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Spiritual and Warm Hearted....sometimes a Sarcastic Wise-Ass
Optimistic and Happy...sometimes though, the glass seems half empty.
Outgoing party guy...sometimes an Accomplished Quiet Introvert
Goofy, Silly and Fun....sometimes overly Serious and too Analytical for my own good
Free spiritied Artistic Modern Day Hippy...sometimes a Workaholic Entrepeneur.
Clear headed and Strong Minded..sometimes a complete Emotional Sap
I've been a Vegetarian since I was about 16 and now a proud Vegan.
I am very dedicated to my family and friends whom I love.
SHORTEST LONG ROADTRIP Drove to Canada 9 hours with friends, skated and left the next day.
LONGEST ROADTRIP From NJ to Key West....or uh...NJ to New Orleans for Mardi Gras
BIG HEADS, LITTLE BODIES: One of my many "jobs", is being a professional Cartoon Caricaturist.
MY THOUGHTS ON CORPORATE AMERICA: "9 to 5", "Commute" and "Boss" are yucky words that I dont use.
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I'M A HEALTH NUT I drink Wheat Grass juice and like it. Yummmmy
Ive Seen Dave Matthews in concert over 19 or 20 times...I lost track already (hhmmm wonder why?! hehe)
THINGS I REALLY DON'T LIKE:Regrets, People that take advantage of my kindness, Those heated hand dryer things in bathrooms, Judgemental people, Tech Support people who can barely speak English, Having to work when I don't want to (I usually don't want to), Daylight savings time, Hunters, Scraping the roof of my mouth when I eat toast too fast, Fear, Cold Weather, Litter bugs, Pushy Religious People, Feeling unappreciated, Licking Napkins, Not being able to help those I love, Tolls, Mean Cops, Jagermeister, Goldschlager, Rumplemintz, Mustard, Politics, Corporate Attitudes, Liars, Bullies, feeling Negative when I get my "man-strual Period" :-) , Having to pay to get on the beach, Traffic, When there's no rideable surf, Jerky Bennies that beep their friggin horns and drive obnoxiously loud motorcycles outside my house, Cat hair/Cat piss, Bills, Beach Badges, Procrastination, Drivers that don't use their blinkers,People that cause traffic jams staring at accidents, Getting hurt or disappointed by friends and family members (those we love most can hurt us the most).
Nascar: Vroom, Vroom, Change a tire, Cheer for some dude driving a car in circles, Crash, repeat...
Testicles:Man's most sensitive and pain potential jewels, end up on the outside...How did this happen?!
Color Guard: Throw a fake rifle up the air, twirl around a flag, repeat...
Sports Fanatics: "Yeah We're the Best!! We won!! You guys Suck!!"....(uh, no, you're sitting on your lazy ass, watching dudes in tight clothes play with balls.
25 MPH Speed Limits: Enough said.
Jesus: Why do people believe and depict Jesus as a White dude? So, what do you think the reaction would be nowadays if some kid's Mom swears she's a virgin and her son is God?
The Bible:I don't get how people blindly believe stories from thousands of years ago from people who sacrificed lambs and their first born on rocks and didn't have toilet paper or science class...I mean, if someone today told me how the Atlantic Ocean just opened up so this dude could walk through it, I'd think they were a crack head.
Drug Laws: Why is Marijuana illegal and "immoral" but the drug of Alcohol is glorified and commercialized? Didn't we learn from Prohibition?
Hypocritical Animal Lovers: I don't get when people are such "animal lovers" with their pets, yet they are okay with someone else slaughtering and torturing animals to turn their rotting dead carcasses into a burger or McNugget. There's a fine line to ignorance and acceptance for many people.
I Try and Follow the three R's:
Respect for Self
Respect for Others
Responsibility for all your Actions
The amount that we let ourselves love, is who we truly are...
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest human battle ever. Never stop fighting." E.E. cummings
"You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, “Why not?" - George Bernard Shaw.
"Falling in love isn't about finding the perfect person, it's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly"
"If you don't like something change it, if you can't change it, change the way you look at it"
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."~ Wayne Dyer"
"Life isn't about finding yourself it's about creating yourself"
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