian-The Big Glow on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 07:27:00 PST

Wisdom Wednesdays 40: Uncle Big Glow’s Advice on Travel

Greetings and welcome to week 40 of Wisdom Wednesdays. Kids, big and small, gather around the campfire tonight! Uncle Big Glow has some advice for you. Your parents are go...
Posted by brian-The Big Glow on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 06:24:00 PST

My Archived Radio Appearance on Jordan Rich Show

A little while back on my blog, I mentioned there was no archived recording of my radio appearance on the WBZ: Jordan Rich Show with Jordan and Jenny Metevia in Boston, and then I received a CD in the...
Posted by brian-The Big Glow on Thu, 29 May 2008 12:24:00 PST

Wisdom Wednesdays 39: Sexual Energy

Greetings and welcome to week 39 of Wisdom Wednesdays Sexual energy in the context of spirituality is one of the more challenging subjects to write about it.  On the one hand, there is nothing t...
Posted by brian-The Big Glow on Wed, 28 May 2008 08:57:00 PST

An Email I Received

Greetings Myspace friends, If you want to know why I feel very impassioned to share my book "The Big Glow" with others, it is because I know of its ability to awaken the consciousness of its readers ...
Posted by brian-The Big Glow on Sat, 24 May 2008 01:31:00 PST

Wisdom Wednesdays 38: Listen

Greetings and welcome to week 38 of Wisdom Wednesdays. One of the most important and overlooked life skills one can cultivate is the ability to listen. Listening is the pr...
Posted by brian-The Big Glow on Wed, 21 May 2008 10:15:00 PST


GreetingsTomorrow on my blog it is week 38 of Wisdom Wednesdays: ListenListening is one the most important and overlooked skills.Check in tomorrow and as we give it its proper attention.Stay tuned soo...
Posted by brian-The Big Glow on Tue, 20 May 2008 12:59:00 PST

5/14: Radio Appearance: Building Spiritual Community

5/14/08:1 hr and 30 minutes: "Stargate to the New Earth" Building Spiritual Community with Guest Brian PiergrossiListen here: ttp://www.the...
Posted by brian-The Big Glow on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:53:00 PST

Wisdom Wednesdays: WK 37- The Body and the Soul

Greetings and welcome to week 37 of Wisdom Wednesdays. It is common at a certain phase of the path for people to feel they are "spiritual" and "not their body".  They neglect their body as a neg...
Posted by brian-The Big Glow on Wed, 14 May 2008 06:51:00 PST