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About Me

I can feel it, tonight!
That feeling that makes a man reject his sins
and embrace something sweeter...
Embrace something deeper
than flesh and blood can imagine.
It is this passion
that boils and flows and purifies like water.
A relentless love, ruthlessly, protecting and covering our daughter,
After I, first, discover my wife!
I can feel it, tonight!
Cutting? Like a knife?
Deeper, still - More like the sword in the stone!
Past lovers tried 2 pull it out, thinking it was enuff 4 their hips 2 b strong,
But their hearts were not wise.
Behind every mask I found another disguise.
Behind every disguise all I found were more lies!
But I tried,
Because I used to ride on clouds, too!
Empty promises, with no substance, eventually, seen through.
"I know you dream, too!"
"I know you mean to..."
"Love more like we need to..."
"I love you like I need you!"
And I love you like I need you, but for too many days and nights,
The, only, good, things we've done, together, are fuck and fight!!!
But, I can feel it, tonight.
I can smell the rain, in the wind...
The opportunity 4 change & new beginnings, in this world without end...
Shhhh! Listen to me, please - We can't do this, anymore!
We can't keep living n this shack house - My bags r already by the door!
No! I don't hate you! I only hate the life we used to live!
Pray with me, sister! I ask, also, that you will forgive...
My transgressions against God, and us, when my flesh was out of control.
Yes! I fell n love with the parts of u I could touch, but fell deeper n love with your soul!
"I can't let your heart go!" Then, just, let my body walk out of the door!
We will not die in our sins, tonight - Tomorrow our love will be restored.
As we re-trace the footsteps of Adam and Eve.
Step back away from the point of death, to when Our Father believed
I was worthy of you!
It's true
That tears, sometimes, burn pillows & closed eyes, sometimes, do not sleep.
Innocent hands that embrace nails, sometimes, embrace strength.
True love can be replenished, as long as the well waters are deep.
Beneath the sound of rain, pounding, against black top streets.
Our burdens can be released.
We can be free!
To love with no limits and love with no fear!
I have found myself, in the arms of The Lord, will you meet me here?
Will you embrace The Promise that has, surely, saved my life?
I submit myself to you... Will you become my wife?
When u close this door, will u b willing 2 close the door on the pain,
That we brought n2 each others lives, as we, both, played the game?
Forget the lies that we told each other, because of the foolishness of our youth.
Don't u want 2 know how it feels 2 really hold each other n love & n truth?
I can feel it, tonight! I know you feel it, too!
"Will you hold me?" Will you love me? "I will..." I do!
Strong deliverer - Strong deliverer...
Please take our hands...
I am only a woman...
I am only a man...
We submit ourselves to Your authority...
Turning away from the lives that we lived...
We know You are a God of mercy...
A God who truly forgives...
He will be my husband...
She will be my wife...
Bread of Heaven... Bread of Heaven...
Restore our bodies to life...
Fill our thoughts with righteousness
And Your wisdom from above...
Fill our hearts and bodies with the type of passion
That can, only, be revealed by the truest love...
And I will love her, always,
With the love that You require of my soul...
And I will love him, always,
With the love that You require of my soul...
We will love, each other, with a passion
That is illuminated by The Light!
Can you feel it, tonight?
Yes! I can feel it, tonight!
2 Corinthians 5:17-18
As Ever,
Charles E. Coleman III
Your love is a fire, shut up in my bones!
Encouraging the desire for my nomadic heart to come home.
Calling for me to remember the heart that I, once, lost.
Hidden by the scar tissue formed from so many past battles fought.
Clouded by the stench of uncertainty and fear.
Your love is a, sweet, fragrance, drawing me near.
Your love is a caress, calming the restlessness of my emotion.
Building concrete dreams, in a world called Devotion.
Tearing down the strongholds that the enemy used to protect:
The past heartache and pain... The past disappointment and regret...
The self-doubt and lack of trust that had , only, hindered me.
Your love is a key, finally, setting me free!
Your love is a river, flowing through my soul.
Smoothing the jagged edges, allowing my heart to be exposed.
Moving through Eden's valley, opening up into the sea.
Where you and I, flow, into one another, and join, completely.
We embrace the passion and hope of each mornings light.
Your love is a whisper, bringing this clay man to life.
Your love is a great warrior, standing, in the distance.
An army, with an onslaught that overcomes all resistance.
Ruthlessly defending - Prayerfully protecting.
Passionately powerful, but God fearing and God respecting.
God projecting the vision and the gifts that each heart will bring...
Your love is a song that I, also, sing!
Your love is a prayer, that the True Believers, still, recite.
The Words of Faith a woman whispers over her husband & a man whispers over his wife.
The revelation and understanding that made me believe...
The realization of Adams heart when he re-joined with Eve.
Your love is a passion, only, appreciated by the strong.
Your love is a fire, shut up in my bones!
As Ever,
Charles E. Coleman III
Poetry Over Music First I Poured Poetry Over Music,
Then Poured That Music Over You.
Then I Poured You Over My Body,
Until We Became Something New!
Until We Became Something Truer
Then Either Heart Had Ever Known.
Your Summer Rain Flowing Down
My Hued Landscapes Of Stone.
Now Flesh Of My Flesh...
Now Bone Of My Bone.
We Kiss And Become One -
My Lips Call Your Body Home.
New Strings Of Destiny Sown,
Everytime I Make Love To You.
Each Morning, Renewing Our Vows,
As Our Heartbeats Rendezvous.
First You Pour Poetry Over Music,
Then Pour That Music Over Me.
Then You Pour Me Over Your Body,
Until Ink On The Page Proclaims Xstacy.
Each Night We, Restlessly,
Abandon Fear And Shame.
I Was Born LiqudPoetry,
SheetMusic Is Your Name.
We Grind Verse After Verse,
Bringing Words Of Faith To Life.
To Consumate A Perfect Union...
Now Poetry & Music Are Husband & Wife!

My Interests

Scorpio In Love ...And, she embraced the scorpion, deep, into her bosom. Believing that her heart was guarded enough to withstand his sting. Trusting that her love was strong enough to protect her from his poison. But, his kiss was sweet, like the flavor of pina colada snow cones on a hot Thursday, afternoon. His lips were laced with love songs. Sang, slightly off key, but, sweetly... Sincerely. He filled her heart with pink letters, decorated with burgundy flowers and tender poetry written in red ink. Leading her to sunset rendezvous', in a field of wildflowers; Where fireflies, still, dance beneath the crescent moon. Where the shooting stars are bright and racing.
...And, I fell, so deeply, in love. But, secretly, concealed the fullness of my emotion - Afraid! Believing that, through my confession, I would release my heart from its prison of safety. Allowing myself to experience the full ravages of love: The unconditional trust, the joy, the compassion, the companionship; as well as, the betrayals, the sorrows, and the tears.
We make love. Discretely, I taste the, sweet, tenderness of her passion. Sweetly, I kiss her lips and her neck and her shoulders... Excited by her, every, touch, I feel every groan, and memorize every sensation. I followed the voice of her passion and reclined in my, black, leather easy chair, as she leaned, back, into my embrace. And, then, she opens herself, to me, completely... To my anticipating caress... Arches her back, and begins to rock, slowly, deeply, back and forth, until I can feel our souls, touching, erupting, releasing the hot, fertile, flowing, river of our love made perfect. I am enraptured, completely, by her embrace.
I lay awake, in the moments, after. Looking at her sleep. Loving her. I wrap the, black, sheets over her shoulders, and pull the hair from around her face and, gently, tuck them behind her ear. I wonder if, while she is dreaming, she can hear my heart whispering, "I love you!"
"Phoenix," she awakes calling my name. I reply, "I'm right here. Are you all right?! She is silent for a moment, then stretches, deeply, and with a, subtle, growl in her voice she says, "Oh, baby! I was dreaming, so hard. I thought you said something." "Wow," I thought to myself, but answered, "No, I didn't say a word." Then, she began to stretch, again, and turned to look at me face to face. "My God," I whisper to myself. She is so beautiful. Her chin... Her lips... The way her eyes glisten beneath the flickering candle light. She freezes my heart in time. "What are you doing up?" She says. I reply, "I am watching over you!" And, she smiles. "Where did I fine brotha' like you get the name Phoenix?" "Do you, really, want to know," I ask? "I sure do," she answers. "Do you remember when I told you about my great grandmother and how she, still, practiced the old tribal ways of the Cherokee nation. Well, one of the traditions was to name a baby after the first thing you saw after they are born. On the night that I was born, there was a large thunder storm. My Momma Lula was sleeping, and had a powerful dream... A vision. She saw a child being born. Who, from his mothers womb, stood up right, like a man. His arms and back were covered with, fine, golden hairs that glowed like embers dancing over an open fire. She said his eyes looked like they had seen eternity. Anyway, the story goes, in her vision, the walls faded away, and she watched as the child stood amidst the people of a great city. A woman walked by him and he could feel her pain. Immediately, the child touched her and virtue left from his body and joy entered into her heart. There way a man who was plagued by voices in his mind. The boy whispered into the mans ear and the storm was made quiet. A mother brought her child before him. He smiled and kissed the baby on his eyelids and the child awake from a sleeping sickness. Then, the city fades away, and is replaced by a great mountain, to the East, and a deep valley, to the West. And, surrounding the boy, who had by this time grown into a man, were the masses from the far places of the world. With them, they also brought, anger, and deceit... Malice, and jealousy. With each touch they began to steal his virtue. He struggle, but, could not prevail against the inevitable. The multitudes consumed him. Seeking to devour his virtue and his life. Suddenly, the story continues, an explosion of heat pushed the crowds back and where he stood a circle was seered into the ground. With tears, thick and heavy, like blood, pouring from his eyes, his body became hot. He ignited into flames and was transformed into a mighty bird of fire, and flew into the fading colors of the setting sun. "Cool, huh?" Anyway, suddenly, my great grandmother was awaken by the telephone ringing. It was my uncle, telling her that I was born. And, that's how I got my mane." "Damn" she replies, in awe! "That's deep, for real!" Well, when we have children we are not going through all of that. I think our daughter should be named after my mother."
"Question," her lips ask, as steel butterflies, suddenly, awake in my stomach. "Have you ever been in love?" That's when the butterflies welled up in my chest. I hesitate to answer. "Come on!" She continues. "The power is in the question. You said if I asked you anything, you would tell me the truth!" My body began to blush, as I swallowed, deeply, and answered, "Yes!!!" She was silent. But, her eyes were searching mine for more. Then, she laughed and said, "A Scorpio in love?! Who do you think you are kidding?" She continued to mock my answer as she asked who, and when, and where, and, "I thought scorpions were not capable of love!" She laughed. "So?" She says, "Who was she?" I looked into her eyes as the steel butterflies raced inside my chest, angrily, and listened to the words, slowly, escape from my lips, shuddering, "I Am In Love With You!!!"
To Be Continued...
As Ever,
Charles E. Coleman III

I'd like to meet:

Ultimately it is my goal to one day meet Jesus Christ, Faith to Faith, with a smile on His face! Other than that a dream round table discussion would include Stevie Wonder, Thurgood Marshall, Thomas Blackshear, Martin(MLK), Malcom(X), Tupac, and Langston Hughes... Have you read 'The Negro and The Racial Mountain'?"...We younger negro artists who create now intend to express our individual dark-skinned selves. If white people are pleased we are glad. If they are not, it doesn't matter. We know we are beautiful. And ugly too. The tom-tom cries and the tom-tom laughs. If colored people are pleased then we are glad. If they are not, there displeasure doesn't matter either. We build our temples for tomorrow, as strong as we know how and we stand on top of the mountain free within ourselves!"

My Blog


.."> src=" 250087542e4338199b13.jpg" alt="myspace graphics" title="myspace graphics" border="0" />Not This TimeI'm...
Posted by LiquidPoetry on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 01:39:00 PST


  My Soul Has Traveled For A MillenniaAcross The Great Wastelands Of Time. Each Sunrise - A Beautiful Awakening!Each Stormy Night, Sublime!Each Time I Close My Eyes,This Dream Walkers ...
Posted by LiquidPoetry on Fri, 09 May 2008 02:11:00 PST

LastKiss, First!

I Was Afraid This Would Happen... Afraid That If We Kissed, There Would Be No Turning Back The Hands Of Time! That If We Kissed, Our Friendship Would Change And Become Something Different... Something...
Posted by LiquidPoetry on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 12:41:00 PST

Never Stop Believning In Love!

The Winds Are Blowing Restlessly Today!  Winds Of Change...  Winds Of Remembrance...  Winds Of Rebellion And Reclamation...  Winds That Echo The Past, But Resonate Into The Futur...
Posted by LiquidPoetry on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 04:04:00 PST

Can You See What I See?

<center><a href=" 3BhY2Vwcm9kZXNpZ25zLmNvbQ=="><img src="
Posted by LiquidPoetry on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 10:14:00 PST

Standing In The Shadow Of A Church!?

Standing In The Shadow Of A Church (Posted In AMPS Magazine Nov2007) ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  One October morning I found myself standing with a ...
Posted by LiquidPoetry on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 09:20:00 PST

The Keys To My Heart (Poem)

The Keys To My Heart   The Other Day, Under Some Papers, I Found A Set Of Keys... Left Over From A Time When Your Heart Still Believed, That Our Relationship Was The One That Was MEANT To ...
Posted by LiquidPoetry on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 04:09:00 PST


LiquidPoetry I don't understand what you really want from me, But, tonight, I need to know. Because it feels like hot butterflies, in my stomach, When we dance, real, slow. And I admit it makes ...
Posted by LiquidPoetry on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:10:00 PST


BELOVED LiquidPoetry I was introduced to a revolutionary Messiah in the house of the Black Madonna. I hadn't met her daughter, yet, but fell in love with her through her momma. No hesitation - ...
Posted by LiquidPoetry on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 10:20:00 PST

The Devil Should Have Killed Me!

LiquidPoetry The devil should have killed me, but he wounded me instead. Should have known the battle would not end until my body was dead. Should have known I would recover and be uplifte...
Posted by LiquidPoetry on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:43:00 PST