Kelly Anne profile picture

Kelly Anne

Peace'n it all together! ;)

About Me

I was actually hoping to get away with going from childhood to senility without growing up... At least I've managed to keep a place inside me...that still believes in that spark.
You know, the one that comes with a dream, or a wish, or when you hope. I follow my intuition as best as I can... and I listen to my inner voice.
I like truth because it's much more interesting than fiction... but more importantly because "trust" is the beginning of a hearts journey.
I was a radio DJ and Station Music Director from my late teens through my mid 30's... "Suite:Irene" was my on air name.
If you'd like to hear a little of my DJ Days...
Just click the little widget below. (Use your back button to return).
A Taste of Suite I...
Hosted by eSnips
I usually worked for album oriented rock stations on the FM dial, known as "AOR." Although, my first radio job was at a country station owned by the late Buck Owens, KUZZ.
Music will always be a very real part of me.It has been my teacher, my companion and a creative outlet throughout the years... as I plunk out tunes on my piano and guitar.
I was an only child and I was adopted at birth... by only children no less!
(No brothers, sisters, Aunts, Uncles or cousins)!
I suppose that might be how I came to think that I just might really be a PRINCESS! I always had the feeling I was kind of "on loan" and that any day the Royal Family would send for me!
I grew up in California... with clothing optional beaches... Love-ins at Griffith Park... and Hollywood Bowl concerts.
That's how I spent my "formative years!" LOL!
Must be where the "bit of a wild child" comes in!
(I've named "her" Bad Kelly... Although she's not really bad.
Just sometimes a tiny, bit naughty).
I was a young mom... Just 17 with my son and 19 with my daughter. I loved the excitement of beginning my own family tree...
Now (all too quickly) my two children are both in their mid 30's. It worked out well, though that am still young enough to enjoy old age...
And, it is nice to know that they both seem to be happy in their lives.
In fact, I've never known a more enthusiastic participant of life, than my son, Tim!
Tim is a California Bay area resident... He not only runs his own business as a personal trainer...
He is also lead singer/song writer for ROUTE ONE ELEVEN... A GREAT BAND!
What I love seeing the most in Tim...
Is that he is also one to listen to his inner voice.
We were fortunate to have an example in our lives...
One that was as pure as it gets.
That would be my Grandmother, Our Nana...
Nana is the one that gave both my children and I unconditional love.
She took the sparks that she saw inside of us...
and she turned them into brightness!
Click here if you would like to visit "Nana's MySpace Remembrance Page."
I became a Grandma, (thank you daughter), in my mid 30's. There are four of them, now... Which ought to be about equal to raising their mother!
Now, I can't leave out TAMMY... (Even though she refuses to get on the computer)! She has been my best girlfriend for 37 years!! Tamara Jean, or "TJ" as I sometimes call her. We did everything from CHILDBIRTH to CHIPPENDALES together! (A lot of the best memories with Tammy, fall under the category that she once whispered to me...
"Not only can't we tell anyone about this... But they wouldn't believe us if we did!" LOL! I love you, TJ!
Currently, I live on an Island in the Pacific Northwest...
The Island is named "Whidbey Island" and it's in the state of Washington. It's actually the "southern most island" in the San Juan Island group and it's the very longest island, in the Continental United States. It's quite beautiful here and I can't imagine living anywhere else!
I am married to a man that still plays with trains!
One day Steven told me he was just tired of magnifying glasses and tweezers(with HO scale trains) and that he wanted to go bigger..!
I had a hard time realizing that we were actually going to be able to ride on the trains! (Inch and a half scale).
We've named our railroad, "The Pacific Beach & Summit Railroad."
We plan to develop our little railroad throughout the 10 acres we live on.If you'd like to learn more about The Pacific Beach & Summit RR... You can visit our website by clicking on the image below.
I hope to grow old gracefully.
And I hope to place my trust in those that are trustworthy. Those are my hopes.
I also have wishes... and they've been the same ones, for as long as I can remember.
First, I wish to always belong where I am...
And the most important wish I have... is to keep that spark inside of me... a-glow!
Myspace Layout

My Interests

(Today, 1-11-07)
High expected is 28'
Cool Slideshows

Make photo slide shows at

Photo and video editing at

Make an online slideshow at

Make photo slide shows at

Interests are an ever changing list... Right now it seems to be trains of course...

And I also have such fun doing my picture creations on the computer. The possibilities are endless!The most consistant interest for me though, has always been my GUITAR!

I recently got a Fender guitar that seems to like me... And it's sure been breathing new life into my playing. Inspirational, I suppose.

Life has been pretty good at keeping me entertained so far... Although sometimes it isn't much to my liking!

Funny sometimes where we get our strength when we need to find it within ourselves...
I try to remember The Caterpillar! It reminds me that one never knows...

I'd like to meet:

It seems that I have finally gotten to quit KISSING FROGS... (Although there have been times I wonder if I wouldn't have rather had a talking frog)! In any case... Not looking for my life's partner.

I'd like to meet a certain frog lover, though... Who also happens to be a King!

One of my treasured MySpace friends, King of Chatalot... absolutely loves frogs! (Just visit his page sometime and you'll see for yourself)! But... he also has a virtual place named, "The Kingdom of Chatalot." He loves visitors... So, I have made a SECRET PASSAGE that will take you there! If you click on the picture of The Kingdom below, you'll be able to take a peek! (Joining is free and you can do that too)!

There are two other people I'd like to meet...Donovan and Arlo Guthrie! Donovan was my 1st concert... age 13 at the Hollywood Bowl. Yes, I fell in love!

Arlo, I learned to appreciate as I got older. And now, (lucky me) he really is my friend! We talk just about every evening... And, he is wonderful!! God, we have fun!
Our friendship began when he wanted to be a Wizard. (Through my art of course). He's been a few "things" now... I really love that guy! (So, does Bad Kelly)! LOL!


Corribee (Nick)


The King of Chatalot

Beard Guy (Marc)

Arlo Guthrie

Chuck Williams

Big Cedar (HC)

Lady Sunflower (Christine)



Princess denice



The Interstellar Art Co. (Woody)


Heavenly Sammy






Big Blake





High Road (Dan)

Jeff Viar

Long Gone (Daniel)



Estrella Celeste

The Victims of Kool




DJ John

Tim (My son, who's really 1st)

RICK! (A returning old friend who belongs AT THE TOP!!)!!

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I was one of those people that was born loving music... I played piano at four years of age, guitar at thirteen and then enjoyed a twenty year career playing radio!

So it's really no surprise to find that my son, Tim's heart... is music.
To quote one of my favorite lines in a song he wrote, "I see the world through music, talkin' slows me down." (I hear you, Tim)!

Tim put together a band a few years ago, ROUTE ONE ELEVEN. And... they ROCK! See for yourself. Hop over to their website by clicking the image below.

My tastes are broad and varried... I love it all! Below are some favorites I've found here on MySpace.

ATTENTION: MySpace Peace activists...
They say the best way to support peace is through peaceful ways. That is exactly what Chuck Williams (MySpace artist) is all about!
Join me is Congratulating him
on making the
on Neil Young's Website,
"Living With War."

(If you've got the time... Don't miss the amazing Animusic video! It is WAY awesome)!


I used to watch movies and television...
I just don't have the interest anymore.
My eyes always seem to drift right out the windows...There are deer, (our resident mother deer has had twins two years in a row now)!

And there are coyotes and screech owls... Hawks and eagles... Squirrels and chipmunks... All passing by my windows!

I'd rather be outside... or play or listen to music. And, if I'm going to sit in front of a box, I'd rather be interacting with you, Cyber Buddies!
