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Support Alternative Energy

By the People, for the World!

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Everyone helping make the Alternative Energy solution a reality!

4.5 Inch Weather Resistant Outdoor/Indoor Magnets. Put them on the back of your car, your gas tank, your refrigerator or anything else metal.

PLEASE NOTE: You don't need a PayPal account to make a purchase. You can also pay by credit card. If you don't have a PayPal account, just click where it says "Dont have a PayPal account" at the bottom of the check out page and you'll be able to enter your credit card info there. Proceeds go to the Alternative Energy Association and will be distributed to non-profit organizations.

By purchasing Support Alternative Energy magnets today, not only will you be helping promote the solution everyday when you drive, but a portion of the profits will be donated to the National Resources Defense Council. NRDC is involved in the promotion, research and development of alternative energy solutions. To learn more about NRDC, visit them on them on the web at:

Help spread the word...Earth thanks you for your support!

About Us:
Did you know that this year Brazil completely eliminated its need for oil as a source of fuel for its automobiles simply by converting sugar cane into ethanol? That's right, Brazilians are now totally energy independent, driving the very same cars we do! So if Brazil can do it, why can't we?

That's what a small group of people wanted to know and that's why was started. Like most of you, we're fed up with high gas prices and the damage being caused to our environment by oil and other fossil fuels. If you fill up your tank, pay your heating bill, read the paper, watch the news, or listen to the radio, you know high fuel prices are hurting your wallet. You also know the world is facing its greatest challenge ever -- Global Warming.

While we may be aware of the problems, what actions can we take to improve the situation? Can we make cheaper and cleaner renewable forms of Alternative Energy, technologies that EXIST TODAY, readily available to run our vehicles and power our homes and offices? Well, the answer is WE CAN! But one thing is certain. If we're to make these solutions a reality, we must have our government's support. And, in order to get it, we're going to need the help of each and every one of you to voice support for Alternative Energy.

Our goals at are to promote the benefits of Alternative Energy, increase the number of Alternative Energy supporters and to pressure our government leaders to implement Alternative Energy solutions that will ensure a higher quality of life for generations to come. We invite you to join us.

Please help make a difference today by:
1. Placing the Support Alternative Energy symbol on your page. Click Here
2. Purchasing Support Alternative Energy bumper magnets for your self, your friends, family and coworkers. (See shopping cart above.)
3. Send our links to your friends, family and coworkers.

Not only will your purchase help promote alternative energy, but a portion of the profits from the Support Alternative Energy magnets will be donated to the National Resources Defense Council. NRDC is involved in the promotion, research and development of alternative energy solutions. To learn more about NRDC, visit them on them on the web at:
Thank you for your support!


Bob Sinclair Ft. Steve Edwards - World Hold On


An Inconvenient Truth

Who Killed the Electric Car


Tune In to "The Climate Code," Sundays at 5 p.m on the Weather Channel.


Laurie David - Stop Global Warming: The Solution Is You!

Daniel Pinchbeck - 2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl

Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth

Tim Flannery - The Weather Makers: How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth

Dan Chiras & Dave Wann - Superbia: 31 Ways to Create Sustainable Neighborhoods

Crissy Trask - It's Easy Being Green: A Handbook for Earth-Friendly Living

Ervin Laszlo - The Chaos Point: The World at the Crossroads


Alternative Energy: Hybrids, Ethanol, Biomass, Wind, Sun, Oceans

My Blog

EPA ruling leaves the polar bear much as before: living precariously in a changing world

From today's New York Times:   Editorial Not Much Help for the Polar Bear   Published: May 18, 2008 Boxed into a corner by the courts and its own scientists, the Bush administration agreed...
Posted by Support Alternative Energy on Sun, 18 May 2008 11:45:00 PST

Food VS Fuel -- We can make food from things other than corn.

With thanks to the excellent blog:  Lawns to Gardens You Hate Ethanol For All The Wrong Reasons Attention all Ethanol haters: You really don't know what you are talking about. All the m...
Posted by Support Alternative Energy on Sun, 11 May 2008 01:04:00 PST

What if...

A thousand years from now, everyone you know will be long dead and forgotten. There'll be nothing left of the life you love, no evidence that you ever walked this planet. That, at least, is what the f...
Posted by Support Alternative Energy on Sun, 11 May 2008 12:35:00 PST

Quote for the Day

Stop thinking this is all there is... Realize that for every ongoing war and religious outrage and environmental devastation, there are a thousand counter-balancing acts of staggering generosity and ...
Posted by Support Alternative Energy on Thu, 08 May 2008 04:38:00 PST

Anybody wanna move?

From the UK's Daily Mail: Prince Charles's eco-town given the green light by plannersBy SAM GREENHILL - More by this author » Last updated at 16:15pm on 2nd May 2008 A free bicycle for every home, ...
Posted by Support Alternative Energy on Tue, 06 May 2008 10:06:00 PST

We are not who we think we are. We are living on borrowed time and borrowed dimes.

From today's New York Times: Op-Ed Columnist Who Will Tell the People? BY: THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Published: May 4, 2008 Traveling the country these past five months while writing a book, I've had my ow...
Posted by Support Alternative Energy on Sun, 04 May 2008 10:44:00 PST

Quote of the Day

Nature on Earth continually cycles itself through the use of energy, which comes from outside the system in the form of perpetual solar income. Not only does nature operate on "current income," it doe...
Posted by Support Alternative Energy on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 01:38:00 PST

We need to understand that sometimes its about not having the thing at all,,,

No one has said it better in our opinion.  With thanks to Laura at Urban Hennery. Urban Hennery » Blog Archive » Earth Day 2008 Earth Day 2008 Apr 22nd, 2008 by Laura Today is Earth Day, but s...
Posted by Support Alternative Energy on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:01:00 PST

Instead of buying green, or buying recycled, they’re just not buying...

In honor of Earth Day, this recent entry from is certainly worth considering: February 29, 2008 Challenge 7: Nothing New in your Shopping Cart Here is the story that will appear in Satu...
Posted by Support Alternative Energy on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:00:00 PST

There are so many stories we can tell ourselves to justify doing nothing...

From The NY Times Why Bother?   By MICHAEL POLLAN Published: April 20, 2008 .. -->NYT_INLINE_IMAGE_POSITION1 --> Why bother? That really is the big question facing us as individuals hoping to d...
Posted by Support Alternative Energy on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 12:38:00 PST