Our first unit runs on a vinegar water mixture. It relies on the suction of your motor to circulate water. It is very effective and the most affordable unit we offer. This unit works on 1 liter to 3.8 liter engines.Buy the Happy Hydro Unit 1 for 1,000.00 this includes installation. If you would just like the unit with no installation then please contact us at [email protected] for pricing. As for now we only install in South Florida and Salt Lake City, Utah.
Our systems we offer: Note we do not maufacture these models, we only sell, install, and service these products!!!<!-- Begin Official PayPal Seal --> <!-- End Official PayPal Seal -->
the second unit we offer is the same water/ vinegar mixture but is for engines bigger than 3.8 liters. This product is $1200.00 USD, and this price includes installation. Again, if you would just like the unit with no installation please contact us at [email protected] for pricing.
We are very excited to be offering a unit that runs on water. It is a bit larger of a generator and relies on a pump for circulation and the maunfacturer claims 20-60% better gas mileage. This unit is $2000.00 USD, and this price includes installation.
Don't Buy a home built unit made out of PLASTIC plumbing components !And expect a SAFE operative unit !Also if you buy a Plastic unit that does not come apart to clean. Or does not have a way to flush It out. You will be throwing it away in less than a year due to build up of scale and iron inside of it!Buy a unit that is easy to service and made to last.