I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Empowering men to reach their full potential in their professional, personal, and civic lives is one of the most important contributions the MAN UP organization can make to the families of the larger community in which we work.

MAN UP members face a diversity of challenges and barriers to employment, wealth-building, and community support. These challenges include low skill and/or educational level, lack of previous work experience, low self-esteem/self efficacy, criminal histories, and discrimination. These men have been marginalized by society and lack a support network.

MAN UP takes a holistic approach in working with men to help them reunify with their families, improve their quality of life, and increase civic engagement.

THE MAN UP organization connects men with legal services, classes in computers, construction, GED and job readiness, mental health services and other supports. It also offers valuable coaching and peer support as the men work together to address their barriers to success and become engaged participants in their community.

MAN UP helps its members resolve outstanding warrants, reclaim revoked driver's licenses, become employed, start their own businesses, consolidate their child support cases and become more involved in their children's lives. In addition to reconnecting with their families, the men in MAN UP are reconnecting with their community, becoming a powerful and growing presence.

MAN UP members participate in neighborhood functions, organize back to school events, conduct outreach in the community and serve as ambassadors for the cause of reclaiming manhood. These Brothers exemplify the importance of men playing a responsible role in the lives of their children, family, and community. MAN UP!!!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Brothers that are ready to Man Up!!


The Autobiography of Malcolm X (with Alex Haley),Manchild in the Promised Land-Claude Brown, Native Son and Black Boy-Richard Wright Racehoss, Big Emma’s Boy- Albert Race Sample A Terrible Thunder, story of the New Orleans Sniper-Peter Hernon, Last Man Standing-Jack Olsen,Geronimo Pratt's story), Monster- Sanyika Shakur, Still Black, Still Strong, Survivors of the War Against Black Revolutionaries Dhoruba, Mumia, Assata, Live From Death Row- Mumia Abu Jamal, The Invisible Man Ralph Ellison, Die Nigger Die-H.Rap Brown, The Fire Next time- James Baldwin, Assata an Autobiography-Assata Shakur, Soledad Brother-George Jackson, Soul on Ice-Eldridge Cleaver, Marcus Garvey, Life and Lessons- Robert Hill, Barbara Bair Revolution by the Book- Imam Jamil Al-Amin,Agents of Repression-Ward Churchill, Jim Vander Wall,The Black Panther Party Reconsidered-edited by Charles Jones, The Art of War-Sun Tzu, Blood in My Eye-George Jackson, The Destruction of Black Civilization-Chancellor Williams, The Prince-Machiavelli,The Choice-Samuel Yette, The Huey Newton Reader-edited by David Hilliard,Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee-Dee Brown, The Making of Black Revolutionaries-James Forman,Behold a Pale Horse-William Cooper, Peoples History of the United States-Howard Zinn, The Miseducation of the Negro-Carter G. Woodson, Notes for an African World Revolution-John Henrik Clarke,Stolen Legacy-George G. M. James, African Religions and Philosophy-John Mbiti,The Wretched of the Earth-Frantz Fanon, Black Skins White Masks-Frantz Fanon, The Isis Papers-Frances Cress Wellsey, African Holistic Health-Llalia O. Afrika,Understanding Black Adolescent Male Violence-Amos Wilson,Black on Black Violence-Amos Wilson, Visions of Black Men-Na’im Akbar, The Community of Self-Na’im Akbar

My Blog


Integrity I will be a man of my word both in my internal dealings with Man-UP members, my family and in my community at large. Accountability / Responsibility I will be accountable for all my acti...
Posted by THE MAN-UP ORGANIZATION on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:36:00 PST

Malcolm X

Malcolm X was a powerful and influential speaker. This excerpt, from a speech in April 1964, clearly and directly expresses his views about the status of black people in American society. .. Malcolm ...
Posted by THE MAN-UP ORGANIZATION on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 06:34:00 PST

Need to know...

The King Alfred Plan is an old plan for dealing with Black folks and any other population the government sees as a threat which is why the organizations listed are only up to the mid 60's. This plan w...
Posted by THE MAN-UP ORGANIZATION on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 06:19:00 PST