The MOVE Organization profile picture

The MOVE Organization


About Me


The MOVE Organization is a family of strong, serious, deeply committed revolutionaries founded by a wise, perceptive, strategically minded Black man named JOHN AFRICA. The principle of our belief is explained in a collection of writings we call "The Guidelines," authored by JOHN AFRICA. To honor our beloved Founder, and acknowledge the wisdom and strength He has given us, we say "LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA!"

JOHN AFRICA taught us that Life is the priority. Nothing is more important or as important as Life, the force that keeps us alive. All life comes from one source, from God, MOM NATURE, MOMA. Each individual life is dependent on every other life, and all life has a purpose, so all living beings, things that move, are equally important, whether they are human beings, dogs, birds, fish, trees, ants, weeds, rivers, wind or rain. To stay healthy and strong, life must have clean air , clear water and pure food. If derived of these things, life will cycle to the next level, or as the system says, "die."
We believe in Natural Law, the government of self. Man-made laws are not really laws, because they don't apply equally to everyone and they contain exceptions and loopholes. Man-made laws are constantly being amended or repealed. Natural Law stays the same and always has. Man's laws require police, sheriffs, armies, and courts to enforce them, and lawyers to explain them. True law is self explanatory and self enforcing. In the undisturbed jungles, oceans, and deserts of the world, there are no courtrooms or jails. The animals and plants don't need them. No living being has to consult a law book to be able to know if they have to cough, sneeze, or urinate. Natural Law says that when you see something getting too close to your eye, you will blink, whether you are a German Shepherd or a Supreme Court Justice.
All living things instinctively defend themselves. This is a God-given right of all life. If a man goes into a bear's cave, he violates and threatens the bear's place of security. The bear will defend his home by instinctively fighting off the man and eliminating him. The bear is not wrong, because self defense is right.
The fact that something is legal under the system's laws, doesn't make it right. Slavery was legal. Killing Native Americans and stealing their land was all done legally. JOHN AFRICA taught us that what is right applies equally, across the board. If something is right, it's right for all of life, with no separations.
We don't believe in this reform world system - the government, the military, industry and big business. They have historically abused, raped and bartered life for the sake of money. These rulers and policy makers don't care who they kill, enslave, cripple, poison or disease in their quest for money. They have made material wealth a priority over life. Marvels of science and technological so-called advancements all stem from the system's greed for money and disrespect for life. But a person who is suffocating or drowning doesn't call out for diamonds, gold, or wads of money. The person will do all in their power for a breath of air, because air is a necessity and money is worthless. Over the last century, industry has raped the earth of countless tons of minerals, bled billions or gallons of oil from the ground, and enslaved millions of people to manufacture cars, trucks, planes and trains that further pollute the air with their use. And because of the billions of dollars in profits to be made, the system will favor artificial transportation over the legs and feet Mama gave us to walk and run with. Big business and industry are responsible for the mass production and mass marketing of cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs, which are used to extract further profits from people while keeping them sick and addicted. Politicians are put in place to legalize, endorse, and protect industry and big business, therefore we don't believe in politics at all.
MOVE's work is revolution. JOHN AFRICA's revolution, a revolution to stop man's system from imposing on life, to stop industry from poisoning the air, water, and soil and to put an end to the enslavement of all life. Our work is to show people how rotten and enslaving this system is and that the system is the cause of homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, alcoholism, racism, domestic abuse, AIDS, crime, war, all the problems of the world. We are working to demonstrate that people not only can fight this system, they must fight they system if they ever want to free themselves from endless suffering and oppression.
Revolution starts with the individual. It starts with a person making a personal commitment to do what's right. You can't turn someone into a revolutionary by making them chant slogans or wave guns. To understand revolution, you must be sound. Revolution is not imposed upon another, it is kindled within them. A person can talk about revolution, but if they are still worshiping money, or putting drugs into their body, or beating their mate, they obviously haven't committed themselves to doing what's right. Revolution is not a philosophy, it is an activity.
We are a deeply religious organization. We know that the current political system resents our clean, righteous example and wants to stop us from exposing their corruption even if they have to kill us. Just as Jesus was labeled a radical and persecuted to death by politicians of his day for what he said, we know how threatening our message is to those in power and why they come down so hard on us. We expect it and we are prepared for it.
We don't measure our success with reference to a calendar. As long as we do what's right, the only way things can turn out is right, regardless of time. We are not anxious or impatient and we will not compromise our principle for quick, temporary results. We don't necessarily expect to see a dramatic change in this system in our lifetime or our children's lifetime. We know that many hundreds of years of degeneration and imposition will take many hundreds of years to correct, but the initial turning of the tide has to start somewhere. JOHN AFRICA began that process through the MOVE Organization. LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA!
Our organization was founded by JOHN AFRICA, however, he is not our leader. JOHN AFRICA has equipped each of us with the wisdom, strength, and understanding to lead ourselves. Using the strategy of JOHN AFRICA, we know we can't fail. Everything that happens to us happens a certain way, because it's supposed to.
All committed MOVE members take the last name "Africa" out of reverence for our Founder JOHN AFRICA, and to show that we are a family, a unified body moving in one direction. We have Black, White, Puerto Rican members from upper and lower class backgrounds, both college and street (mis)educated. While we do not heed the system's legal institution of marriage, we do adhere to the natural law that requires one male and one female to mate and produce new life. We are monogamous. JOHN AFRICA taught us that childbearing is a natural, instinctive function of a mother and requires no drugs or hospital stays.
We dearly love our children. We protect them and watch over them so they will become healthier and stronger than we ourselves. We are all one family and all the adults help to look after the kids. We don't punish them through beatings or physical abuse. If they do something wrong, the whole family takes part in giving them direction and showing them what's right. We don't send them off to school for the system's brainwashing and indoctrination. We stay close to our children and they stay close to us.
Our hair is left the way nature intended, uncombed and uncut. Though we don't favor using the system's chemicals, cosmetics, and disposable conveniences, we do spend a good deal of time keeping ourselves and our surroundings clean and tidy. We dress functionally, in clothing that doesn't interfere with our active lives.
The diet of JOHN AFRICA gave us consists of fresh raw food. We always keep plenty of wholesome raw food on hand and eat whenever our bodies tell us to, not according to artificial meal-time standards. We make sure no one around us goes hungry, because we know that good food is an essential requirement of life. We acknowledge that some of us were raised on the system's food, or "distortion"- as we call it. Doing the work we do can also put us under a lot of pressure when parent and child or husband and wife are separated by the system's oppression. So it is not uncommon to see some of use eating cooked food on occasion. However, you will never see a committed MOVE member use drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol. The hundreds of miles that the system has placed between us and some of our brothers and sisters in distant prisons has also forced us to use cars to maintain the close contact our family is used to. But we look forward to the day when we can live together the way we want to, without a ness for air-polluting technology.
To keep ourselves healthy and strong, we rely on plenty of exercise as well as good hard physical labor. Scrubbing floors, sweeping walks, and running dogs are daily tasks. Maintaining the hundreds of pounds of food we keep stocked is a big job, too. We have seeds for the birds, nuts for the squirrels, raw meat for the dogs and cats, and fruits and vegetables for the people. We love all life. It is tremendously upsetting for us to see someone mistreat an animal and we will take immediate action to stop anyone from beating a dog, throwing stones at birds, or causing similar impositions on innocent life.
The word MOVE is not an acronym. It means exactly what it says: MOVE, work, generate, be active. Everything that's alive moves. If it didn't, it would be stagnant, dead. Movement is the principle of Life, and because MOVE's belief is Life, our Founder, JOHN AFRICA, gave us the name "MOVE." When we greet each other, we say "ON THE MOVE!"

My Interests

Move's work is to stop industry from poisoning the air, the water, the soil, and to put an end to the enslavement of life. The purpose of John Africa's revolution is to show people through John Africa's teaching, the truth that this system is the cause of all their problems (alcholism, drug addiction, unemployment, wife abuse, child pornography, every problem in the world) and to set the example of revolution for people to follow when they realize how they've been oppressed, repressed, duped, tricked by this system, this government and see the need to rid themselves of this cancerious system as move does.

Contact people and the organization:

Debbie Sims Africa ..006307
Janet Holloway Africa ..006308
Janine Phillips Africa ..006309
SCI-Cambridge Springs
451 Fullerton Ave
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-1238

Michael Davis Africa ..AM-4973
Charles Sims Africa ..AM-4975
P.O. Box 244
Graterford, PA 19426

William Phillips Africa ..AM-4984
Delbert Orr Africa ..AM-4985
1000 Follies Rd.
Dallas, PA 18612

Edward Goodman Africa ..AM-4974
301 Morea Rd.
Frackville, PA 17932

Mumia Abu-Jamal ..AM-8335
175 Progress Drive
Waynesburg, PA 15370

The MOVE Organization
P.O. Box 19709
Philadelphia, PA 19143
[email protected]

for german speaking folks:
[email protected]

Who are the MOVE 9?

The MOVE 9 are innocent men and women who have been in prison since 1978, following a massive police assault .. Headquarters in Powelton Village, Philadelphia (seven years before the gov't dropped a bomb .., killing 11 people, including 5 children).

MOVE's belief is in Life. MOVE members follow the teachings of their founder, *JOHN AFRICA*. MOVE members have an uncompromising committment to their belief. It is that commit- ment which makes them a strong, unified family despite years of hardship.

The August 8, 1978 assault .. was a major military operation enacted by the Philadelphia Police Dept. under the direction of then-mayor Frank Rizzo. The assault followed years of police brutality against MOVE, Rizzo's reputation for racism and abuse of citizens is well documented.

During the assault, heavy equipment was used to tear down barricades surrounding the house, and police moved in while SWAT teams staked out every possible exit. MOVE members retreated to the basement, where they withstood fire hoses and water deluge guns. As the basement flooded, they held children and dogs above the rising water.

Suddenly shots rang out and bullets immediately filled the air as police throughout the area opened fire. Officer James Ramp was struck and killed by a single bullet.

MOVE adults came out of the house carrying their children through clouds of tear gas and were immediately taken into custody. MOVE never fired any shots and no MOVE members were arrested with any weapons. All were viciously beaten. TV cameras filmed police brutally beating and kicking Delbert Africa (Three of the four police were brought to trial and *ACQUITTED* despite irrefutable photographic evidence). The city bulldozed and leveled the house *immediately* that day, thereby destroying evidence.

The MOVE 9 were sentenced to 30-100 years *EACH* allegedly for the death of Officer James Ramp. Autospy reports show *clearly* that the bullet that hit Ramp travelled in a *downward* direction, MOVE members were in the basement of their house *below* the street making it ballistically imposssible for them to have fired the shot.

In reality, the MOVE 9 were sentenced *because* they were MOVE members. The murder charges were preposterous. Twelve adults were arrested; among them were two MOVE sympathizers who disavowed MOVE and were released. At a preliminary hearing, the judge told one, "There has been no evidence that you are a MOVE member" and let her go free. (Consuewella Dotson refused to disavow MOVE; she was tried separately and sentenced to 10-20 years. She was paroled in 1994 following steady public pressure.) (NOTE: Consuewella Doston Africa's two daughters were among the children murdered by the gov't bombing of MOVE people May 13, 1985.)



We also support the struggle to free MUMIA ABU JAMAL!

The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal: An Innocent Man on Death Row

Who is Mumia Abu-Jamal?

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a renowned journalist from Philadelphia who has been in prison since 1981 and on death row since 1983 for allegedly shooting Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. He is known as the "Voice of the Voiceless" for his award- winning reporting on police brutality and other social and racial epidemics that plague communities of color in Philadelphia and throughout the world. Mumia has received international support over the years in his efforts to overturn his unjust conviction.

Mumia Abu-Jamal was serving as the President of the Association of Black Journalists at the time of his arrest. He was a founding member of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Black Panther Party as a teenager. Years later he began reporting professionally on radio stations such as NPR, and was the news director of Philadelphia station WHAT. Much of his journalism called attention to the blatant injustice and brutality he watched happen on a daily basis to MOVE, a revolutionary organization that works to protect all forms of life--human, animal, plant--and the Earth as a whole.

The Scene
In 1981, Mumia worked as a cab driver at night to supplement his income. On December 9th he was driving his cab through the red light district of downtown Philadelphia at around 4 a.m. Mumia testifies that he let off a fare and parked near the corner of 13th and Locust Streets. Upon hearing gunshots, he turned and saw his brother, William Cook, staggering in the street. Mumia exited the cab and ran to the scene, where he was shot by a uniformed police officer and fell to the ground, fading in and out of consciousness. Within minutes, police arrived on the scene to find Officer Faulkner and Mumia shot; Faulkner died. Mumia was arrested, savagely beaten, thrown into a paddy wagon and driven to a hospital a few blocks away (suspiciously, it took over 30 minutes to arrive at the hospital). Mumia somehow survived.

Send our brotha some LOVE and LIGHT at:
Mumia Abu-Jamal
AM 8335 SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370

How to Help

There are no rich folks on death row! Justice takes money. Donate to Mumia's defense fund and hold fundraisers.

Send checks and money orders to:
National Black United Fund (make payable to them as well) 40 Clinton Street, Newark, NJ 07102

In the memo line you must specify Mumia legal or Mumia organizing. This money is under the non-sectarian and very trustworthy control of Pam Africa of International Concerned Family and Friends, whom Mumia personally chose to coordinate his defense.

I'd like to meet:

everyone and you!!Things you can do to support MOVE!!

Join our postage committee, send a donation towards postage or send us 37 cent stamps.
Photo-copy information or send a donation (even a Kinko card) toward the cost of photo-copying.
Send donations directly to the MOVE Nine for postage, photo copying, and to pay for their pre-paid calls (It costs them anywhere from $2.25 just to connect and then about $0.22 to $0.45 a minute after that, depending on where they are calling. This racks up quickly in order to keep general contact with their family). To send them donations, you must send money orders only.
Write in to different news media/papers in your area and in Philadelphia and in the papers near the prisons where the MOVE Nine are being held demanding justice for MOVE.
Encourage Bookstores and/or organizations to buy our book 25 Years On the MOVE in bulk at a discounted rate so that MOVE information is available in your area.
Arrange speaking engagements for Ramona Africa or other MOVE members at colleges, Community Centers, etc.
Write, Fax, Call the following:
Governor Ed Rendell
D.A. Lynn Abraham 1421 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel: (215) 686-8700 Fax: (215) 563-0047
Mayor John Street City Hall Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel: (215) 686-3000 Fax: (215) 686-2170
Buy a MOVE videotape and arrange video showings in your area.
Contact your U.S. Officials and Representatives and make MOVE POW's an issue that they have to address.
Offer driving services if you have a car; typing services if you can type or use a computer.
Contribute office supplies or donations towards purchase of them.
Arrange Radio and/or TV programs for Ramona Africa or other MOVE members.
Organize fund raisers like musical benefits, dinners, drives, etc. to help pay for organizing activities and to pay for the fight to free the MOVE Nine.
Start a chapter of Friends of MOVE in your area (only need a couple of people to stay in contact with the organization and help out however resources and availability allow).



My Blog

Expose Parole Board

Many many people are outraged about the recent parole board decision on my MOVE sisters. Everybody is asking what they can do now to continue their support of MOVE. What people can do is write artic...
Posted by The MOVE Organization on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 08:09:00 PST


MOVE WOMEN DENIED PAROLE!!! Today, April 22, 2008, MOVE women that survived the August 8, 1978 police attempt to kill off MOVE were denied parole by the Pennsylvania Department of Pro...
Posted by The MOVE Organization on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 01:55:00 PST


Update from Ramona Africa ONA MOVE, Everybody! This is an update on the MOVE 9 parole situation. Janine, Janet and Debbie were interviewed by Matthew Mangino in person and Judy Viglione watch...
Posted by The MOVE Organization on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 01:32:00 PST

More Information about Supporting Parole For The MOVE 9

Check out for more specific information on how to support parole for the MOVE 9...
Posted by The MOVE Organization on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:30:00 PST


Support Parole For The MOVE 9: Sign The Online Petition As the April parole hearings for The MOVE 9 draw near, the government (through the media) is stepping up it’s campaign to keep MOVE pe...
Posted by The MOVE Organization on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 02:09:00 PST


Along with excerpts of archival footage from the Cohort Media documentary titled "MOVE", this video features a new interview with MOVE member Mike Africa Jr.Born in prison, he is the son of ...
Posted by The MOVE Organization on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 11:02:00 PST


..>Online petition against GBWR ONA MOVE Everybody! The MOVE organization needs your help. The 2008 Guinness Book Of World Records lists MOVE under "Mass Suicides" based on the May 1985 bombing a...
Posted by The MOVE Organization on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 08:04:00 PST


From Chuck Africa ONA MOVE! I write this letter to communicate a grave concern of mine and maybe yours once reading this. A sea of apathy floods the cell blocks and corridors of Graterford State P...
Posted by The MOVE Organization on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 07:57:00 PST


Ramona Africa speaks To hear a 43 minute description of MOVE's history and understand more about how important it is to parole the MOVE 9 in 2008, go to this link:
Posted by The MOVE Organization on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 02:38:00 PST


Posted by The MOVE Organization on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 06:29:00 PST