Grist profile picture


Laugh now -- or the planet gets it.

About Me

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What the heck is ?
Let's face it: reading environmental journalism too often feels like eating your vegetables. Boiled. With no butter.
But at Grist, we believe that news about green issues and sustainable living doesn't have to be predictable, demoralizing, or dull. We butter the vegetables! And add salt! And strain metaphors!
We are a nonprofit organization, and our website and email services are free -- and worth every penny.
What we're all about:
We exist to tell the untold stories, spotlight trends before they become trendy, and engage the apathetic. While we take our work seriously, we don't take ourselves seriously, because of the many things this planet is running out of, sanctimonious tree-huggers ain't one of them.
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We made a book!

Wake Up and Smell the Planet:
The Non-Pompous Non-Preachy Grist Guide to Greening Your Day

My Interests

.. poverty & the environment , sustainability, hiking, blogs , snowboarding, skiing , css, outdoors, music, activism, pop culture, peak oil , journalism, scuba diving, rss, non-toxic sex toys , alternative energy, global warming, books , movies, xml, cycling, organic food, politics

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who enjoys having a planet to live on.

(Layout provided by Mike Industries .)


..dave matthews, thievery corporation, jack johnson, gotan project, the shins, coldplay, joseph arthur, ben harper, xavier rudd, willie nelson, death cab, rem, guster , reverb rock , campus consciousness tour , jurassic 5, neil young, pearl jam , sigur ros, radiohead, ray lamontagne, arcade fire, mike doughty, ozomatli, spearhead, cloud cult , disco biscuits, silversun pickups, band of horses, postal service, sub pop

Movies: food nation, flash cartoons at grist , the meatrix , grizzly man , march of the penguins , i heart huckabees, who killed the electric car? , syriana , 11th hour , an inconvenient truth


captain planet


.. big coal , made to break , organic inc. , birding babylon , the omnivore's dilemma , field notes from a catastrophe , sand county almanac, the weather makers , the end of nature


.. al gore , john francis , mr. floatie , silas siakor , billy parish , laurie david

My Blog

Weekly Grist for 26 February

Of Vice and Men Grist puts a green eye to sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll Some people think being green means forswearing all the fun in life, but we say to hell with that. It just means finding greener...
Posted by Grist on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 01:19:00 PST

Weekly Grist for 7 January

Rice Versa An interview with Andrew Rice, the Democrat challenging GOP Sen. James Inhofe No national politician has done more to antagonize the environmental community than James Inhofe, Republican s...
Posted by Grist on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 10:27:00 PST

Weekly Grist for 10 December

Buzz KillOn Jell-O Shots Q. Greetings,A very important discussion among my colleagues this week: is it better to purchase reusable, petroleum-based products (plastic) or to use paper disposables? Spec...
Posted by Grist on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 02:34:00 PST

Weekly Grist for 13 November

Jeepers, Creepers, How'd Ya Get Rid of Those Sneakers? How to recycle athletic shoes, iPods, mattresses, and other oddities Grist's Katharine Wroth and Chip Giller appeared on NBC's Today show on Tues...
Posted by Grist on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 10:42:00 PST

Weekly Grist for 25 September

Brood Awakenings A Grist special series on parenting and health We know you parents and friends-of-parents are busy types, so here's the summary of our two-week parenting series, Brood Awakenings: las...
Posted by Grist on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:32:00 PST

Sept. 18 - New in Weekly Grist

All Bark and No Bite? Can you eat meat and still be an enviro? PETA says no. Our guest essayist says hell yes. "You just cannot be a meat-eating environmentalist," a PETA spokesperson declared recentl...
Posted by Grist on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 11:28:00 PST

Weekly Grist for 10 September

Learning Environment Grist spotlights 15 green colleges and universities Just in time for back to school, Grist has put together a list of 15 colleges and universities that take sustainability as ser...
Posted by Grist on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 02:40:00 PST

Weekly Grist for 21 August

The Butler Did It Aussie guitarist John Butler on nukes, dickheads, and common sense Not every eco-leaning activist can move a crowd. It takes a certain type of energy -- and it also helps to have upb...
Posted by Grist on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 12:04:00 PST

Weekly Grist for 14 August

Candid Candidates Hillary Clinton talks to Grist about green issues Hillary Clinton is the frontrunner in Democratic polls, but is she the frontrunner on environmental issues? She argues her case in a...
Posted by Grist on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 10:04:00 PST

Weekly Grist for 23 July

Wanna Shag? Robert Peoples, carpet recycler, answers questions Have you ever thought about where your carpet goes when you're done with it? Well, here's the answer: Most often, to the landfill. But i...
Posted by Grist on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 10:03:00 PST