Things YOU can do to show support for Imam Jamil Al-Amin
There are several ways you can work for Imam Jamil's freedom and dignity, whether you are an individual or a group of people. The most important thing is to try to do what each of us can. Here is a list of ideas:
1. Make Dua
Asking God by Dua (supplication) to help Imam Jamil, to clear his name and to let the truth of this matter come out takes only a few minutes. It also costs nothing and it doesn't require making any public statements. Make it a habit to remember Imam Jamil in your Dua daily.
2. Read, read and read
If you aren't familiar with the case, read up on it. You can check out the official website, go back to newspaper clippings or search the internet. Become familiar also with who Imam Jamil is, his past and his present. Find out how he's contributed to Islam in America as a Muslim for the last two decades. This will give you a clearer understanding of why defending him is so important.
3. Research the civil rights movement
Too many of us are misguided into believing that the US justice system is fair for all. Reading about the civil rights movement in America, why it was necessary and African-Americans' apprehension about the justice system will quickly dispel that notion. African-Americans have had to struggle long and hard to free themselves of slavery and oppression in this country. They are still fighting against racism today. This will give you an appreciation of how the African-American community has helped everyone, especially people of color.
4. Donate to his legal defense fund
In America, competent lawyers are the key to winning a case. Imam Jamil is in great need of this. At the moment, he has been appointed lawyers by the court. Historically, most cases fought by court-appointed lawyers fail.
5. Become a contact person in your city to distribute flyers
Distributing flyers about Imam Jamil at Masjids and Muslim community events is one of the most important ways to publicize his case from a Muslim point of view. Most of what Muslims know is coming from non-Muslim media sources which, for the most part, has been biased. (volunteer form).
6. Organize a program in your Masjid about justice in the US and Imam Jamil
This is another way to inform the Muslim community about Imam Jamil's case. If possible, get two or three speakers who are well versed in the issue. Also, make sure to raise funds at this event.
7. Ask your Masjid to dedicate one Friday sermon to talk about the cause and raise money for his case
A Khutbah (Friday sermon) is an excellent way to reach a diverse crowd of Muslims. You'll find all kinds of Muslims attending Friday prayers: those with varying degrees of commitment to Islam as well as from a myriad of nationalities. Take advantage of this and let them know about our brother, Imam Jamil. Many Imams already are familiar with the case of Imam Jamil.
8. Bring Imam Jamil's case to life on the Internet
myspace.com/freetheimam is one of the very few voices which speak about the Imam and his case from a Muslim perspective. Many of the much nicer sites are no longer being updated, or they are losing their hosting.
If you've got web design or writing ability, send me a message.
9. Establish a "Free Imam Jamil now" committee in your city
This will make it easier to inform Muslims about Imam Jamil and to help him locally. Make sure this committee truly represents the Muslim community by including women, youth and members of different nationalities. Its activities could include seminars, lectures, fundraising dinners, pamphlet distribution and more.
10. Write about the case in local and campus newspapers
By writing in these newspapers about the case, you will give a national story a local angle. You also reach a diverse audience of some Muslims, but plenty of non-Muslims, who could also be interested in supporting this cause.
In addition, with new information about a confession by another man to the crime last summer, which the FBI did not report to Imam Jamil's attorneys and kept meeting with this man until he recanted. It's important to inform as many people as possible about this and other facts about his case which are not known to the public.
If you're not confident about your writing skills, check out our letter writing tips (coming soon). Even better, get a group of friends together and make it a larger project resulting in more letters in Imam Jamil's favor.
11. Organize a campus or community radio show on the topic
Radio is not dead. It's a medium which has gained back popularity in the last few years because of Internet radio stations like RadioIslam.com. Arrange a special program dedicated to Imam Jamil al-Amin. Campus and community radio programs are usually open to the idea of different communities expressing their viewpoints. Use this to your advantage to present the Muslim perspective on this issue.
12. Hold joint programs with these two departments
Involve African-American associations and your university's African History department with the effort to publicize and promote Imam Jamil's campaign through workshops, lectures, information tables, discussions and more. They can provide you with information and contacts you'll need to publicize the event amongst a larger crowd, and also with vital information and statistics about the African-American community in the US, which you would not find from mainstream sources.
13. Develop alliances
Muslims are not the only ones interested in Imam Jamil's case. African-American organizations, caucuses, social justice groups, left-wing and socialist groups are all interested not just in observing the case but also in doing something about it. This is a great example of Muslims working with others for the greater good. The added bonus of taking a joint approach is that you will have more resources at your disposal to fight for justice for Imam Jamil.
14. Put up a poster or flier in your Masjid asking people to log on to www.myspace.com/freetheimam or www.imamjamil.com
A poster or flier is a short and simple way to sensitize people to Imam Jamil's case. It’s fast and easy and doesn't require expert knowledge about the issue.
15. Use the case as a school project
"Media Bias in the Case of Imam Jamil Al-Amin" could be the topic of your next term paper or presentation. Use your upcoming class assignment as a way to educate peers and your teacher about Imam Jamil and his case. For example, you can do a paper or presentation for a law class; you can discuss how his case shows media bias in a journalism class; you can do a book review of this autobiography Revolution By The Book: The Rap is Live.
16. Make sure his books are part of your local and school library
Check out the bookshelves and see if they're carrying his writing. If not, write a polite letter to the librarian about your discovery and explain why the school should purchase his books and how students will learn from them. Get other students and teachers involved also.
17. Hold a family meeting or bookclub about him and the case
Have a discussion about Imam Jamil. Get one member to collect biographical facts about him, another to gather information about the case and a third to talk about how Imam Jamil has benefited Muslims in America. End the meeting with a Dua for him and a collection of money for his defense fund.
18. Organize a fundraising dinner in your community to raise funds for his cause
Fundraising dinners are a staple of Muslim activism in North America. Use this to educate, feed, inform and collect funds from Muslims for this worthy cause. It'll be a way for Muslims to unite on behalf of an African-American brother who was once one of their top leaders.
19. There is a letter/postcard writing campaign under way!
We want to show our support to the Imam, and let him (and those prison guards) know that he has not been forgotten! If you were incarcerated for something you DID NOT DO, think of how a letter or postcard with kind words would make you feel! You do not have to include your name or address to send a letter or a postcard, you may send anonymous well-wishes if you would like.
The address for Imam Jamil AL-Amin is:
Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin
Reg. No. 99974-555
Florence ADMAX USP
P.O. Box 8500
Florence, CO 81226
They Rule By Deception- Imam Jamil Al-Amin 03/19/93
Preparing For a Struggle- 01/24/92
Deceiving Your Nature 03/26/93
When Believers Quarrel
Women in Islam- 11/10/89
The New World Order- 12/20/91
A Leadership Vacuum
The Veil Is Lifted 03/12/93
Blueprint for Reparations 05/90
Oppression 10/12/90
A Period of Grace 10/11/91
The Pen Has Been Lifted 08/06/93
Muslims and Politics 1989
American Fascism 1992
A Dream of a Nation 10/4/91
Block Report Interview August 2004
Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. Interviews- Imam Jamil (Block report)
Interview with Imam Jamil Al- Amin on El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Block Report)
Die Nigger Die: A Political Autobiography Revolution By The Book: The Rap is Live