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Lisa Kemmerer

Respect for All Life

About Me

Lisa Kemmerer earned a BA from Reed College, a Masters from Harvard Divinity, and a PhD in Philosophy from University of Glasgow, Scotland. She has taught philosophy and religions in Alaska , Washington , and Scotland , and currently teaches at Montana State University, Billings. Lisa has written numerous articles, focusing on the area of applied ethics; she has directed, and produced two documentaries on Buddhism, is the author of, In Search of Consistency: Ethics and Animals (Brill Academic, 2006), has had her second book accepted by Columbia University Press (The Buddha, the Bible, and the Beasts), and is working on a handful of other books. Lisa is an activist, artist, traveler, and adventurer who has hiked, biked, and kayaked widely._________________________________________________

My Interests

Books by Lisa Kemmerer


In search of Consistency: Ethics and Animals

This volume introduces the most important ideas in animal ethics and builds on a critical dialogue emerging at the intersection of animal rights, environmental ethics, and religious studies. In search of Consistency examines the work of influential scholars Tom Regan (animal rights), Peter Singer (utilitarian ethics), Andrew Linzey (theologian), and Paul Taylor (environmental ethics), and explores ethics and animals across six world religions (Indigenous faiths, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). In Search of Consistency sheds light on 'the sanctity of life' by means of an intriguing moral theory, 'The Minimize Harm Maxim', rooted in the time-honoured moral ideals of impartiality and consistency. This volume questions what it means to be human and challenges our assumed place in the universe.


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In Search of Consistency

In search of Consistency: Ethics and Animalsby Lisa KemmererThis volume introduces the most important ideas in animal ethics and builds on a critical dialogue emerging at the intersection of animal ri...
Posted by Lisa Kemmerer on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 08:30:00 PST