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Information on obtaining land and citizenship in Benin-urs

Diasporic Africans contact Princess Adinasse for information on obtaining land and citizenship in Benin, West Africa as well as building an African Nation within the boundaries of Dahomey Benin, West Africa

[email protected] , -Kindly note i aint a business associate im simply sharing info, hope the info and i repeat the info she provides is a sisterly one - i think so, Lets build an African Nation - LETS GO BACK HOME - GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE whats their flipping fuss all about ! what!! what!!- for those who wanna anyway, ONE DOESNT HAVE TO ....4Qua...........................Princess Adinasse on myspace link: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=111490869

----------------- FEELACONCEPTUALBORINGINAL FUNKY Message -----------------
John Henrik Clarke - A Great and Mighty Walk - 94 min - Aug 18, 2007

( 112 Ratings ) Rate:

This video chronicles the life and times of the noted African-American historian, scholar and Pan-African activist John Henrik Clarke (1915-...all » This video chronicles the life and times of the noted African-American historian, scholar and Pan-African activist John Henrik Clarke (1915-1998). Both a biography of Clarke himself and an overview of 5,000 years of African history, the film offers a provocative look at the past through the eyes of a leading proponent of an Afrocentric view of history. From ancient Egypt and Africa's other great empires, Clarke moves through Mediterranean borrowings, the Atlantic slave trade, European colonization, the development of the Pan-African movement, and present-day

== Dr.Clarke - Islamic / Arab Destruction Of Black People Pt1 http://www.blackhistorychannel.org Dr. John Henrik Clarke Lecture...Moors africa black history ethiopia racism pamshouseblend ybf bossip.com islam religion 10 min - Mar 19, 2008 - (13 ratings) - Rate:
View my page on The Luv4self Network
http://www.blackconsciousness.com/media/?D=ALet's Get Scientific, to all those who doubt that the original Egyptians and the original man ... all » was indeed Black. Listen to one of the world's greatest Scientist. He put Racist European Scientist to shame.
CHEIKH ANTA DIOP, The Pharoah of Knowledge
Cheikh Anta Diop was born in Diourbel, Senegal. At the age of 23, he went to Paris in 1946 to become a physicist. He remained there 15 years, studying physics under Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Marie Curie's son-in-law, and ultimately translating parts of Einstein's Theory of Relativity into his native Wolof. Dr. Ivan Van Sertima - Africans In Science Pt.1

Dr. Clarke: Black Liberation Was Just A Bunch Of Talk

MALCOLM X: Who Are You? -click for the youTube clip ...meanwhile .Blackpeople build your own networks, myspace hates ur ass if you consider a positive welfare for you and your children..seriously!!!!!! motherfuckers will blatantly allow porno - turn a blind eye and then diss those who prefer a fairer mode of existance for the Afronoid and all unfairly treated HUMANITY!!!!................................................ ............................................................ .................Marcus Aurelius Garvey 1887 - 1940..............Marcus Aurelius Garvey------------------------------------------ Founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association--------------------- Marcus Garvey organised the first important American black nationalist movement advocating economic and cultural independence and eventual re-patriation to Africa.http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/realmedi a/garveym/garveym1.ram

http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/realmedia/garve ym/garveym2.ram

..............Marcus Garvey Archive ...............................http://marcusgarvey.net/ ...................................... Marcus Garvey: The Lion -click for the youTube clip
Marcus Garvey , want more? click for YouTube link

second part

Malcolm X: I Don't Advocate Any Kind of Hate

My Interests


Member Since: 4/17/2008
Band Website: moreblogger007.blogspot.com/
Band Members:


http://www.blackconsciousness.com/media/?D=A p
Influences: Click here for audio of Afeni Shakur’s speech.

2Pac’s Mom Brings Serious Heat - WHAT ARE YOU FOR..

http://odeo. com/audio/18076573/viewThe Afrocentric Experience
http://www. swagga. com/
AfricaWithin. com
http://www. africawithin. com/
Bahamian Web Community
http://www. bahamasissues. com/
Information about the UNIA-ACL
http://www. unia-acl. org/

Afronoid on Afronoid Gang Warz- Welcome2 D Good And D Uglywelcome to the Good and the Ugly - its all reality -cant ignore Human Nature - Grow Family, spread love, that is the only Truth.

some say the price of less control or some will say freedom is pain, humiliation, discreditation, poverty etc and even death and if AFRICANS are not prepared to suffer these or even encourage those who think they can scare the world with these to gawn, then MAYBE THEY DESERVE WHATEVER IS DISHED OUT TO THEM/ MAYBE THEY DESERVE TO BE EXCLUDED FROM HAVING A SAY IN THE MAKING OF THEIR CHILDRENS FUTURE...... MAYBE THEY DESERVE SHIT - TRUE FREEDOM IS COLLECTIVE AND NOT AN INDIVIDUAL THING, ill be embarassed to be blinging , diamonds etc whilst majority of my brothers and mothers are disgruntled/ harshly treated/ misrepresented worldwide......... MAYBE !! MAYBE!! .. umm

THE UGLY, a crying shame!!!


Sounds Like:
Toyin needs you -please repost -show love http://www.ligali.org/ Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams ------"We, who are the heirs of the slave-owning and slave-trading nations of the past, have to face the fact that our historic prosperity was built in large part on this atrocity,".
BUILD YOUR SHITUP or shut the fuck up!!! stop worrying about other people, they dont give a shit about you!!---THIS IS OCCASSIONAL....

God Brotha Dawud speaks his truth on the streets of Harlem!
He speaks his truth with no fear of having no butter for his bread- - Everybrother aint a brother,Every sister aint a sister.

Record Label: garveyman anyway
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

!!!50 shots??? to drop Sean Bell a life form,/Black cop in racist jibe probe @ police station

!!!50 shots??? to drop Sean Bell a life form, and pigs walk scot-free/ nobody cares, WHAT NEXT!!! 50 shots ! ! ! how is that NOT murde r? fuck this syste m. . . NEW YORK - Three detec tives were a...
Posted by 4quasocialclub on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 05:42:00 PST

Indias Africa hospital scoop/denial of Racism the real problem?/post-AIDS and Ms Roxx

India's largest hospital and pharmacy chain, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd, is planning to set up hospitals in African countries, Chairman Prathap Reddy said on Wednesday."We are looking at Ghana. W...
Posted by 4quasocialclub on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 03:21:00 PST

$50 billion required to rebuild Lagos/ Garvey legacy onslaught denied by BBC

AT least $50 billion (about N6 trillion) will be required to bring the infrastructure in Lagos State to a functional level. Mr. Ben Akabueze, Lagos State Commissioner for Economic Planning and Budget,...
Posted by 4quasocialclub on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 05:34:00 PST

Black Queen of England? / Racism on the rise in Lithuania - singer

Black Queen of England Queen Charlotte and her Contributions to BritainPrincess Sophie Charlotte was born on May 19, 1744--the eighth child of the Prince of Mirow, Germany, Charles Louis Frederick, an...
Posted by 4quasocialclub on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 05:27:00 PST