i think he loved meand this was no form of magicunlessbeing me is the magic that kept him yearning for what i thought i hada heartand now that he's gonewhat little heart i hadleft with himso now the thoughts of himmust leave as wellso i sat in my circle with nine candles anointed with oils and spices and i placed his picture into the poppet and the poppet into the cauldronand i chantedYour love will wither and depart, from my life and my heart Let me be, and go away forever.then i sat there and watchedand my thoughts of him were© Iba Oshun Sekese
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I have palpable energy and enthusiasm that [is contagious and beneficial to those around me] The mask i present to the world is the same as [my inner most heart I will not impose my truth on others but [i will share my wisdom when invited to] I get enough rest and give my body the right fuel [both in oxygen, and food and water] that i know i need I feed my soul I don't freak out during ebb or waning, i use it to rest, reflect, and plan I learned to ask for and accept help when requested I've given up on the need to control and manipulate My natural state is one of joy and gratitude I am at home with shadow i will mourn my lost and explore my fears I understand that everyone experiences pain [its apart of life and growth] I am comfortable with death I have learn to let go of relationships, concepts, and material possessions that are worn out, that no longer serve my growth I AM A GODDESSI have three animal totems
I AM the scorpion:I have powerful emotional awareness to render the oppressor I have learned to master passion I AM the eagle: more perspective, I fliy high above the surface of circumstances, swooping down with my power only to kill prey for food I AM the dove: always peaceful Although you feel drawn in by my energy, do not subject yourself to trying to find things out I share what i want::Don't like to be fed off of
I have the majic to light up the dark, and i benefit by looking at the positive which is why my friends list is limited,profile private::****ery makes me a dark soul The water in me is frozen but forever flowing
I am:a teacher a continual learner and evolver a seed of a King and Queen a future mother of a Prince a seeker of truth my own best friend authentic autonomous passionate (not to be confused with manic) a queen of my OWN life and its reflected in my demeanor compassionate and forgiving with myself and others committed to healing the earth and work towards peace and understanding comfortable with my sexuality flexible, fluid and adaptable gentle yet firm when my boundaries are violated My work speak for itself [got]itdo [my]family[love]you[all]MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE
my sisters and i are a powerful forceso powerful that we make rainnicknamed earth, wind, fire, and waterwe make rainstanding outside as the four corners of the worldwe make raincoming together to make our world unfurledwe make rainancient gods and goddesses, we invoke thee.help us make rainwaters from the sky, let it be.help us make rainwe command thee now, to thee all.help us make rainlisten to my desire, rain fall!we just made rain© Iba Oshun Sekese
my killer sneaks up on me allowing a sense of panic and fear to take over my mind and have me lost in a world in my own world that my killer creates as dangerous and unsafe in my own world of pademonium and dismay in my own world of dislike and self hatemy killer leads me to believe the world is out to get me and in no direction that i step is ok for evil lurks in every corner and the oppressor is there waiting waiting waiting on me to fuck up or commit this physhological suicide and give upon the what i think i worked hard for but what others may not think is enoughmy killertakes my breath sending my cerebral into an automatic shut down as though i am being drowned by the waves of life crushed by a berg of ice suffocated by emotions that are no longer mine to controlmy killer traps me in this small black box with just me and my thoughts with just me and my thoughts with just me and my thoughts and the more i think the more i feel the need that i have not done enough in the world i have not done as i was told i have not saved enough soulsmy killer makes me cry myself to sleep makes me hate myself when i eat makes me wonder wheres my place to bein this worldmy killer makes me believe that its only the two of us my killer© Iba Oshun Sekese
Too busy for television I Have A Poetry Site:: ~PoEthicSoul.com~ ~www.PoEthicSoul.Ning.com~ ~www.MySpace.com/PoEthicSoul~ And i also have a Blog Talk Radio Show ~www.BlogTalkRadio.com/PoEthicSoul Im on the air every Friday Night 10:30 Cst and every Saturday Night 10:30 Cst
i died today a death that was not mine but his i allowed his soul to use my mind my body i allowed him to release all of his throe and misery, i allowed him to escape into me and be who he really is and live and not live for her but for him and as i died I made love to him as though it was the last time our souls would be as one, I made love to him like i was a vampire that thirst for his passion as if it is the blood that keeps me alive, I drank from his soul and it didn't bother me cause it gives me the essentials i need to be immortal I captured his deserting psyche and returned his once unfulfilled spirit back into the world pure and whole I loved him with everything in me for with out him, i would not experience any of the above so I'm willing to diemy killer sneaks up on me allowing a sense of panic and fear to take over my mind and have me lost in a world in my own world that my killer creates as dangerous and unsafe in my own world of pademonium and dismay in my own world of dislike and self hatemy killer leads me to believe the world is out to get me and in no direction that i step is ok for evil lurks in every corner and the oppressor is there waiting waiting waiting on me to fuck up or commit this physhological suicide and give upon the what i think i worked hard for but what others may not think is enoughmy killertakes my breath sending my cerebral into an automatic shut down as though i am being drowned by the waves of life crushed by a berg of ice suffocated by emotions that are no longer mine to controlmy killer traps me in this small black box with just me and my thoughts with just me and my thoughts with just me and my thoughts and the more i think the more i feel the need that i have not done enough in the world i have not done as i was told i have not saved enough soulsmy killer makes me cry myself to sleep makes me hate myself when i eat makes me wonder wheres my place to bein this worldmy killer makes me believe that its only the two of us my killer© Iba Oshun Sekese
The Three Jewels The Buddha The Dharma The Sangha Mental symbolism of the five Dhyani Buddhas Deity Delusion Enlightened Mind Vairochana ignorance, delusion All-encompassing Dharmadatu Wisdom Akshobhya anger, hatred Mirror-like Wisdom Ratnasambhava pride, miserliness Wisdom of Equality Amitabha desire, lust Discriminating Wisdom Amogasiddhi jealousy, fear All-accomplishing Wisdom