What is Black August?
“Black August†was began in 1979 as a commemoration of the life, death, and contributions of several freedom fighters who were assassinated at the hands of the racist and reactionary United States government apparatus known as the California Penal System.These Freedom Fighters include George & Jonathan Jackson, William Christmas, Fleeta Drumgo, W.L. Nolan, Alvin Miller, Cleveland Edwards, Khatari Gaulden, James McClain, and John Cluchette. With the exception of Jonathan Jackson (who was the leader of the Marin county court rebellion) they were all prominent and respected leaders of the resistance movement inside the prison walls. To quote George Jackson "We attempted to transform the Black criminal mentality into a black revolutionary mentality. As a result, each of us has been subject to years of the most vicious reactionary violence by the state"
As time has passed, 'Black August' has outgrown the prison and is recognized nationwide every year by thousands of people as a time to encourage resistance and remember the resisters.............Towards that end, the Black August Planning Organization is committed to educating Black people on their history, culture, and issues of the day. Through this endeavor we aspire to encourage and empower the people to affect change in the communities in which they live and eventually the world. We also work in solidarity with other progressive and revolutionary groups with the understanding that the strength of the people is in their unity.