This world's a mess. You know that. I know that. But I also know that I can't make it 10 feet out my door here in NYC without being slapped in the face with the reality that there are a heck of a lot of people trying to live with dignity, help a tired soul, raise good kids, be a good friend, be of use in the world. LIVE FOR DARFUR draws on this assumption - that everybody has some simple way that they can help the world every day.
In the case of the high-profile artists who've made the choice to GO LIVE, many of them have big voices that carry. That's their gift. For people like you and me, who don't grace the covers of People and the stages of the Oscars, we may have to rifle thru our pockets a bit more to figure what we have to offer.
I'd like to meet people who have ideas. Who cares if you're so broke you've only got two pennies and a matchbook to add to our bag of tools? With the creativity of LIVE's MySpace Friends, I'm sure someone'll figure out how to melt copper and build a car. We need that kind of ingenuity here. Cuz the situation is dire, my friends. A lot of amazing men, women and children who call Darfur 'home' are suffering. Every day counts, and your imagination is the only currency accepted here.
If you'd like to donate money to help people in Darfur, please visit:
Genocide Intervention Network or
International Rescue Committee .