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missFlag - new single out June 15th =]

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In an age where money and who you know talks louder than talent and what you know, it's refreshing to find a band that still believes hard work and great songs should be the way forward. Israel's missFlag is one such band. Borne from the friendship of five individually talented musicians, missFlag has been steadily carving a niche for themselves since their inception in 2005.
This is in no small way thanks to the diverse musical influences that the five members of missFlag bring to the band – from jazz to classical, fusion to rock, the music of missFlag is testament to the musical education the members of the band went through before finding each other.
But perhaps it's not the musical range and diversity that finds missFlag on the verge of their international breakthrough – rather, it's the message of hope and self-belief that can be found throughout each song on their debut album 'To Infinity'. Reaching out to the world from Jerusalem and surrounded by everyday conflict that most other bands could never understand, missFlag refuse to be drawn into any political statements, and instead share their hope through music that we can all live as one.
From sublime anthems such as the beautiful 'Run', with its belief that even the poorest relationship can be saved, to the live favourite in waiting that is 'Let It Show', missFlag show they can stand beside such luminaries as Coldplay and Snow Patrol and not be overshadowed. For further proof of missFlag's place in the indie world, you only need to listen to 'Hidden Thieves', perhaps their signature song, and one that shows the range in song-writing strength the band possess.
With 'To Infinity' in their back pocket and North America in particular beginning to pick up on them, missFlag are now ready to step from out of the shadows and take their place amongst the established bands of the genre. It's been a long and often difficult road, but the end destination is finally in sight.
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Within the last year missFlag have toured the US extensively. The reaction of the press to missFlag and their performances has been very exciting:
L.A Times (second feature): "This pop band from Israel is starting to make waves with the catchy song "Hidden Thieves" getting airtime on KCRW and elsewhere. It's not hard to understand, as the group's urgent, heartfelt pop has the potential for reaching a large audience. Ohad Eilam's voice and Gil Assayas' piano are the essential stitches to a fabric that incorporates diverse chord changes and tempos, but always resolving into memorable choruses."
Boston Globe: "missFlag brings a beautifully shambling sensibility to the epic chord changes and winsome melodies."
L.A Times (first feature): "This band from Israel covers some of the same ground as Coldplay with the kind of sing-along choruses that could appeal to a large audience. Singer Ohad Eilam has an accessible sincerity and, in "Hidden Thieves," when the keening guitar enters on the final chorus, providing a diversion from the center of focus (the piano) one can imagine a concert hall of swaying bodies."
Jerusalem Post: "With star-quality songs, stage presence and musicianship. Someday you'll be able to say you saw missFlag 'back when'."
(You can find the full articles in the Press Section of missFlag's website).
Since May 2007 missFlag have been featured on KCRW's “Morning Becomes Eclectic”, the internationally influential music show on National Public Radio. With a national following on air and a worldwide following online, MBE's DJ Nic Harcourt chose missFlag's “Hidden Thieves” for heavy rotation on the show, launching it into the top slot of songs played on the station. Airplay on MBE is highly competitive, receiving submissions of over 500 songs per week.
During September 2007 DJ Nic Harcourt also chose missFlag for a highly coveted live in-studio performance from MBE's Los Angeles studio, which included an interview with missFlag's lead singer Ohad Eilam. During the interview, Harcourt observed, "There is a sincerity in their original songs that makes them stand out," complimenting the band on being, "so sweet, yet hungry – a great combination for a band trying to make it here in the U.S."
In December 2007 missFlag's song "Fortune" was selected as KCRW's Top Tune .
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Member Since: 2/21/2006
Band Website: missFlag.com
Band Members: Ohad Eilam - Voice, Guitars
Assa Bukelman - Guitars
Gil Assayas - Keyboards
Shai Saadia - Bass
Assaf "Regel Aroch" Kraus - Drums

hillelwachs [at] gmail.com

For booking please contact:
booking [at] missFlag.com

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My Blog

we're on KCRW! ( AGAIN!! )

We were aired on a great radio station in LA called KCRW, by Nic Harcourt, who runs a show called 'Morning Becomes Eclectic', which is a VERY VERY influential show in the area. you can chec...
Posted by missFlag - Album out NOW! on Wed, 30 May 2007 07:32:00 PST

Israeli Summer Tour 2007!

We're getting ready for our summer tour, but this time in our home land!  yeah ! Loads of surprises, new songs, collaborations and one very special guest in Tel Aviv ,  IRMI KAPLAN! Our tour...
Posted by missFlag - Album out NOW! on Thu, 24 May 2007 04:38:00 PST

back home

Tours are aint no easy thing... life on the road can be hard sometimes. its a very strange mix of good and bad... but now we're pushing harder than ever. As much as i love the states (and we...
Posted by missFlag - Album out NOW! on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 05:36:00 PST

"To Infinity" on iTunes and Buy.com

From today you can get our debut album "To Infinity" on iTunes!! Just serch for : missFlag   or click here missFlag on iTunes   It's also availabe via Buy.com  missFlag on Buy.com...
Posted by missFlag - Album out NOW! on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 03:40:00 PST

A snippet from our next album!

Well, maybe I'm pushing it, since "To Infinity" just came out 2 weeks ago :-P But you can at least hear it in all of our shows from now on! I'm talking about the "Shade Of Gray" vi...
Posted by missFlag - Album out NOW! on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 09:58:00 PST

Album out NOW!

Ladies and Gentleman, Friends and Fans, Dogs and Cats (etc..) :   Our Debut album "To Infinity"® is FINALLY out and can be purchased online. So go on and get your copy !!   www.cdbaby.com/cd...
Posted by missFlag - Album out NOW! on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 06:40:00 PST

NEW: Photo's from our last US Tour on official site gallery

On our official website, under the gallery section, new photos from our last US tour...   Aha....
Posted by missFlag - Album out NOW! on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:13:00 PST

Join the missFlag Team now!

From now you join our family and be a member of the missFlag Team,read about it more in our Team Section....
Posted by missFlag - Album out NOW! on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 05:51:00 PST

Two songs from the upcoming album - FREE to download!!

NOW: You can download two songs from our upcoming album for FREE, yes yes is true is nice, (The album is ready and will be online for sale pretty soon hope hope) I can touch!!?...
Posted by missFlag - Album out NOW! on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 02:55:00 PST

USA Debut Album Tour on March 2007!

We're headed for our second US tour this march, traveling through several major cities in the US and A (bORAT).. Specific dates TBA soon hopefully :)   Ohad
Posted by missFlag - Album out NOW! on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 02:56:00 PST