My name is Matt; I grew up in beautiful South Mississippi.
and love life, family, friends and great people everywhere.
I love the outdoors, adventures, festivities, architecture & landscapes, antiques, green innovations, human powered minds and fun gadgets.
This page isn't mostly about me, though there will be sprinkles, here and there.
It is mostly about friends, sharing beautiful things, wisdom and some of the things I find curious in my environment.
You will find photos, videos, images, stories, jokes, links to other sites of interest and an occasional blog.
Generally I share what I find beautiful, spiritual, meaningful, inspirational, educational, beneficial, humorous, insightful, poetic, or of good note
and sometimes something just different and wild because it seems natural at the time. Feedback is always welcome.
I like most people. I am a people person. I like those that I admire, those who inspire me,
those that are wacky and show me a good time and those that have something to teach or share nicely.
We are all this way, right? I enjoy a variety of subjects, hobbies and interests
and perhaps a few will pop up on here. Otherwise check the left hand columns.
After quickly perusing, if you know me and want to connect, or like who I am and what I have to say, add, share and contribute, would you do us both a favor and send a note saying what it is you like about me or you.
I can't accept everybody.
What I mean is. . .
Most of all, friends of mine are the BEST, or attempt to grow that way
Things around me grow strong and beautiful.
If you are strong and/ or beautiful, say HI :)
Whatever you do, have FUN!
Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth, follow only beauty, and obey only love -Kahlil Gibran
Nice to meet you
Life is an adventure
It must be treated as such
Stay human
Love others as self ..
I don't spend my whole life here - try not to; but if I don't get right back to you, you know that I will, asap, and we all know it's no biggie. Say hey again: hit me back... I may be in the bath tub or up on a mountain side.