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About Me

Greenpeace has been peacefully defending the planet since 1971. We've played a pivotal role in big wins for the environment:

- Commercial whaling moratorium
- Ban on toxic waste exports to less developed countries
- Bans on dumping radioactive and industrial waste at sea
- 50-year moratorium on mineral exploitation in Antarctica
- An end to large-scale high-sea driftnet fishing
- Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary
- Ban on all nuclear weapons testing

We're working hard to tackle the big environmental problems of our time and we want your help...

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Mother’s Day Weekend 2008

Mother's Day 2008: Moms and Kids Make Calls for the Climate

All over the country, people gathered in parks and other beautiful places, took pictures and left voicemail messages for Congress at Mommy Meetups. The overall message was powerful and clear: Now's the time to take action on global warming. But don't just take it from us, listen to some of the messages yourself:

Learn How Tough It Is Being A Fish In The Bering Sea

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Japanese Whaling Scandal Exposed!

Dove Soap Isn’t Too Clean

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Whaling Scandal Exposed! Repost and Spread Widely

Breaking News!After a four-month long undercover investigation, Greenpeace exposed evidence of widespread embezzlement of whale meat occurring right under the noses of the public officials who run the Japanese whaling program.TAKE ACTION NOW!We’ve known the Japanese whaling program to be a fraud from the beginning, but now we have the evidence to prove it. More than a ton of whale meat was snuck from the whaling ship this year alone, and it wasn’t for “scientific research”.Informers who spoke to the activists claim that senior crew and officials from Kyodo Senpaku, the ship’s operating company, turned a blind eye to the whale meat theft, allowing it to continue for decades.The best cuts of whale meat, used to make whale bacon, are smuggled into crew cabins, preserved in salt, and then shipped home in boxes marked "cardboard" or "salted stuff" to be sold on the black market. We intercepted one such box -- worth up to US $3,000 -- and presented it to the Tokyo Prosecutor's office as evidence this morning.What’s worse is all of this has been sponsored by the Japanese government and subsequently paid for by the tax-payers of Japan. Please send a message to the Japanese government demanding a full investigation, an end to government subsidies to the whaling program, and immediate revocation of the whaling permits.Let’s keep the spotlight on this scandal, please share with your friends and take action now! Also be sure to rate and comment on Youtube!For the whales, Lauren
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Canon Japan Can Save Whales, Repost Bulletin:

Hey Friends!Japanese whalers met half their quota of whales killed in the annual Southern Ocean hunt. Returning to Japan after 5 months at sea, the Nisshin Maru brought back 551 whales, all dying for the sake of fake scientific research.
That’s 551 whales too many.
While the Greenpeace ship, the Esperanza, disrupted the hunt for 15 days - in a whale sanctuary - the only acceptable number of whales to be killed is zero. If the Japanese are serious about whale research – rather than a commercial hunt disguised as research – they should return to the Southern Ocean next year with cameras, not harpoons.
Take Action --- Ask Canon Japan to Condemn the Killing of Whales

We think Canon cameras, the Japanese company famous for its work to promote wildlife and help endangered species – should be the first ones to endorse that concept. Please write to their CEO, Fujio Mitarai, and ask that he join the efforts to make this whaling season the last.
A powerful voice in Japanese society, Mister Mitarai could help put an end to a decade-old scientific hoax, and add weight to Canon’s claims to environmental concern by actually saving the whales that advertise Canon cameras. If Canon can pioneer a corporate commitment to endangered species and the environment, they can surely take a stand against whale slaughter.
Read more here.
Peace & Thanks! ~Lauren
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Make Mom Proud & Repost this Bulletin!

Hi Friends,We wanted to send out a special invitation for Mother’s Day. Here is the idea: On May 10th and 11th, moms and kids of all ages will gather in parks and homes for group photos. At these gatherings, families will use cell phones to record short voicemail messages calling for climate action. Those voicemails will be featured as an audio collage on our website, along with the group photos, so that Congress, the press, and the public can see and hear from families everywhere. It's a fun way for moms and kids to add their unique face and voice to the issue of global warming.Sign up today to create a Mommy Meetup in your community and we'll help you make sure it's a success.Not a mom? Not a problem. You can still sign up to host an event and just recruit all the moms that you know to take part! You could also forward this to your mom, or any other moms you can think of.Mothers Day was originally founded in 1870 by Julia Ward Howe, a social justice activist calling for a peaceful and sustainable future. Today, moms have the very same dreams. And global warming is the biggest threat to those dreams. But if we act now, itís not too late. So, in the original spirit of Mother’s Day, sign up to host a Mommy Meetup and be sure to add your family's voices (and faces) to the issue.For the planet, Lauren
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Send Kimberly-Clark Your Photo, Save Ancient Forests! Grab the Code and Repost

Did you know that it takes 90 years to grow a box of Kleenex?That's right, every time you use a Kleenex tissue, you are blowing away ancient forests. And every time you use Scott or Cottonelle toilet paper, you’re flushing old growth trees down the toilet. And what’s worse, Kimberly-Clark, makers of Kleenex, Scott, and Cottonelle, is proud to use virgin wood fibers in their products.Kimberly-Clark has been flushing virgin forests down the toilet for 135 years and now it’s time to let ‘em know you’re not going to take it.Take a Picture and Take Action!Don't just tell Kimberly Clark what you think about ancient forest destruction – we want you to show them! Mock the brand, feature a silly idea or simply show why wasting an old growth forest makes you mad. That’s right, it’s up to you to create a sign and take a picture. Follow the easy step-by-step instructions and check out some of the examples already submitted for ideas.As the largest tissue manufacturer on the planet, Kimberly-Clark has the resources to shift toward sustainability but it is refusing to use recycled paper in its products. As a result, the largest stretch of ancient forest in North America is being clearcut for disposable paper products.Our brand new photo action tool will send your shot directly to the inbox of Kimberly-Clark execs letting them know your bum likes soft, recycled toilet paper, and you won’t blow your nose with ancient forest fibers.Check out mine:Peace & thanks, ~Lauren

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Support Cape Wind! Grab the Code and Repost!

Hey Friends, The idea of a renewable energy source like wind gets me really excited. It's clean, doesn't pollute and is limitless. That's why I'm eager to give you an update about the offshore wind project on the horizon in Massachusetts. If built, it would be America's first offshore wind project and would signal to the rest of the country that the time for wind energy is now.The Cape Wind project would provide 75% of Cape Cod's energy needs from a clean, cost-effective source. And, for the rest of us, it will help pave the way to a clean energy future for the United States.We all know that global warming is caused by our dependence on dirty fossil fuels. So, why does the Bush Administration continue to advocate for dirty energy plans that expand our reliance on nuclear, coal and oil? It just doesn't make sense.I say it's time to give wind power to the people. We know that a greater reliance on renewable energy will help stem the impact of global warming. Let's rally behind clean energy alternatives and strive for real change.Take Action – Tell the government that you support Cape Wind!The federal government is accepting public comment on the proposed Cape Wind plan. We need YOU to get involved and take action. We only have 6 weeks to support this plan... so please act now!Scientists warn that global warming is worsening. But there are concrete actions the government can take to lessen its effects. The Cape Wind project has been repeatedly delayed due to congressional meddling and a small group of local opponents.Global warming isn't slowing down. The time to act is now!The federal government must finish the review process quickly with no unnecessary delays. Offshore wind has been an effective source of power in Europe for years, and now is the time to show that the United States can be a leader in the fight for a clean energy future.For the planet,Kate Smolski, Global Warming Campaigner
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Green Day, Fela Kuti, Dave Stewart, Neil Young, White Stripes, The Coup, The Arctic Monkeys, Wilco, Pete Seeger, Sleater-Kinney, Joni Mitchell, The Rolling Stones, Ramones, Ani DiFranco, Jerry Garcia, Notorious BIG, Mos Def, Imogen Heap, Sonic Youth, James Taylor, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Cat Power, Modest Mouse, Iron and Wine, Captain Beefheart


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Rules for Radicals, Don't Think of an Elephant, Ishmael, Fast Food Nation, A People's History of the United States, The Long Emergency, What's the Matter With Kansas, Organizing for Social Change, Red Sky at Morning, No Logo, The Heat is On


Check Out Who Funds The Climate Skeptics!

My Blog

Wii, PS3, Xbox Fail Greenpeaces Green Electronic Test

Hey Friends! In gamespace, everybody wants to save the world. But back here on planet Earth, your favorite games console contains deadly agents of real destruction: toxic chemicals that shouldn't be t...
Posted by Greenpeace on Wed, 21 May 2008 02:03:00 PST

Greenpeace Exposes Whaling Scandal

Breaking NEWS! After a four-month long undercover investigation, Greenpeace exposed evidence of widespread embezzlement of whale meat occurring right under the noses of the public officials who run t...
Posted by Greenpeace on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:52:00 PST

Polar Bears Lose Protection to Big Oil

Dear Friends, Several years, lawsuits, and thousands of letters from you have finally gotten the Bush Administration to list the polar bear under the Endangered Species Act. Unfortunately, there's a b...
Posted by Greenpeace on Thu, 15 May 2008 10:09:00 PST

Greenpeace Discovers New Sponge Species

Hi Friends! It may look slimy and slightly alien, but this newly discovered species of sponge is an ambassador for undiscovered critters living in the nooks and crannies of our magnificent planet. Our...
Posted by Greenpeace on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:17:00 PST

Make Mom Proud This Mothers Day

Dear Friends,I don't have kids, but my mom says everything changes once you do. All of the sudden things you may not have been paying that much attention to before become far more important. And judgi...
Posted by Greenpeace on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 11:24:00 PST

Lets Blow Kleenex...

Hey Friends, did you know that it takes 90 years to grow a box of Kleenex? That’s right, every time you use a Kleenex tissue, you are blowing away ancient forests. And every time you use Scott o...
Posted by Greenpeace on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:10:00 PST

Calling All Students...

Calling All Students! Spend a semester of action, travel and training with Greenpeace! We at Greenpeace want YOU to be a leader in the environmental movement! The Greenpeace Organizing Term is an ...
Posted by Greenpeace on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 07:31:00 PST

One Fish, Two Fish

Hi Friends! I'm writing to you from the International Boston Seafood Show, where the cold, blustery weather hasn't deterred us from delivering our message to seafood sellers and dealers. For the sake ...
Posted by Greenpeace on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 07:27:00 PST

Show Some Love for Whales this Valentines Day

Hi Friends, This Valentine's Day, the object of our desire is to end whaling forever. So I've written a little poem to the Japanese embassy:Roses are red,Oceans are blue.I want to save the whales,So I...
Posted by Greenpeace on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:56:00 PST

Wind Power to the People!

Hey Friends, The idea of a renewable energy source like wind gets me really excited. It's clean, doesn't pollute and is limitless. That's why I'm eager to give you an update about the offshore wind ...
Posted by Greenpeace on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 09:26:00 PST