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Friends of the Earth US

The US voice of the world's largest network of environmental groups

About Me


Friends of the Earth is the U.S. voice of an influential, international network of grassroots groups in 70 countries. Founded in San Francisco in 1969 by David Brower, Friends of the Earth has for decades been at the forefront of high-profile efforts to create a more healthy, just world. Our members were the founders of what is now the world's largest federation of democratically elected environmental groups, Friends of the Earth International.

Among our present efforts are successes that draw headlines nationwide and international and local efforts that make a difference in your backyard and those of people a world away.

My Interests

environmental justice, recycling, renewable energy, public transportation, trains, stopping large scale biofuels, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, stopping gas-flaring, green-trade, no emission vehicles, clean water, clean air, pollution controls, buying locally, human and environmental rights, life in general, protected areas, and keeping the environment and humans healthy.
Take Action!

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I'd like to meet:

Environmentalists, activists, organizers, rabble-rousers, recycling fanatics, tree-huggers, bicyclists, organic farmers, back-yard waste vegetable oil biodiesel producers, sustainable developers, green architects, conservationists, and more.


Submitted from one of our myspace friends from Australia:


The Great Warming

An Inconvenient Truth

Princes Mononoke

and more!


Living with Ed, Planet Earth, Journey to Planet Earth


Silent Spring, Encounters with the Archdruid, A Friend of the Earth, Plan B 3.0, Carbon-free and Nuclear-free by 2050, In Defense of Food, Free Lunch, and more.


Captain Planet!

My Blog

In the UK? Win free tickets to exclusive Johnny Borrell gig

Our friends, Friends of the Earth EWNI, are running a competition on their myspace page for an exclusive concert. Go here: friendID=121855148&blo...
Posted by Friends of the Earth US on Wed, 21 May 2008 10:45:00 PST

TAKE ACTION: Tell Houghton Mifflin global warming isnt a matter of debate

The fight to stem global warming -- perhaps the greatest fight in our species’ history -- has an ominous new front: our public schools.Friends of the Earth has received a copy of American Govern...
Posted by Friends of the Earth US on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 11:10:00 PST

TAKE ACTION: Stop Open Pit Copper Mine!

Take Action and Don't Let Armenia Turn Teghut Forest into a Copper Pit Teghut's forest is located in Armenia and is an ancient, pristine forest in a largely deforested nation.  Over 1,500 acre...
Posted by Friends of the Earth US on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 12:40:00 PST

TAKE Action: No Nanotechnology in Sunscreen!

Several studies have shown the health risks, including cell death, posed by nanoparticles, molecules less than one thousandth the size of a human hair. But despite such findings, many companies are p...
Posted by Friends of the Earth US on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 10:38:00 PST

TAKE ACTION: Make Sure House Does Energy Right!

Take Action: Make Sure House Does Energy Right!The House's work on its energy bill will conclude as soon as this week. The good news is that the bill is better than the Senate's, with which it must b...
Posted by Friends of the Earth US on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 11:58:00 PST

TAKE ACTION: Stop Pollution in Yellowstone!

SAVE YELLOWSTONE!The National Park Service is taking comments on its plans for snowmobile use in Yellowstone.Tell them their "preferred plan" to expand the use of snowmobiles STINKS! What would nature...
Posted by Friends of the Earth US on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:22:00 PST

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to Confront Global Warming

TAKE ACTION and Tell Congress to Confront Global Warming!!! The new Congress is trying to pass the buck on global warming and we can't let them. As currently written, legislation now coming to the flo...
Posted by Friends of the Earth US on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 02:08:00 PST

TAKE ACTION: Apologize for Bush....

  Apologize for Bush&  Your president is embarrassing you and the red, white and blue in front of the entire planet. In preparation for next week's G8 summit in Germany, conservative...
Posted by Friends of the Earth US on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 02:10:00 PST

TAKE ACTION: Say No To Corn Ethanol

Say NO to Bingaman Bill Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), chair of the Senate Energy and Resources Committee, has passed through his committee a bill that would require an annual production of 36 ...
Posted by Friends of the Earth US on Wed, 09 May 2007 08:46:00 PST

TAKE ACTION: Tell the Senate to Cut Oil Subsidies

  Tell the Senate to Cut Oil Subsidies Friends of the Earth worked with the leadership of the House of Representatives to craft a bill that turns giveaways to the oil industry into billion...
Posted by Friends of the Earth US on Mon, 07 May 2007 09:14:00 PST