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Global Warming


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The Cause of Global Warming.
The Facts You Should Know
Global Warming
with the famous film
"An Inconvenient Truth".
The Truth about Life, Love
and How to Save The Earth...

Life is mysterious

Everything is not always can be solved logically, like 1+1=2.

When an act that a person performed for the sake of another person kindly is strangely misunderstood and which returns back to him with hostility, and on the other hand a person who often tells lies to cheat other people is misconstrued by others as a good person and gets attention.Such things occur frequently.

When looking at yourself or other people around you, how is it?

Mr. Kazuo Inamori, the founder of Kyocera Corporation (a multinational high-tech conglomerate employing over 30,000 people), DDI Corporation (now called KDDI, Japan's second biggest telecommunications network company) and Seiwajyuku (a management school for young presidents and leaders, more than 50 branches including New York and Los Angeles), explains in his book “Ikiru” (which means “Live”, “Subsist”) as below.

Fate and the law of causation" are two big principles influence everyone's life.

...The reason why the life does not go according to the fate is that power to have of the law of causation acts on there.However on the other hand, the reason why a good deed does not always lead to good results immediately is that fate interferes there.Here it is important that a law of retribution is stronger than fate slightly....Therefore we can change - by using a law of retribution - even the fate that we have innately. ...... So thought and act require time to meet with excellent results, hard to make good results in 2 or 3 years.However if we think in long terms of 20 or 30 years, the balance of cause and effect works properly.

With the thought of Mr. Inamori, "The Message from the Universe beyond Dimension" will be of great help to the world.

By looking at events occurring in the world now, I think there are many people becoming more and more anxious about the earth’s future.

I am the one too.

I sometimes think if the earth becomes extinct and so that my life extinguishes.

Can we solve problems of abnormal weather and big disasters caused by the Global Warming mentioned in a documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth", and evade the extinction of the earth?
Also can we evade acts of terrorism which are becoming strain more and more, and the world's extinction by an outbreak of a nuclear war in the future?

There are reports that farmers die of agricultural chemicals in fields, and influences of taking polluted foods into human bodies are so unfathomable.Some people say one of the causes of a brutal crime of these days, is caused by destruction of nerve center by polluted foods, and I wonder when the problem will be solved?

Like in Japan and China today the gulf between rich and poor is greater in the world, a lot of people even can not pay fee for medical treatment and die as they can not make their livings.Will the problem be rectified in the future?

As we can not have hope in the future so the birth rate falls, under this circumstance the society will be of old people only.Can we evade the worry of failure of national economy?

To summarize we have two problems to solve with.One is a problem of individuals and the other is a problem of all humankind.If we do not solve both of them fundamentally, we can not live to the full.

Then we come up to a question if there is a solution, for that we need an imagination beyond dimension.

Hello nice to meet you, I am a member of Sanskrige Project

It was 9 years ago.After leaving an internet associated company, I was introduced a person by a female president who was highly interested in spiritual things.

The person was a housewife, and she said she became possible to exchange messages with various things by automatic writings one day suddenly.

The things were an energy body in the universe, a spirit (soul) of human being and a spirit (soul) of thing.

The exchanges of messages with the energy body of the universe were done in “Sanskrige”, the aggregate energy body of spirits of high vibrations (souls of high vibrations = angels), in a planet called “Luborwari.

The exchanges of messages with spirits ( souls) of human beings were done by putting a hand on pictures which were drawn by a member of Sanskrige Project, and the exchanges of messages with things of spirits ( souls) were done by putting a hand directly on things.

I was doubtful but I felt a fatal thing that my birthday (April 8th) is same with Buddha who is said in Sanskrige, and also I remember that I was so amazed that her automatic writings were so smooth which were not at all ideas and sentences of an individual person could make promptly.

And at that time how people found her out is still in mystery, such as spiritual people, famous company owners and directors of a certain celebrity consulting company came to see her from all over Japan.

As for the general run of people it may be very unbelievable this time, but by looking at abnormal weather and big disasters caused by the Global Warming, acts of terrorism and wars to become strain more and more, food pollution, increase of brutal crimes, increase of the deceased by disparity in wealth, failure of national economy by a birthrate fall, as a cooperator of her I decided to disclose the extraction of the records of exchanges of messages with Sanskrige.

So why can the message give you the great power to solve individual problems and to save the crisis of humankind?

As you do the same thing as before, only the same result remains.

Also when think in the same framework as before, only the same result remains.

In this case, the framework until now means the earth.

This results in deadlock of a current individual problem and the crisis of humankind.And to break the deadlock and the crisis, we need an imagination from the universe which is a distinctive dimension beyond the framework of the earth.

"The view and solution of a thing beyond dimension"

If you understand and do it everyday, don’t you think that we can solve many problems?

Things which were unattainable to do due to the impossibility of exchange messages between the universe and the earth directly, a peculiar skill of her made an impossible thing turns into possible.

And only by acting and considering it every day, it is possible for us to solve individual problems and to save the crisis of humankind.

But it is a slight thing that man alone can do it, and it may seem hard to go to a place saving the crisis of humankind.

Do you know that there is a surprising "numerical magic phenomenon" on this earth?

There is an archeological evidence approximately at the same time all over the world the primitive men have begun to use fire.

In addition here is a famous story, "a monkey phenomenon of the 101st of them" .

It is a story of a custom of one monkey on the seaside washed a potato in seawater and ate it became popular in the group of the monkey, and when it reached to the 101st of them, monkeys on seaside all over the world started washing potatoes in seawater and ate them.

So when the message from the universe is introduced to many people, the possibility that the same kind of "a numerical magic phenomenon" occurs will be much bigger, and I think it is possible to evade the crisis of humankind which is now full of difficulties.
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Posted by Global Warming on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:45:00 PST

 What is a planet called Luborwari ?

 The Prior Knowledge 5 Like the earth, there are mountains and rivers and flowers bloom inLuborwari, and in deed it is a beautiful planet.An aura of an energy body which spirits of high vibrations (...
Posted by Global Warming on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:37:00 PST

 Who is Marsa?

 The Prior Knowledge 4 A name "Marsa" in sentences is a spirit's name of housewife who has theability to exchange messages.When she became possible to exchange messages with Sanskrige, sheasked what...
Posted by Global Warming on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:34:00 PST

 Who is spirit?

 The Prior Knowledge 3 It generally means soul" and sometimes "light", or "mind" by context.Sometimes soul with high vibration is called "angel"80% of spirits of earthlings seemed to come from other...
Posted by Global Warming on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:31:00 PST

 What is vibration?

 The Prior Knowledge 2 In an atomic nucleus of the atom, there are neutrons and protons.It is the origin of all.By the rotation movement it causes vibration, what is called frequency onradio and TV....
Posted by Global Warming on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:29:00 PST

 What is a documentary film

 The Prior Knowledge 1 It is a documentary film talking about the Global Warming, in whichformer United States Vice President Al Gore keeps on warning to thehumankind.
Posted by Global Warming on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:27:00 PST