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Igniting a Revolution

Voices in Defense of the Earth

About Me

Global warming, acid rain, deforestation, air and water pollution are but a few of the overwhelming indicators that the earth's health is worsening. For decades, environmental groups have been resisting the destructive trends set by industry and government, but as the social and political climate has changed, popular protest movements have become less and less effective. As the earth's situation worsens, those opposing its destruction have out of necessity become increasingly militant. Corporate and federal properties have been vandalized, set ablaze-even bombed-and the government is meeting this new brand of environmental militance with an increasingly heavy hand.

Whether you're drawn by frustration with environmental strategies that, to date, have been ineffective against this growing ecological crisis, or simply by curiosity (Who are these people? Why are they doing this? What do they hope to gain?), Igniting a Revolution offers a fascinating and compelling look at the emerging movement of revolutionary environmentalism. Includes essays by Marilyn Buck, Robert Jensen, John Zerzan, Ashanti Alston, Jeffrey "Free" Luers, Derrick Jensen, Ann Hansen, and a preface by Bron Taylor.

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This volume will interest any reader who wishes to hear directly from some of the leading intellectuals, activists and prisoners involved in these movements. The insights gained by listening directly to these voices...can hardly be overestimated.
- Dr. Bron Taylor, from the preface

Igniting a Revolution effectively tells a holistic story of revolutionary environmentalism through poems and essays that take us on a journey full circle from the background to the spiritual essence to the necessary actions. In an age when wars are waged over oil and other natural resources, we need to use this book as a tool to speak to larger audiences about the sci-fi reality TV show we are trapped in where there is a race to artificially create and "perfect" all that is natural, desirable, and necessary.
- Autumn Marie- Critical Resistance, Prisoners Of Conscience Committee, Sistas on the Rise

Igniting a Revolution's eclectic collection of radical voices speaks truth to power with an audacity and freshness of perspective that are essential to transforming this perilously troubled post 9/11 world. As important, these essays help to continue--and yet, redefine--a much needed conversation among a wide range of activists and scholars committed to such a transformation.
- Dr. Winston Grady-Willis- Associate Professor of African American Studies, Syracuse University; Author, Challenging U.S. Apartheid: Atlanta and Black Struggles for Human Rights, 1960-1977

Can extralegal means justify an end? The future of terrestrial life itself may depend on whether or not serious debate on that very point is put back on the public agenda. Igniting a Revolution threatens to do just that.
- Chris Hannah- Propagandhi

Only in a society this removed is love a revolutionary act. Read this book, change your heart. Gen 1:29
- D.J. Rose- Father, husband, tattooer, singer of the Path of Resistance

The authors of Igniting a Revolution urgently demand that we take stock of our role and purpose as global citizens. Igniting a Revolution demands our attention, taking us from a world of observation and analysis to one of direct action politics.
- Dr. Peter McLaren, UCLA, Department of Education - Author of Che Guevara, Paulo Freire and the Pedagogy of Revolution and Capitalists and Conquerors

This book is both a protest against human greed and arrogance and a call for revolutionary action to reverse the accelerating pace of our planet's destruction.
- Charles Patterson- Author of Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust

In an age of insurgent conservativism, fundamentalism, and militarism, it is more than heartening to come across a hopeful book that reminds us of this planet's REAL “coalition of the willing”: the diverse cross-section of human beings who adamantly refuse to allow corporations and bad governments to destroy Mother Earth. These writings put to rest the lie that sane environmental polices are impossible to achieve or that revolutionary activism is a thing of the past. Reading this book will not only assure you that a better world is possible, but that its realization is a desire of the majority.
- Dr. Scott Richard Lyons- Native American Studies Program, Syracuse University Columnist, Indian Country Today

Best and Nocella’s volume is unlike any other work available on this topic. Igniting a Revolution is a profoundly important and timely volume, and one that I and many other scholars in the field will find extremely useful.
- Dr. Matthew Calarco- Chair and Assistant Professor of Philosophy Sweet Briar College, Virginia

There's no way that anyone can agree with everything laid out in this collection. But there is no way, either, that we can afford to ignore these varied voices, because the one sure path to destruction is that of business as usual.
- Joel Kovel- Author, The Enemy of Nature

This radical book seeks to uncover the roots of the environmental crisis we’ve created in search of solutions to what its contributors identify as in great part our lack of emotional bonds to the earth. Igniting a Revolution provides a stimulating sounding of ideas to help us decide what courses of action to take.
- Dr. Karen Davis- President, United Poultry Concerns, author of Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs: An Inside Look at the Modern Poultry Industry

Igniting a Revolution is a collection of essays which will stimulate and challenge even the most hardened of cynics to reassess their thinking on many levels.
- Dr. Nik Taylor- Lecturer in Sociology, Central Queensland University, Australia

Their tactics are controversial, and are often labeled as violent, but there is no doubt that these insurgents represent the new cutting edge of the movement for a healthy planet and a just peace with nature. We may not agree with their tactics, or even their claims that the destruction of property is justified by our dire circumstances, and is ethical and essentially non violent, but we ignore their message of crisis and hope at our own peril.
- Mike Roselle- Founder of Earth First! Publisher of Lowbagger.Org

As we face unprecedented ecological crises, along with growing political violence and state repression, revolutionary environmentalists claim that another world is possible. This book promises important insights into radical alternatives and principled resistance.
- Dr. John Sorenson- Department of Sociology, Brock University

Industrial society is destroying our planet. It must be stopped by any means necessary. If you agree, read this book. If you don't, read this book.
- David Rovics- Musician


Terrorists or Freedom Fighters website

The first anthology of writings on the history, ethics, politics and tactics of the Animal Liberation Front, Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? features both academic and activist perspectives and offers powerful insights into this international organization and its position within the animal rights movement. Calling on sources as venerable as Thomas Aquinas and as current as the Patriot Act—and, in some cases, personal experience—the contributors explore the history of civil disobedience and sabotage, and examine the philosophical and cultural meanings of words like “terrorism,” “democracy” and “freedom,” in a book that ultimately challenges the values and assumptions that pervade our culture. Contributors include Robin Webb, Rod Coronado, Ingrid Newkirk, Paul Watson, Karen Davis, Bruce Friedrich and others.
“An unapologetic, impassioned, articulate and above all, rational defense of the militant tactics and philosophy of those on the front lines to save the earth and all its creatures. This authoritative work ought to be mandatory reading for everyone concerned with the future of creative dissent, radical change, and putting ethics into action.”
—Ramsey Kanaan, AK Press
“Finally, a serious look at the latest liberation movement from both a historical, philosophical and activist perspective. Regardless of what one thinks about the tactics of the Animal Liberation Front, this long overdue book is a must-read for anyone concerned about the future of the movement for animal liberation.”
—Michael Greger, MD, Chief BSE Investigator for Farm Sanctuary, Mad Cow Coordinator for the Organic Consumers Association
“In a world driven by profit margins, utilitarianism, speciesism, and in this generalized climate of political swindle, Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? speaks truth to power. It is a work destined to shape the politics of a new generation of militant activists.”
—Dr. Peter McLaren, Professor, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, and author of Che Guevara, Paulo Freire, and the Pedagogy of Revolution
“In a century, will people look back on the era of routine human exploitation of non-human animals as we now look at slavery? Moral progress on this front likely will come because of efforts like Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?. This timely collection will help anyone interested in challenging the conventional approach to animals and thinking more generally about the state of our society.”
—Robert Jensen, Associate Professor, School of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin
“Too often, scholarly works about social movements seem to have little to do with the movement, while activist works often have little substance. Not this book, which combines both viewpoints. Here, readers have access to the logic and philosophy of animal liberation as well as its practice and reflections on our current social era. Best and Nocella have filled a huge void. Bravo!”
—Dr. Rik Scarce, author of Eco-Warriors: Understanding the Radical Environmental Movement
“Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? exposes readers to compelling ideas that will undoubtedly make them think, and make them question. It is a valuable contribution to the most critical of public discourse.”
—Bob Linden, GoVeganRadio.com
“An outstanding collection of writings and an excellent antidote for the corporate welfare state’s corruptness and propaganda.”
—Chris Hannah, Propagandhi, co-founder of G7 Records
“A serious and essential book on animal liberation theory and practice, a revolutionary bellwether for the Patriot Act political climate of our times and a multiperspectival social critique and defense of animal lives, this book should find a place in university classrooms, activist bookshelves, and Homeland Security offices everywhere. The greatest aspect of this great collection may be its success in generating a foundation for greater understanding and dialogue between those in higher education, in policy organizations and government, and in grassroots groups like the ALF.”
—Richard Kahn, Ecopedagogy Chair of the UCLA Paulo Freire Institute, and founder of GetVegan.com
“This groundbreaking collection of essays addresses one of the most important issues of our times: the role of the ALF in the animal liberation movement. By examining the philosophical and ethical underpinnings of the ALF, and by demonstrating that a strong defense can be mounted on behalf of ALF actions and principles, Best and Nocella’s volume promises to breathe new life into the debates concerning militant animal activism. This book will be an invaluable resource for teachers, students, and activists interested in animal liberation.”
—Matthew Calarco, Sweet Briar College
“One of the most powerful and thought-provoking books I have ever read. Please read it and ACT NOW!!!”
—John Feldmann, Goldfinger
“An important book about the greatest revolution of all time, and a crucial contribution to animal rights literature and current social debates.”
—Jim Mason, author of An Unnatural Order


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My Blog

Assemblyman Leno Supporters Josh Wolf

For Immediate Release                                &nbs.. .
Posted by Igniting a Revolution on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 06:50:00 PST

Stop the Domestic Spying Deal: Your Sen. is Key - FCNL

Sen. Arlen Specter has struck a deal with the White House on a bill to allow the president to proceed without limits on his warrantless wiretapping program covering both telephone and electronic commu...
Posted by Igniting a Revolution on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 08:21:00 PST

Jeff "Free" Luers in the Hole HELP!

Jeff Free Luers is in the hole author: Friends of Jeff Free Luers        e-mail: [email protected] On July 10th political prisoner Jeffrey...
Posted by Igniting a Revolution on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 05:57:00 PST

Research on FBI Academy - part of a larger article

While I am putting together an article "Academic Repression: 4Ss of  Academic Repression Post 9-11-01" and a chapter in a book on my experience on going to the FBI Academy, I thought it...
Posted by Igniting a Revolution on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 06:29:00 PST

Rob Los Ricos - Author in Igniting a Revolution will be Released Soon

Rob los Ricos to Be Released From Prison June 29, 2006 Anarchist activist plans summer/fall speaking tour. By: Marlena Gangi  [email protected] Rob Thaxton, AKA Rob los Ricos, will be released ...
Posted by Igniting a Revolution on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 12:18:00 PST

Clearcutting Green Activists: The FBI Escalates the War on Dissent

by Dr. Steven Best and Anthony J. Nocella II As corporations escalate their bloody and destructive assault on animals, biodiversity, and the Earth, so too is the FBI ratcheting up its attack on act...
Posted by Igniting a Revolution on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 06:10:00 PST

FBI Appoints New AIC for DC Field Office: Ex PJTTF

Press Release For Immediate ReleaseJune 7, 2006 Washington D.C.FBI National Press Office(202) 324-3691 Kevin Favreau Appointed Special Agent in Charge of the Washington Field Office W...
Posted by Igniting a Revolution on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 06:21:00 PST

Informant "Anna" article - by Jennifer Van Bergen

FBI confidential informant also said to be provocateur 06/08/2006 @ 12:00 pm Filed by Jennifer Van Bergen According to activists from Des Moines, Philadelphia, Miami, Sacramento, and other locations, ...
Posted by Igniting a Revolution on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 06:18:00 PST

Anti-Nazi Rally June 10 Buffalo

Anti-Nazi rally and march: Saturday, June 10 in Buffalo! National Socialist Movement (NSM) supporting Racial Nationalist Party of America (Lockport) w/ VIP Karl Hand 3 PM Lafayette Square, then they ...
Posted by Igniting a Revolution on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 06:15:00 PST

Call to Artists - Music CD Project

CALL FOR ARTISTSPolitical Prisoner Benefit CD Looking for ArtistsCommitted to Social Justice Greetings and Respects,  A collective of groups known as the Freedom Project is putting a benefit CD t...
Posted by Igniting a Revolution on Wed, 10 May 2006 09:13:00 PST