♻♲♻Stop Climate Crisis♻♲♻ profile picture

♻♲♻Stop Climate Crisis♻♲♻


About Me

Stop Climate Crisis invites you to SocialVibe.comJoin my group-->>Friends with Earth at http://groups.myspace.com/friendwthearth
This is the planet that we live in. This is the planet where our children and their children will live in. It's our responsibility to make this world a better place to live, if not for us... then at least for them. The most selfish thing in this universe would be to make the mistakes and force our children to pay for them....So, i urge you to think about the place that every single one of us calls home and to decide weather it is the place we would like our children to call their home. If we unite we can make a huge difference. Educate yourself, learn how you can be of help.... and most importantly.... let as many people as you can know that it's not too late to start helping...WE ALL NEED THIS!!! WE HAVE TO DO IT!!! THE WORLD NEEDS IT!!!!
If you want to know how you can help check the 10 personal solutions by clicking the link below: 10 solutions scrapbook.pdf
Citizens of the World Unite
Global Warming Film

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If you want to support a cause and make a difference, Social Vibe is the place! You get to donate money to cause of your choice without giving any money out of your own pockets. You choose a sponsor who does it for you in return of the points you make in the site. The more points, the more money your sponsor will donate on your behalf.

My Interests

.. ..Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced. If that sounds like a recipe for serious gloom and doom -- think again. From director Davis Guggenheim comes the Sundance Film Festival hit, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, which offers a passionate and inspirational look at one man's fervent crusade to halt global warming's deadly progress in its tracks by exposing the myths and misconceptions that surround it. That man is former Vice President Al Gore, who, in the wake of defeat in the 2000 election, re-set the course of his life to focus on a last-ditch, all-out effort to help save the planet from irrevocable change. In this eye-opening and poignant portrait of Gore and his "traveling global warming show," Gore also proves himself to be one of the most misunderstood characters in modern American public life. Here he is seen as never before in the media - funny, engaging, open and downright on fire about getting the surprisingly stirring truth about what he calls our "planetary emergency" out to ordinary citizens before it's too late.With 2005, the worst storm season ever experienced in America just behind us, it seems we may be reaching a tipping point - and Gore pulls no punches in explaining the dire situation. Interspersed with the bracing facts and future predictions is the story of Gore's personal journey: from an idealistic college student who first saw a massive environmental crisis looming; to a young Senator facing a harrowing family tragedy that altered his perspective, to the man who almost became President but instead returned to the most important cause of his life - convinced that there is still time to make a difference.With wit, smarts and hope, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH ultimately brings home Gore's persuasive argument that we can no longer afford to view global warming as a political issue - rather, it is the biggest moral challenges facing our global civilization.Paramount Classics and Participant Productions present a film directed by Davis Guggenheim, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. Featuring Al Gore, the film is produced by Laurie David, Lawrence Bender and Scott Z. Burns. Jeff Skoll and Davis Guggenheim are the executive producers and the co-producer is Leslie Chilcott.

An Inconvenient Truth Trailer

I'd like to meet:

Many people believe that there is no such thing as Global Warming...As much as i hate to admit the opposite, i strongly believe that it does exist and it's about to happen in really short term( or should i say ' it's already happening'). Maybe the majority of people don't realize the seriousness of the problem and wave their hands carelessly saying things like "Ok, this is bullshit. Let's talk about something else!" Well...bad news folks...if we don't take action NOW in some 30-50 years from now(or who knows...maybe less) the situation would've reached it's worst point. Talk is cheap! Actions are what matter. This is the reason why i made this profile in myspace, being a place where many people spend their time. I thing that the biggest problem is that people are not educated in the matter. There are still millions of people who don't know that they can make a difference, and they don't know how. Everybody says " What's the point to try and do something when millions of other people don't". The thing is that there is a point. People fail to realize that even the small steps count. Think about it and start making your own difference!
Go to fightglobalwarming.com


For more information see the sites below:

1.)http://action.environmentaldefense.org/campaign/globalwar ming_petition/isi883zo783jnb
2.) http://www.naturecanada.ca/advocate/global_warming.html
3.) http://www.nextgenerationearth.org/signatures/add
4.) http://www.cognitoy.com/meltingpoint/


An Inconvenient Truth;
The Great Warming

Check out UNEP(United Nations Environmental Programme) site

Blue Man Group on Global Warming


Forget the idea that nature is fragile: "She is strong and packs a serious counterpunch." According to Fred Pearce, nature is about to take revenge for man-made global warming. Civilisation has blossomed in an era of climatic stability, but ours will be the last generation to experience this. The greenhouse gases produced by our carbon-dependent lifestyles have awoken "climatic monsters", and no one knows quite what they will do. We may face mega-droughts and super-hurricanes. The Gulf Stream could switch off, plunging London into Siberian winters. Recent research suggests that when the last ice age ended, 12,000 years ago, temperatures rose dramatically - in under a year. Pearce argues that the climate does not change gradually, but "by sudden drunken lurches". Within a decade we will hit the safe threshold for carbon dioxide; after this we reach terra incognita as far as the climate is concerned. Pearce is a self-proclaimed "sceptical environmentalist" who has been writing about climate change for 18 years, but admits that the current state of the planet "scares" him. It's scary stuff indeed, but well-written and important.
Another book:


Check out this new water bottle that is not made of plastic and it's environment-friendly :D Isn't it cool! Yup!
I signed up to join the Stop Global Warming Virtual March and I encourage you to add your voice as well. Global warming is the most urgent issue of our time and since we are all contributors to global warming pollution we must all be part of the solution. Joining the Virtual March is a first step to joining the movement to demand solutions now.You can join by visiting:
StopGlobalWarming.org's mission is to use the strength of numbers to urge our government to address global warming, and urge businesses to start a new industrial revolution of clean energy that reduces our dependence on oil and helps stop global warming.
Together we can make a difference.
OurPlanet Environmental Tips
Here's a link to Union of Concerned Scientists' page where you can read more about the Climate Policy Update from 05/2008
http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/solutions/climate-polic y-update-05-2008.html
Global Warming - Glacier Melt
Glaciers are melting at the fastest rate (2008.03.16)
Here are pictures of some celebrities that are supporting the cause!

My Blog

WWF goes mobile

Hey guys, I honestly don't know since when there is a version of WWF for mobile phones but it's cool. Maybe it's not that new, but at least for me it is. If you also didn't now about it, you can check...
Posted by {r{Stop Climate Crisis{r{ on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 05:17:00 PST


I've recently discovered a site called Social Vibe, and even though i now realize how popular it is, somehow it managed to stay out of my sight... for some time. Now, that i now about it, i can tell y...
Posted by {r{Stop Climate Crisis{r{ on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 04:45:00 PST

Show your support to the

If only you could spend few minutes on joining the cause and inviting your friends, this would mean making your contribution. I bet you think that joining the cause won't change anything. It doesn't m...
Posted by {r{Stop Climate Crisis{r{ on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 02:38:00 PST

The World Day on Environment

Opening for World Day on Environment - exhibition and concert for Rila Mountain, 5th JuneGreen area between Parliament and Sofia University> ?>2>4 !25B>2=8O 45= =0 >:>;=0B0 A@540 8<0<5 C4>2>;AB285B> ...
Posted by {r{Stop Climate Crisis{r{ on Fri, 30 May 2008 05:08:00 PST

How about stopping this climate crisis before its too late?

What do you say to stop this crisis once and for all. I know we can do this as long as we have faith and we do the right things. First on my list is to tell more people about the climate crisis issue ...
Posted by {r{Stop Climate Crisis{r{ on Sat, 10 May 2008 04:55:00 PST