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Happy Hydro Fuel


About Me

Welcome to Happy Hydro Fuel, your alternative fuel source. We offer several hydrogen generators which increase your gas mileage between 20-50%, depending on the make and model of your vehicle. Some manufacturers claim up to 100% better gas mileage. ---How does a hydrogen generator work?? Water has two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule when seperated both hydrogen and oxygen are very combustible gases. So through electrolysis we seperate the hydrogen and oxygen molecules from water, this in turn are used to supplement your gasoline. Which means you use less gasoline to travel the same distance. ---Does the hydrogen generator affect the performance of my vehicle?? It only affects your gas mileage for the better. It does not take away from the performance of your vehicle. One of our manufacturers claims that it enhances your vehicles performance and lowers your emissions and pollutants. ---Will my car blow up from the hydrogen?? No, these generators do not store large amounts of hydrogen and oxygen. It produces the gases as needed while your vehicle is running.---Are these systems hard to maintain?? No, but there is a little maintenance involved. Every 400-500 miles you must pull the drain plug and allow clean water to flush the system out. Then you will refill the water or water/vinegar tank, depending on what type of system you have.

My Interests

Our first unit runs on a vinegar water mixture. It relies on the suction of your motor to circulate water. It is very effective and the most affordable unit we offer. This unit works on 1 liter to 3.8 liter engines.Buy the Happy Hydro Unit 1 for 1,000.00 this includes installation. If you would just like the unit with no installation then please contact us at [email protected] for pricing. As for now we only install in South Florida and Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Our systems we offer: Note we do not maufacture these models, we only sell, install, and service these products!!!<!-- Begin Official PayPal Seal --> <!-- End Official PayPal Seal -->


the second unit we offer is the same water/ vinegar mixture but is for engines bigger than 3.8 liters. This product is $1200.00 USD, and this price includes installation. Again, if you would just like the unit with no installation please contact us at [email protected] for pricing.


We are very excited to be offering a unit that runs on water. It is a bit larger of a generator and relies on a pump for circulation and the maunfacturer claims 20-60% better gas mileage. This unit is $2000.00 USD, and this price includes installation.


Don't Buy a home built unit made out of PLASTIC plumbing components !And expect a SAFE operative unit !Also if you buy a Plastic unit that does not come apart to clean. Or does not have a way to flush It out. You will be throwing it away in less than a year due to build up of scale and iron inside of it!Buy a unit that is easy to service and made to last.