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MyGen Profile GeneratorIsabel Lucas supports GGP

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Global warming is the greatest threat mankind has faced. It could destroy our way of life, and Australia would be amongst the worst affected countries.The problem is urgent – according to the latest estimate by NASA’s Goddard Institute, we have 10 years to effect major change before greenhouse gas concentrations reach ‘dangerous’ levels of 450ppm (they are currently 430ppm, ‘serious’).If we act now, we can avert the most serious consequences and at a much lower cost than if we delay action. The Stern Review (by former UK Treasury Secretary Nicholas Stern) estimates action to abate greenhouse gases (GHG) will cost about 1% of global GDP. If we delay, it could cost 20%, worse than a war and a Depression – and damage would be permanent.We need a global response starting now. The solution needs to involve everybody – and we have a shared responsibility for change. We have to move to lower impact lifestyles, live more sustainably, use less energy and water, generate less waste, recycle, buy low carbon products, and offset where possible with renewable energy.The question is how are we going to mobilise people for this climate change challenge? How are we going to get enough people to do enough, in their own lives, to make a difference? How are we going to win this Battle for the Planet?The Global Green Plan (GGP) believes the answer to the challenge is to involve youth, to harness the energy and passion of youth in a fight for their own future. By mobilising youth, we can change adults – in households, in business and in government.The GGP has developed a new environmental curriculum for the middle years, Living in 2030: An experiment in survival, in conjunction with Williamstown High School’s Bayview Campus, a newly built ‘sustainable school’.This in turn is linked to a strategy to spread the initiative into students’ homes through a Carbon Challenge to make the school carbon neutral through household reductions in energy and water use and waste generation.The idea is to progressively replicate this process in schools around the globe and eventually engage millions of households in reducing their impacts and their greenhouse emissions.The Global Green Plan is essentially about changing the way we think – about our lifestyles and the impact we make on the environment.Changing the way we think changes the way we act. We need to change from consumers to conservers. We need to become conscientious guardians of the planet and its future.
Global Green Plan Overview
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