What is the light movement? A man born blind can never know the meaning of darkness because he has never experienced light.*********************************** The light movement is about realizing our greatness and rising into the light of consciousness, it’s about movement of consciousness. Being conscious, is to be aware of or to have a knowledge of reality. To be conscious is very important in this day and time because The situations, circumstances, events, and relationships that we encounter in our life, is a reflection of the state of consciousness we are in. The world is a mirror based on our chooses. ************************************************************ ********************The way we think can become a habit and these habit can effect our quality of life. If we want to change the quality of life that’s surrounds us we must begin Changing and controlling the quality of our thoughts in side our mind. This is a very ancient princicipal that was taught in Kemet by Tahuti or Thoth. (Thoth is were the word thought originated from). His ten virtues, combined with the 7 principals of MAAT are what today’s generation call The Secret. Control of thought is the first virtue. When we find our self -thinking thoughts like I am worthless, I am dumb, I am poor, I am sick, I am depressed, I am stuck. In reality we are only stuck if we allow ourselves to be stuck. This type of thinking is what keeps us down. ******************************************************** The jewels and the music that are expressed in this newsletter and from the site are expressed with the soul purpose (intention) to help others stimulate and develop a positive inner dialogue and to bring individuals into the light of consciousness. If you have a talent and you are using your talents to reach and teach others, then you are apart of this movement**************************************************** **** The formula for a higher vibration of thought is, Self identity +Self Knowledge =Self revelation. What this means is this, as we identify with the energy’s that dwell within (the chakra’s or the life force) and gain knowledge of these energy’s, (how to work with the energy’s) we can then establish a connection to our higher mind. It is the higher mind (celestial realm) that reveals the light of the truth. The truth is the fire that burns ignorance and sets the soul free from the illusion of bondage. Moving in the direction of truth is what the light movement is all about. The 5th jewel (EJA)******************************************************* ****************************The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. Matthew 6:22******************************************************** ************** Signup and get Reality the newsletter. The newsletter is for those who do not have a computer. Join the street team and send it to some one who is in prison.
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