ReduceReuseRecycle, StopGenocide, HumanTrafficking, PublicTransportation, UrbanGreening, UrbanRenewal, CorproateResponsibility, AIDS/HIV, Cancer, OurOceans, Racism, PersonalResponsibility, CommunityActivism, AlternativeManufacturingMaterials, ResourceConservation, GovernmentPolicy, AlternativeEnergy, OrganicIntegrity, TheMedia, AlternativeCleaningProducts, EndangeredSpecies, HungerAndHomelessness, EveryVoteCounts, CleanWater, CleanAir, Choices, Change, Peace, INNOVATION!!! It doesn't stop here; I could have gone on all day.
Good people. Everyone interested in helping to make this tour happen. People that care about the environment. People that want change. People that want to make change happen. People that can make it happen. People with ideas.
Dennis Kucinich, the 14th Dalai Lama, Ralph Nader, Oprah, Bono, Al Gore, Jack Johnson, Dave Matthews, Jenn Wertz, John Mackey, everyone!
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World on Fire - sarah McLachlan
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Henry Ford's Hemp Car 1941
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John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Bob Marley, Jack Johnson, Rusted Root, U2, BareNakedLadies, Jimmy Buffett, Ben Folds, NAS, Dave Matthews, GreenDay, Donavon Frankenreiter, Alanis Morrisette, Wilco, ICanMakeAMess..., DeathCabForCutie, CoheedAndCambria, Sarah McLachlan, DoctorDog, FatCityReprise, NewFoundGlory, RageAgainstTheMachine, G.Love, Rufus Wainwright, Ziggy Marley, IZ, Ben Harper, Dispatch, OAR, Incubus, Ani DiFranco, and many more.
Everything's Cool, An Inconvenient Truth, Erin Brockovich, Free Willy, Man of the Year, The U.S. vs. John Lennon, March of the Penguins, A Civil Action, Who Killed the Electric Car, The Day After Tomorrow, Chocolat, Supersize Me, Ferngully, The Sum of All Fears, V for Vendetta, Thank You for Smoking, (All Ironweed Films), Water, Seven Years in Tibet,
PBS, WYBE, CNN, Travel Channel, Food Network, ESPN
The Omnivore's Dilemma, Silent Spring, Walden, Green Living.... there are so many that I could start another myspace just for the environmental books and movies out there.... hmmmmmmm.....
Ben Franklin, Teddy Roosevelt, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich, JFK, Judy Wicks
Who Killed the Electric Car?
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