Listen to Reason! The Noone Project is a project commissioned by a group of Aboriginal Philosophers and is inspired by the writings of Natural Philosopher-Scientist Afroo Oonoo, titled "Introduction To The Nature of Nature" Books 1 & 2, and also the prerequsite information booklet "Are U Searching For Knowledge If So Read Me." The Noone Project©®,, is a Think Tank that has created the Ultimate 5 year Plan and Solution for Total Liberation from all adverse forces for Aboriginal People and All those who can adhere to positive Nature Knowledge. The Noone Project is a Scientific Plan and Solution that will enable all Aboriginals everywhere inhabiting the Earth, and all other ethnic races who can adhere to Positive Nature Knowledge, to have peace, safety, proper education, proper protection, proper economic well-being, proper housing, proper food, good health, mentally, physically, and spiritually and an overall better quality of life . Basically and Scientifically The Noone Project©®,, is the plan that will enable all those who can adhere to The Positive Laws of Nature, and Positive Nature Knowledge as written in the Philosophy Science Noone to Survive Armageddon. Let it be remembered always and let it be known!
Listen to Reason! The Lead and Head Scientists of The Noone Project is NoopooH (called Nous by The Greeks) The Supreme Universe Mental Powers of Sound Right Reason, along with The Philosophical and Scientific writings of Aboriginal Natural Philosopher-Scientist Afroo Oonoo, and Aboriginal Philosopher Shyaam M.K. El, as well as many others who will remain nameless at this point in Space Matter and Time. The Noone Project©®,, is without a doubt for The Aboriginal Race concerning our Liberation, but also other Hybriginal races. To be apart of The Noone Project©®,, all one has to do is adhere to and accept Positive Nature Knowledge and The Laws of Nature, with the intentions of being Reasonable, Creative, Innovative, Responsible, Respectful, Fearless, and Trustworthy to help develop and make the Plan better than what it is, for the purposes and reasons of proper well being and survival. Let it be remembered always and let it be known!
Listen to Reason! The Noone Project is the only Active Project or Plan of its kind (The Plan for Liberation, and global racial unity for The Ethiopic Aboriginal Race, and the revelation and implementation of True-Culture Society to the world) existing at this point in Space Matter and Time. Therefore it is most wise for those who come into possession of this correct information as outlined in this presentation and the pre-requisite correct information, to take heed to and adhere to this correct information, because surely it is The Solution to our Problems. One thing we Nature Reason Ones know and understand, is that all mentally dead Aboriginals throughout the Diaspora need is the time and space to change from a negative mentality to a positive mentality, and this can only be done by the intelligent of our race. Furthermore it can only be done if we set up our own societies that we control which will be conducive for us to excel in knowledge, Nature, Science and Reason. And this is the chief reason why The Noone Project©®,, exists and that is to create the environment for mentally dead Aboriginals to change and mentally resurrect for the positive. Let it be remembered always and let it be known!
Listen to Reason! It should be known that The Noone Project©®,, is not a religious group, semi-religious or quasi-religious organization, a cult, black militant group, a corporate entity of any sort, a secret society, a fraternity or sorority, nor a political party, hate group, or terrorsit group. The Noone Project chooses to clarify its being in this manner, not to criticize the nature of those organizations but to emphasize The Noone Project’s uniqueness. The Noone Project is a Naturally Organized “Think Tank†of members of The Aboriginal Race who are concerned with True Care for the proper well being and survival of our Race, as well as the preservation of human and animal life of planet Earth. The Noone Project©®,, is also a network of Aboriginal Philosophers and Scientists, and other intellectuals who are working together to create a new society for Aboriginal throughout the Diaspora, and by extension all races with proper education, economics, security, safety and health for all Aboriginals throughout the Diaspora, by promulgation and propagation of correct information, and also by creating solutions complete with strategic program and project implementation. Let it be remembered always and let it be known!
Listen to Reason! We at The Noone Project©®,, think tank have created many practical and reasonable goals that must be accomplished, for Total Liberation to be achieved. In 5 years The Noone Project expects:
To implement and establish the acceptance of a New
Philosophy-Science among those of Aboriginal Descent, through the circulation
of Liberation Information.
Re-create Aboriginal Culture in the positive.
Usher in The New Renaissance, in art,
literature, intellectualism, music, and film and other areas of human
expression in the positive of our self and kind
Establish Self Sustaining Eco-Communal Family
Oriented Living Communities, and safe housing throughout North America,
South America, and Africa for proper well being and survival of our self and kind first
(The Aboriginal Race), and by extension all human races.
Establish The First Intercontinental Aboriginal
Philosophers University ( Noone
University ),
and spark an Education Revolution in the Black Global Community.
Eliminate Poverty by 70% for Aboriginals
throughout the Diaspora.
Implementation of a New Aboriginal Philosophical
Political System (Noocracy).
Create and generate economic wealth for Aboriginals
Aboriginal throughout the Diaspora who are able and willing to work.
Establish Unity and Freedom in Mother Earth .