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Save Darfur

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just." - Abraham Lincoln
What Can I Do?
What can I do?
I'm just one man
I'd like to make you see
I'd like to make you care
About the ones who've been killed
And the ones who've lost their homes,
Their families,
Their livelihoods
I'd like to make you care
About the women-
Little girls who've been raped
Just to bring them shame
Just to bring them pain
I'd like to make you care
About the children who were burned
Alive… now gone
While their mothers watched
While their fathers watched
In absolute and brutal agony
In complete and total helplessness
Can you fathom that?
I'd like to make you care
About the millions who now run
In fear, they run
For their safety, they run
For their lives, they run
Food is as silver
Water is as gold...
...scarce, and treasured when in supply
They haven't much to keep them going?
Yet they run
From their own lands, they run
From their own peoples, they run
From their own government
Yes! Their own government
The ones who've wrought this pain
They run
And they run
I'd like to make you feel
The shear heartache that I feel
As I ponder all of these things
As I tremble in horror
As I write these very words
I'd like to understand
How anyone can not feel
The sorrow that I feel
That makes one want to scream
That makes one want to cry
That makes one want to stand
That brings the realization of the urgency to
I'd like to understand
How we can all sit back
And let it all go on
And let it all go on
And it all goes on
And on
I'd like to hold the power
To make you feel what I feel
But my words seem to lack the power
To make you want to shout,
At times I feel as if it's all a waste of
But I remember why I began to speak
For those who die
For those who cry
And I make it my final decision
Yes! My final answer
That I will continue to speak
Until I know that you've tired of hearing me
And when I can see that you've tired of
hearing me speak
I will continue to speak
Until the day…
Millions of innocent people are dying. Become informed today and save a life.
"I've gone everywhere, trying to stop many atrocities: Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia. The least I can do is show the victims that they are not alone. When I went to Cambodia, journalists asked me, What are you doing here? This is not a Jewish tragedy. I answered, When I needed people to come, they didn't. That's why I am here."
-Elie Wiesel
I have no doubt that faith is only pure when it does not negate the faith of another. I have no doubt that evil can be fought and that indifference is no option. I have no doubt that fanaticism is dangerous. And of all the books in the world on life, I have no doubt that the life of one person weighs more than them all.
-Elie Wiesel
"When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed."-- Mother Teresa"
To me, a faith in Jesus Christ that is not aligned with the poor ... it's nothing."-- Bono, U2
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."-- Edmund Burke
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."-- Albert Einstein
"There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread."-- Mahatma Gandhi
"Be the change that you want to see in the world."-- Mohandas Gandhi
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."-- Martin Luther King
"The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But ... the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?'"-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Nothing that you have not given away will ever truly be yours."-- C.S. Lewis
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children."-- Nelson Mandela
"Let us be the ones who say we do not accept that a child dies every three seconds simply because he does not have the drugs you and I have. Let us be the ones to say we are not satisfied that your place of birth determines your right to life. Let us be outraged, let us be loud, let us be bold."-- Brad Pitt
"You can't comfort the afflicted without afflicting the comfortable."-- Princess Diana
"A person's a person, no matter how small."-- Dr. Seuss
Genocide Intervention
Not On Our Watch

My Interests

End The Genocide Now




A Franciscan Benediction:

May God bless you with discomfort at:

Easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships- So that you may live deep within your heart.

May God bless you with anger at:

Injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, So that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.

May God bless you with tears to shed:

For those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, and war, So that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and to turn their pain into joy.

May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world; So that you can do what others claim cannot be done.

Genocide is the killing of a group of people, based on their race, or religion. In the history of the world, there have been examples of Genocide:Recent to Past Occurrences:

-Bosnia-Herzegovina: 1992-1995 - 200,000 Deaths
-Rwanda: 1994 - 800,000 Deaths
-Pol Pot in Cambodia: 1975-1979 - 2,000,000 Deaths
-Nazi Holocaust: 1938-1945 - 6,000,000 Deaths
-Rape of Nanking: 1937-1938 - 300,000 Deaths
-Stalin's Forced Famine: 1932-1933 - 7,000,000 Deaths
-Armenians in Turkey: 1915-1918 - 1,500,000 Deaths
Darfur, Sudan is the first genocide of the 21st Century and is one that the world knows about and CAN and MUST stop. Many people think of conflicts in Africa as tribal civil wars that have gone on for eternity. Darfur is NOT that. The government of Sudan instructs it's hit men to rape, torture, burn and kill the innocent men, women and children of Darfur. The government is Arab, while the ones being destroyed are Muslim. The killers, known as Janjaweed, travel by horseback and jeeps, while the innocent victims sit helplessly in villages and refugee camps, waiting to die. Females are required to leave the camps to collect firewood and while they're doing so, they are targets for rape and death. The Muslims plead for the world to come to their rescue, but so far the world has done nothing to help. The African Union (AU) has about 7000 troops in Darfur for protection of the innocent, but they are no match for the overwhelming number and power of the Janjaweed. The U.N. has a force of 23,000 troops that will go in and put a stop to the killing, but the U.N. will only authorize them to do so with the invitation of the President of Sudan. That's like saying we'll stop the Holocaust only if Hitler invites us in. Who's going to save the innocent victims in Darfur?

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NIGHT OF DYING MOON Copyright © 2006 - 9 year-old girl in Darfur, Sudan ) 1: You taste dust. You feel dust on your eyes. You wear dust on your skin like skin of goat. You feel sun. You feel mouth very dry. You feel sun even night in back of throat. We barely living. Each night children die. Each day bring more reason not to live.CHORUS: My people, we hungry. We have nothing of wealth. And still they take what few things what we own. My people, we hurting. What make them want us dead? What make them bring- Night of Dying Moon.2: They kill Mum. They drag her by her feet. They do mean things to her and Bigger Sis. Me too young or they do same to me. I hide my brother outside under trees. They burn our home down. Father dead inside. Each day bring more reason not to live. CHORUS:BRIDGE: Janjaweed militia attack us anytime. Protection from their swords never seen. Janjaweed militia want all my people die. Look like they get their killing dream.3: You taste death. You feel death in your life. You wear death without need like heavy coat. Is this life? Is this how to survive? With no one help us, no one give us hope? "Never again-!" someone somewhere cry. Each day all this killing still go on. CHORUS:


"My son was clinging to my dress. An Arab looking man, in a uniform with military insignia, stopped his car next to me. He grabbed my son from me and threw him into a fire."

Kalima, resident of the village of Kidinyir, Darfur


Terror in the Sky

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My Blog

How Can We Allow Innocent Children Die In Record Numbers, Because Of Their Race/Religion?

What can I do? I feel so frustrated and helpless to be sitting here while I know that millions of innocent children, women & men are living (or dying) in desperate poverty, hunger, disease, pain, ...
Posted by Save Darfur on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 12:07:00 PST