Sustainability/Green Design profile picture

Sustainability/Green Design

I am here for Networking

About Me

My name is David, and I have started S.O.S. to link people, technologies, methods, projects, events, cultures, beliefs, and most importantly, humans and nature. I am an Architect, Designer, Environmentalist and a dreamer, in many forms and fashions. I have a Bachelors Degree in Architectural Studies, a Master Degree in Architecture, Minor in Math and Physics; I am also a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Accredited Professional, Completed my I.D.P. (Intern Development Process), and Completed the A.R.E. (Architect Registration Examination). I have engaged in the LEED for Homes Pilot Program, and am currently working on LEED Certified (Silver) Schools in North Carolina. And finally, I am a member of A.I.A. (American Institute of Architects), USGBC (United States Green Building Council), and support many organizations that promote a cleaner and more natural way of living and designing. The follwoing images are not work of S.O.S. and are for inspiration and graphic purposes only:Sustainability and Green Design is no longer the taboo, expensive, “tree-hugging” practice of the past, as many Big Business Politicians would have you believe! In fact, it has reached a level of diversity and technology, both natural and manmade, that Sustainable buildings, and LEED Certified buildings are being designed AND constructed at the same price, if not cheaper than those that take no consideration in local, region, and global impacts of constructions. Even more, you save so much in life-cycle cost over the life of the project! Also, in many cases, the more Sustainable your House, Business, Car, and Lifestyle is, than the less you must rely or abide by the ever-rising Big Business rules and regulations, being you will no longer depend on their regulated and over priced materials, fuels, and energy! As an Architect, and being houses and buildings consume 70% of the Nation’s energy, I feel it is my duty, and those like me, to stop the problem where it starts. If we can develop more efficient structures, provide stricter code regulations of environmental quality and energy consumption, and alternative fuel sources for transportation, than we would not need to invade other countries to ensure a “plentiful” supply of oil. Also, we must enlighten and educate people about these products and methods, such as bio-fuel. For example, bio-fuel produced from recycled vegetable oil is a great concept; however, bio-fuel from corn ethanol is very bad for the environment (will post more about this on my blog). Nevertheless, I will try to post Blogs and post Bulletins once a week, keeping all of you up to date on the latest Sustainable concepts, whether it pertains to Architecture, Politics, Lifestyle or simple Humanity.

This Profile may contain copyrighted material, which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to increase understanding of Environmental, Political, Sustainable and Green Design issues. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

My Interests

Welcome to S.O.S. (Sustainable Outreach Society), developed to Enlighten, Encourage, Embrace, and Ensure the progress and research for a more Sustainable future, in Architecture, Cities, Lifestyles, and within us all.

I'd like to meet:

Evolution Biodiesel Kits

Free yourself from the high prices and political control!

Algae Biodiesel on CNET

MicroAlgae Biofuel


Through the concepts of Eastern Philosophy and other beliefs dealing with man’s place in nature, designers can form associations between materials in architecture and materials found in nature, coming together in harmony with spatial relationships from orientation to natural ventilation and lighting as well as other sustainable design methods. Even more, with the support of spiritual-related context of the East, the future of “Green Architecture” and sustainability can be further developed so that future architecture becomes more natural and organic, pulling away from the object architecture of today.


Sustainability and “Green Architecture” are frequently used separately from one another; however, the two are inseparable parts of each other, for one does not exist without the other. It is in “Green Architecture” where sustainability begins while understanding the relationship between man and nature. “Green Architecture” is not merely a relationship to natural elements, rather it is the common ground between architecture and landscape and the familiar resemblance between formal and agrarian gardens. Like the intertwining of man and nature in Eastern philosophy, “Green Architecture” is the combining of architecture and nature, or landscape. The common ground is somewhere between closed privacy and open exposure, like the threshold of inside and outside. Even more, it is where the forms of the hills shape the forms of the buildings. “Green Architecture,” like Buddhism and Shinto philosophy, not only recognizes the relationship between man and nature, but continues to address it in a manner that brings them together in one essence. With the relationship between man and nature being defined as a building on a site, “Green Architecture” can be the mediator that continues to strengthen the bond between the two.


For those of you concerned with our Environment, help us out and write a letter to your congressman and express your concern for our environment and the future of Sustainability and Green Design. The more letters that these congressmen receive the more they will realize what issue they must be concerned with in order to be re-elected. Most congressmen do not care about many of the issues regarding the Environment, but they do care about getting re-elected. So, if their re-election depends on their willingness to support bills that will protect our environment, reduce pollution and Carbon emissions, then they will probably support them. See below for North Carolina's Representatives:


Butterfield, G.K., North Carolina, 1st Coble, Howard, North Carolina, 6th Etheridge, Bob, North Carolina, 2nd Foxx, Virginia, North Carolina, 5th Hayes, Robin, North Carolina, 8th Jones, Walter B., North Carolina, 3rd McHenry, Patrick T., North Carolina, 10th McIntyre, Mike, North Carolina, 7th Miller, Brad, North Carolina, 13th Myrick, Sue, North Carolina, 9th Price, David, North Carolina, 4th Shuler, Heath, North Carolina, 11th Watt, Mel, North Carolina, 12th


Hydrogen PowerGeothermal EnergyWind PowerSolar Power"There's simply no two ways about this fuel question. Gasoline is going - alcohol is coming. It's coming to stay, too, for it's in unlimited supply. And we might as well get ready for it now. All the world is waiting for a substitute to gasoline. When that is gone, there will be no more gasoline, and long before that time, the price of gasoline will have risen to a point where it will be too expensive to burn as a motor fuel. The day is not far distant when, for every one of those barrels of gasoline, a barrel of alcohol must be substituted." - Henry Ford, 1916

My Blog

Terrorism - War - Oil - Greed

Terrorism  War  Oil  Greed First and foremost, I am a believer that people's actions speak infinity loader than their words!  We can all have a passion, belief, voice, purpose, journey or c...
Posted by Sustainability/Green Design on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:59:00 PST

Global Warming

First, to understand global warming and its causes, you must first identify the givens, or known data, as you would in any experiment, searching for a conclusion.  These are as follows: 1) &...
Posted by Sustainability/Green Design on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:38:00 PST

Hydrogen Kits for the House

Hydrogen Power in the Home: I have written a few blogs about renewable energy as it pertains to vehicular use, but what about renewable energy for the house!  There are many ways you can design a...
Posted by Sustainability/Green Design on Thu, 08 May 2008 01:09:00 PST

MicroAlgae Biofuel

MicroAlgae Biofuel: What alternatives do we have for alternative fuels?  As stated in previous blogs, the use of corn ethanol is worse for the environment than simply using petroleum products lik...
Posted by Sustainability/Green Design on Thu, 08 May 2008 08:30:00 PST

Biodiesel versus Petroleum

Biodiesel: I am an Environmentalist that supports conservation and recycling to its maximum, yet I drive a 2006 Ford F250 Crew cab Truck.  Off the lot, these large SUV's get a sluggish 15-17 MPG,...
Posted by Sustainability/Green Design on Thu, 08 May 2008 07:12:00 PST

Cows Produce Electricity

Transforming animal waste into a useful product potentially could solve some serious problems that accompany the dairy and livestock industries. After 25 years of persistent work, Marin County ran...
Posted by Sustainability/Green Design on Thu, 08 May 2008 12:04:00 PST

Corn Ethanol is NOT good for the Environment.

As seen many times in the past, "Government" likes to shake "shinny" objects in front of your face, with hopes of enticing you, while steeling from you in your blind spots.  President Bush, once ...
Posted by Sustainability/Green Design on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 11:42:00 PST

Is "clean coal" possible? ...
Posted by Sustainability/Green Design on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:22:00 PST

LEED Material and Credits

Sustainable Site: SS Prerequisite 1, Construction Activity Pollution Prevention SS Credit 1, Site Selection SS Credit 2, Development Density & Community Connectivity SS Credit 3, Brownfield Red...
Posted by Sustainability/Green Design on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 12:23:00 PST

Make your Home more Sustainable and Green

Here are just a few tips to make your Home Greener and more Sustainable (while saving you a lot of money): 1)      Set all your Computers to Hibernate (this can eliminate up t...
Posted by Sustainability/Green Design on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:23:00 PST