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The more you drink...the better I sound!... :p

About Me

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Hey!...thanks for visiting...I'm a singer/songwriter and I play a percussive guitar and harmonica... It's not easy when people ask me to describe my music. I guess it's a mix of folk, blues and soul. But hey...have a listen and see what you think - make up your own mind.
I grew up on the tiny island of Malta, right in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and rich in history and culture. I remember listening to all sorts of music. Dad was a lover of the opera, classical music and those melodic Italian songs from Sanremo, Claudio Villa, Mina, Maria Callas....My two elder brothers were into Otis Reading, Wilson Picket, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, The Beatles and Lucio Battisti-a prolific Italian singer-songwriter.
my first encounter with a guitar was when my eldest brother brought home a battered acoustic and hung it on his bedroom wall! I had never been near a guitar that close before! I was still a young nipper and I was not allowed in his room. But still, I would sneek in and 'borrow' it for a while.
I started out playing standards in bars and clubs around the island. This was in the late 1970s, and I was in my late teens. Then, in 1983, I graduated to playing packed audiencies, as a singer-songwriter, in the many Rock Festivals that were organised in Malta at the time. It was in one of these concerts that I supported The Bluebells, at that time in the British charts. It was an exciting time...there was plenty to write/protest about!...
Been a member of PRS (London) since 1985. People ask me how I never got signed up by some major record company...I suppose it's because I was never at the right place, at the right time...or perhaps, because I'm plain crap!! :-)... (I'm fishing for complements here!!! hehe!!)...
I studied graphics and later architectural design...I got fed up in Malta so I bought myself a oneway ticket to London ...where I lived in the Camden Town, Islington and Hampstead areas. There, I met many interesting people and made plenty of good day, I worked as an artchitectural technician/designer, for some of the best architects in London, and by night, I did the usual London club circuit...the Mean Fiddler, Ronnie Scott's, Rock Garden, The Border Line, was great fun...
Then, after a dire experience with a major label, I packed up my guitars and could not do anymore music for a while....My interests shifted back to visual arts, my childhood first love,b&w photography, video production and later, Interactive Media...I am proud to have developed and published the first (some say, the only) computer games in the Maltese language!...beat that mate! :-) I also produced an interactive CD-ROM 'BLOCKADE' for the British Council and the British High Commission in Malta...all this happened between 1996-98... Once more, I felt that it was time for me to do something different....So I decided to read for a masters degree at Sheffield University... I graduated in November 2005 with a Masters in Literacy and Language in Education....During the same time, my life was going through some turbulent times...and the story continues....
Again...thanks for visiting...Take care and stay safe...Grimaud

My Interests


Member Since: 5/26/2006
Band Members: Grimaud - Singer-songwriter, guitar, harmonica.

Live performance on ONE TV (December 07)

Rare footage from the 80s :)

GRIMAUD at Teatru Unplugged 2007

Influences: Howlin' Wolf | Muddy Waters | Woody Guthrie | Pete Seeger | Leonard Cohen | Bob Dylan | Donovan | Neil Young | Joan Baez | Richie Havens | Roger Waters |
Sounds Like: Have a listen...and make up your own mind...

Visitors since 1st April 2007.

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Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Instant Melodies in a Can

Correct me if I'm wrong, but nowadays one can find practically anything in a can...beit food stuffs, detergents, toys, posters, stuff that makes other stuff shiny and smell nice...the list goes on and...
Posted by Grimaud on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 09:47:00 PST

There is always a first!

OK folks!...this is my first! Not much of a blogger I must admit!...but I'll give it a shot! 2006 has been a year of many different happenings for me...I won't bore you with the details (unless you tw...
Posted by Grimaud on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 02:04:00 PST